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condo bought

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Posts posted by condo bought

  1. I just bought a new battery.

    The originally supplied (with Mazda 2) had become weak after 4-1/2 years.

    The normal (refillable) batteries are very usual here.

    Even the original part was a refillable one.

    The new batteries are stored dry in their cartons.

    If you buy one they will fill it up and charge it (some half hour wait or so).

    Typical look of a refillable type like this from a popular brand:


    Easily distinguished by the (red) screw caps.

    Also in Thailand the maintenance free show a "MF" somewhere on the product label.

    Like this:


    Just tell them you don't want "MF" but "normal" ("tammada" in Thai).

    Fantastic. thanks. :)

  2. Need to get a new car battery.

    I believe that wet ones are better than Maintenance Free ones in Thailand (due to climate)

    I would prefer a battery shop along the road compared to B0Quik or someplace, as I believe they are better value.

    I wouldn't know a wet battery if it hit me in the head and asked me to go swimming.

    Is there a term they use here to ensure that I get a Wet Battery and not a MF one?


  3. It is for a bedroom entrance.

    A partition wall was built to make the room. Floor to ceiling. The space for the door is also floor to ceiling, ie, there isn't any 'wall' going across the top of where the door would go, it is just a large open space, about 205cm high (floor to ceiling) and about 150-200cm wide.

    We will put aircon in there, so need some type of door. I think that a slider door from floor to ceiling would be better than trying to get a door and frame and wall built to fill the space.

    We don't live in CM, and visit sporadically, so not the easiest to get things done when we don't know the area very well.

    We're coming for a week in the beginning of March so want to get it done then.

    ^ The PVC hanging/sliding door is a great idea.


    Thank you. I will look further into this idea.

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