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condo bought

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Posts posted by condo bought

  1. Teachers are paid so poorly as are police officers. The real fault lays in a system perpetuated by a semi-feudal stystem that favours the rich and powerful.

    Most schools, even the 'best' schools never give a grade below 50% even to a student who has not attended class.

    The PTA's are so powerful here, they influence educational policy even as far as the choice of coursebooks.

    If they have a stupid child thsat child will still benefit from being in the top or elite stream despite their inability.

    Face-making and corruption at all quarters and levels.

    Teachers are at the bottom of the pile . . . . inadequate though most of them are, they are paid very poorly

    Choosing a career with low pay is of course an excuse for extortion.



  2. I also find it very odd how many teachers are engaged in tutoring their own students after school. I mean, whatever happened to office hours and the concept of asking your teacher for help. I always assumed the parents realize how bad the education system is here and feel obligated to give their children an edge wherever they can. But it still seems really scummy when you hear teachers soliciting "extra classes".

    Not soliciting.


    If you don't pay, they don't teach. Your kid goes uneducated. Even though it is their job and duty to teach them during normal class time.

  3. Very, very common here. To the point of almost being the norm.

    The Thai teachers don't teach what they are supposed to during their classes.

    Then give extra lessons after school, for cash, where they do their job and teach what they are supposed to.

    Of course, them being disciplined or fired for this would make them lose face, so on it goes.

    Welcome to Thailand, Thais, and Thai culture OP.

    Beautiful, isn't it.

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