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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. Ok. So you don’t see the lunacy that I’m pointing out…and trying to do so in a somewhat humorous way. Eat a healthy diet….racist/fatphobic Exercise….racist. Of course exercise and a healthy diet are common sense….to normal, same people. But you actually consider me racist. Lol.
  2. Exercise/fitness is white supremacy too
  3. My comment was tongue in cheek…..I thought you might have known that however.
  4. But you can’t say anything about that without being labeled racist (because black people live in food deserts), fatphobic (because….well….just because), or elitist (because a $40 kfc bucket of slop is cheaper than making healthier food at home…even when it isn’t) Did I forget to tell you that you’re racist?
  5. And the OP thinks he isn’t partisan.
  6. Bingo! And also the other stuff you posted. I’m actually quite liberal in many ways and don’t even vote. But having watched how the left here couldn’t reign in….or even call out…the most extreme of their group and actually either supported the like of examples pictured below or resorted to whataboutism, I have found myself agreeing with the Trump supporters most of the time. If I was in the company of someone being straight up racist, dropping N-bombs or displaying extreme/hateful homophobia for example, I would call them out on it and subsequently distance myself from them. I have never seen any of the leftists here do anything like that. I’ve never had a racist/whateverphobe insist on educating me on why I must agree with them. But every leftist won’t stop telling me what I need to know/understand/accept and will actually chase me down and try to literally beat it into me. Calling them a “nasty unhinged bunch of ideological poo” doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. I’d go so far as to call them straight up evil.
  7. You ignored my reply to you. How convenient. You are being disingenuous. Very common for leftists. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2024/10/30/kamala-harris-has-more-billionaires-prominently-backing-her-than-trump-bezos-and-griffin-weigh-in-updated/
  8. Kamala Harris Has More Billionaires Prominently Backing Her Than Trump https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2024/10/30/kamala-harris-has-more-billionaires-prominently-backing-her-than-trump-bezos-and-griffin-weigh-in-updated/ Our breakdown records 83 billionaires supporting Harris and 52 backing Trump so far (see the lists for both below).
  9. https://psychcentral.com/blog/we-are-responsible-for-our-own-feelings#what-emotional-responsibility-means
  10. If the hospitals were so overloaded and the nurses so overworked, where did they find the time to choreograph all those tic-tok dances? I dated a woman from one hospital and had treatment in 2 others. Always empty.
  11. I don’t see that Thailands acceptance of gay marriage is “going all in on the gay agenda” but is instead saying “there is no hatred towards gays here” After high school I worked at the Gap in the Beverly Center in Los Angeles. I was one of 3 straight men out of 17. The other 14 gay (and bi) were definitely not all the same. Some actually hated the “queens” as they felt that their flamboyancy brought a bad name to the gay movement in general. And no….it wasn’t about being in the closet. It was about basic decorum. Most normal people wouldn’t like to hear straight men go on and on about their sexual proclivities and would look negatively at a straight man who would wear a t-shirt that says “l love pu**y” in the same way they would look at a gay man wearing a t-shirt that says “I love c**k” Decorum. If the LGBT+++ community can’t call out the “story time” participants and say….”Enough of this nonsense….you don’t represent us!” Then, I suspect that they are one and the same. There are extremes on both ends of the spectrum….gay and straight. I don’t want to associate with either of them. And the only people who would call me a “phobe” are those that are part of that extreme fringe. I doubt Thailand would want someone like this thing 👇 reading to their children either as some seem to think is Ok.
  12. Man….I dunno….I just skimmed the Wikipedia entry on project 2025 and I’d have to say that the majority of what I read makes perfect sense. And I didn’t even vote for Trump.
  13. Typical reply from a lib.
  14. You were wrong when you posted that the most expensive item on the Chipotle menu was whatever in an attempt to call me out as a liar. Then you double down with some crazy talk about watches. Then you go on about wherever it was you lived in some state that has nothing to do with SoCal. Now you tell me I can get a burrito elsewhere. Sure. I can also cook at home….and I do. I never said I was forced to eat there. I pointed out an example of inflation. Now you’re passively aggressively telling me “if a burrito is too expensive for my budget…blah blah blah” Stop it with your liberal meltdown.
  15. My favorite is the 36mm Railmaster 2504.52
  16. Actually, I chose the smoked brisket burrito. $28 the bottom line was that you were wrong but can’t admit it. with regards to watches, I have $50 Timex watches and $5000 Rolexes (although I prefer Omegas myself).
  17. I’ve never understood it either….but the guy I came across while I was passing through LA signed up for a class at LACC (Los Angeles Community College) and then subsequently took out a loan for $6,000. Never heard anything about the class after that. In So Cal….debt is the name of the game for most people. I also cannot understand why when people make comments based on reality, people such as @newnative try to denigrate them….basically calling them liars….but when proven wrong…never come out and say “my bad”…..but they’ll do it again and again and again. Why in the hell would I lie about the price of a burrito?
  18. No. You certainly don’t. The Chipotle I was referring to was on Sunset and Vine.
  19. I’m guessing you don’t know anything about adjustable rate mortgages or the initial interest rate cap. but but but….. What did you say your education was?
  20. Just one example. Queso Blanco adds an extra 3.00. Plus tax
  21. I’m guessing that you don’t understand how adjustable rate mortgages work and what an initial interest rate cap is.
  22. What’s really gonna hurt is when all the adjustable rate mortgages start to reset from 2% to 7%. 49% of loans in May 2022 were ARMs https://www.housingwire.com/articles/maxex-report-shows-arms-doubled-in-may/
  23. I too just spent some time in the US. Inflation is waaaaay out of control. Eating out has doubled….from fast food to pizza. A burrito from Chipotle with everything on it (not including extra meat) was $28.00….no drink. I love how people point to GDP being up as something to bolster their “economy is doing great” claims. Aren’t wars and bombs included in GDP? Maybe we should drop more bombs….or even better…supply both sides of all the conflicts? That would really drive our GDP upwards!
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