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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. I don’t understand the claims that prices will go up. Wouldn’t demand destruction be deflationary for the cost of housing, food and healthcare? Money spent on the illegal immigrants could be spent on our own social issues. The left cares more about the illegals than the homeless sleeping on the streets….but I guess it has been so long since they’ve been home that they don’t even realize how bad it has gotten and how desperate that our own countrymen are. I guess the homeless just need to check their privilege….eh?
  2. I’d just like to know who thought it was a good idea to dump 20,000 of anybody in a town of 50,000 and who is footing the bill? And how did it go unnoticed or unreported until stories of them (allegedly) eating people pets surfaced. Fishy
  3. +1 Liberals seem to be the more unhealthy than conservatives from what I have seen, and rather than doing what they need to do to stay healthy (diet + exercise) they would rather take a pill or an injection….and force you to do the same. It would be interesting to see studies on who’s lining up for Ozempic….liberals bs conservative. But as you say, people should be free to choose. I’m all for peoples freedom to choose to be fat diabetics with correlating insurance premiums.
  4. Interesting….I have been in Bangkok for 7+ years and am currently in Danang. I certainly couldn’t stay here. There is something about it that I can’t put my finger on….but it’s an uncomfortable feeling. It’s not a user friendly country/city…it’s far more foreign than Thailand and there is an underlying sketchy vibe. I wouldn’t want to retire here personally (visa issues aside)
  5. Here…. https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/expatriation-tax
  6. Meanwhile, there was the potential that someone with a Trump sign in their yard was dying inside. Maybe it was even a reality? This woman deserves a lengthy prison sentence. Threaten her with a life sentence and perhaps she’ll say who the directive really came from.
  7. He’s not a hater…..he’s a groomer.
  8. What if you told them to put on their big girl pants?
  9. So….after the next 4 years drinking appletinis with their friends, eating Ben and Jerry’s while watching re-runs of Friends and wearing out their vibrators, we can expect to see them on Plenty of Fish, Bumble and Match dot com, angry as hell, asking “where are all the good guys?” I’m sure they’ll still have plenty of pudgy, dough faced, gormless beta orbiters to keep them company however.
  10. How bigoted of you to assume there are any men to “man up” Xe/xir/xirs/they/them/its will never apologize Get your pronouns straight!
  11. You make an excellent point. I too have thought the same thing when the self professed socialists don’t seem to realize that they are doing the exact opposite playing the economic arbitrage game. maybe they do realize it, but just aren’t very honest people in general.
  12. My niece has changed her name so many times that I can’t keep up. I did use her name at first and was corrected on that one too. And yeah. There are other things going on such as her (my sister) telling me that I should be denied all healthcare because I didn’t get vaxxed upon doctors recommendation. Do I need to go into my medical history for you too? Should I “get a new doctor” like other people told me 🙄 I stand by what I say about pronouns. Don’t want to associate with people like that.
  13. I tell them that I am politically agnostic and that I think Trump is an ass#ole. Then I show them a picture of Sam Brinton, tell them about it’s history and say “This is what the left represents” Then I ask…”who would you vote for?”
  14. You are very kind not referring to them as imbeciles or idiots, even though some here seem to be. http://www.assessmentpsychology.com/iqclassifications.htm
  15. All the illiberals will do is redefine reconciliation….and you can be damn well sure that they will insist it’s on their terms. Let’s talk pronouns. I think that they are utterly ridiculous. “They” is plural. What is a xe/xir? My niece is a “They”. The last time I spoke with my sister (years ago) was when I found out. Later in the conversation, I accidentally said “her” and was harshly chastised for it with my sister almost screaming “THEY!….get it right!” Dafug? I have no hatred for my niece or anybody else who wants to play the pronoun game and if I come into their house…fair game. I’ll call a person “They”. But….why would I want to subject myself to that nonsense. I just won’t go to their house. Just as people have freedom of association….we also have freedom of not associating. Come to my house….and insist that I kowtow to that kind of nonsense? No thanks. You know where the door is. I wish them good health, wealth and happiness….but stay the hell out of my life. And if that makes me intolerant ….. whatever. 🙄
  16. Easier and cheaper for me to just have lots of holidays abroad. This year it was 3 months in the US followed by a 5 day stay in Thailand to renew my retirement visa and now I’m currently in Da Nang where they are more than happy to have me. Next year…Japan. I own a sweet condo in Bangkok that I will let friends stay in for free when they come….(and will do all the necessary reporting of a foreigner staying)….and that means less money for Thai hotels and restaurants.
  17. You forgot pronouns 😉
  18. Thinking about selling mine (2008 NC) here in Bangkok if you’re interested.
  19. The fact that they even make those videos is a testament to their narcissistic personality disorder and only serves to bolster the statement that I have seen made over and over that “liberalism is a mental disorder”
  20. The reason is because a (front engine) car with front end damage (vs rear) is more likely to be deemed a total loss by the insurance company and subsequently sent to the salvage yard. If it was hit in the rear, the repairs will be much less expensive and fewer potential headaches/hidden damage etc.
  21. Must be a British thing. It’s different in America. https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/make-and-break-five-auto-brands-with-the-most-car-accidents-2021/article_07e1ab9e-13d5-5e14-9600-5b3d823db809.html The car brand with the lowest accident rate. This may come as a surprise: of all car makes, Porsche is the brand with the lowest rate of accidents. In fact, just 8.62 out of every 100 Porsche drivers have an at-fault accident on their record. That means Porsche motorists cause accidents 22 percent less often than the average United States driver. Even the Porsche model with the highest rate of accidents, the Porsche Boxster ( 9.89 per 100 drivers), still has a rate 10 percent lower than average.
  22. I’ve ridden (125cc motorbike), driven (sports car), and also taken a minivan on the CM to Pai Road and as you say…too many uncomfortable moments with oncoming drivers. What could have been a fun ride/drive was more of a white knuckler. In my opinion, there is no safe way to travel that road. I felt the least afraid on the motorbike as I could just putt along slowly and stay far to the side of the road. If I were to go to Pai again, I’d probably come in the back way from Maehongson.
  23. Make the forum “pay 4 play” ฿50 per topic started ฿5 per comment Hopefully, it might prevent 1. Irrelevant off topic one line quips 2. People constantly policing others for spelling/grammar/opinions 3. People beating a dead horse in debates. 4. Asking stupid questions that are far more easily googled.
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