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condo bought

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Posts posted by condo bought

  1. This is so wrong.Why dont the prosecution just for once man up,lose a bit of face and release these innocents,then get on with

    the Business of prosecuting the real killer(s).I have no doubt they know who he/they are.It's my guess they're related to some high ranking official.

    Don't think so.

    Just their bulging bank accounts and business interests are.

    KT is a goldmine, ran as a fiefdom of old island families. Jungle island rules apply. Just add millions of $ every year.

  2. I live in BKK.

    I know nothing about Digital TV.

    Other than I have one. In my mancave office.

    48 inch LED that I use as my computer monitor. It's listed as being a fully-digital TV.

    The TV cable (co-ax) for the house is in an other room downstairs. Would be inconvenient to run the cable up to my office/mancave.

    Is it possible to buy one of these digital TV boxes that you see for sale for a thousand baht or so, and hook it up to my TV without the co-ax cable, and run through my internet or whatever (Internet is wi-fi but connected to my PC by dsl cable (or whatever it's called)?

    Or does it need to be connected to the house's co-ax cable and then to my TV?


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