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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. Pick better friends and keep the toxic ones either at arms length or out of your life completely. No need to join the perpetually offended and try to change someone so set in their ways and think that they’ll get over their hate no matter their age.
  2. CBD oil and CBD isolate is so much cheaper and more easily available in countries like America that there really is no reason for it to even be a tourist draw. It’s almost like having “Centrum Vitamins” tourism and making it illegal for a person to bring their own bottle.
  3. You brought up the rent issue first. I bought a condo here also with what you consider “dead capital”. But if you’re gonna start throwing numbers around without pics that can verify it, it’s really all quite pointless. With regards to how you bought it….don’t care. Not my problem.
  4. Yup…never fails. And they’re always soooo angry when somebody doesn’t join their backslapping group hug. I love the term “bitter renter” too. That was a favorite of the Realtors in the US from 2005-2007 on all the housing bubble blogs. And I say this all as an owner of an overpriced Bangkok condo.
  5. Without knowing the exact location of the house and seeing pictures of it (a million baht buildout is nothing special) arguing over the rental value (which I too would bet isn’t 40k) and sales price is an exercise in futility. So…without explicit details and photos, which the OP is unwilling to provide, this thread is useless.
  6. Just looked at all the hotels I have stayed in in the past in Krabi, Koh Chang and Huahin for October. All 3-4 star hotels. Still pretty close to lowest prices I have ever seen. Maybe there is something special about Pranburi?
  7. There are almost 50 currently planned studies around the world regarding the use of Ivermectin for Covid. Why don’t you let the scientists do their work and stop being a denier? Hope is a good thing. Fear is not. https://clinicaltrials.gov
  8. You seemed to omit some relevant information from the NIH article. Basically, they seem to say that more trials are needed and that there are currently some ongoing and that they can neither recommend for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of Covid 19. Of course, I’m not talking about “horse dewormer” as people seem to parrot again and again and again. There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Results from adequately powered, well-designed, and well-conducted clinical trials are needed to provide more specific, evidence-based guidance on the role of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antiviral-therapy/ivermectin/
  9. It appears as if different studies come to different conclusions. Perhaps in the future we will know more.
  10. That’s fabulous, but why the need to go on and on about “animal ivermectin”? When I want beef, I buy a nice tenderloin. I don’t buy Alpo. When my Ivermectin was prescribed, it was done by a doctor….not a veterinarian or farm supply store. Stop with the conspiracy theatrics that it’s only an animal drug. Ivermectin (for human use) has been safely prescribed billions of times and has won a Nobel Prize.
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