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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. was “learn how to move to Thailand and marry a 28 year old single mom” part of this “top western university’s” marketing campaign?
  2. I had a colonoscopy at Chulalongkorn in May through their specialist clinic. The doctor was. Bumrungrad doc. All in, including 8 polyps removed & biopsy was about 26,000 https://www.bumrungrad.com/en/doctors/Maneerat-Chayanupatkul
  3. Texting sucks. I can stir fry with a speaker phone. When I’m taking a dump and video chatting with a girl I just set my iPad on the sink with the camera pointed at the ceiling…..ya know….because I’m respectful.
  4. I was going to say the same thing with regards to you and yagoda. An honest, unapologetic narrative. Whenever I see the virtue signalers come out, I think of Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson and Catholic Priests.
  5. This was another video that I randomly came across on YouTube that actually works (for me) to help fall asleep while in bed. The speaker starts talking about the technique at 6:50.
  6. Factories have been moving out of China for many years now to cheaper places such as Vietnam, India and Bangladesh. Minimum wage in Bangladesh is just over $100/month. Vietnam is less than $200. Keep patting yourself on the back for making their lives sooooo much better. If they have to move back to the villages, that is an issue for their country to solve.
  7. I’m far more handsome.
  8. Makes it harder for children to get jobs in sweatshops? http://mason.gmu.edu/~clensing/FinishLine.html
  9. I know Yagoda. Dude probably has more honor than any leftist on this forum and would even have your back long before you would make any true sacrifices for other people.
  10. Leftists need their 20 pairs of Nikes and garages full of cheap 💩 (don’t even have room to park their EV) that they don’t even use that was made by people making $200/month (child labor perhaps?) working for companies that freely dump their toxic sludge and pollute the environment far more than the western countries who have to continually hear scornful howling from the likes of Greta. I support even higher tariffs. Maybe then, leftists will understand the idea of quality vs quantity and will buy a decent pair of shoes (Alden) for once.
  11. Speaking from experience, I wish I had discovered the Wim Hof breathing exercise before I ever ventured down the path of anti-anxiety medication. And that is all I have to say.
  12. I think the exact same thing. But if you point that out, the leftists here on the forum will rightfully accuse us sane people of “whataboutism”. Personally, I think that “hate speech” (a ridiculous term) shouldn’t be made illegal because I like to know who to judge and subsequently avoid in my life wether they are on the right or the left.
  13. Masked. 🙄 #*&@% losers. Haters too afraid to show their faces? They should own that s#** and let us know who they are so the decent people in society (from both sides of the political aisle) can laugh at them.
  14. Funny when you can catch a lie in one screenshot.
  15. Hilarious. The guy with 27,000 posts in 8 years says this to another guy with 4,000 posts in 10 years.
  16. Do you drink cows milk? Racist!!! https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/cows-milk-a-symbol-of-white-supremacy-peta-claims/
  17. You really are a special kind of stupid. You’re replying to my comment made to someone else rather than the comment made to you. moron
  18. I’m guessing you’ve never read one of his condo renovation threads 😂
  19. Please point to a post where you have ever said something or called out the left on anything. Dense af
  20. Let me explain it to you very slowly. I was not talking about others being racist. I was pointing out the clown world that we now live in where others say that we (I’m assuming you are also white) are racist for supporting healthy eating and exercise. I guess you didn’t watch the video? It was only a couple minutes. I recently spent a week in Los Angeles and stayed at a hostel. I thought it would be fun as I have never been in one. Figured I would be around a bunch of international backpackers. Nope. I had a bunch of “woke” black guys who lived there educating me as they found a sympathetic ear. Not only was I given countless homework assignments (I needed to learn about black Wall Street, I needed to learn about this bad thing that happened and that bad thing that happened throughout history) but I was also racist because…. 1. I was unvaccinated (something to do with Black women wrongly assumed to have a higher pain threshold than white people…..I have no idea what they were talking about) 2. I wore tan shorts and a grey t shirt (my usual go to style) and that I needed to get myself a pair of basketball shorts and jersey and was closed minded and racist for not wearing more “colors”. I was just another “Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg” 3. I asked why every conversation they forced upon me was a controversial one and why we couldn’t just have friendly conversations about what food we liked or whatever….like normal people. NO! I had to be educated they said. Finally, when it got the the point that one threatened me when I told him he was being an idiot….I had to call a friend (who just happened to be black) to come grab me at 2 in the morning. There were a couple cool guys (also black) who were the same age (mid 50s) and we could have good conversations about music etc. But the younger group (20-30 years old)…..impossible to find any common ground. They wouldn’t allow it. Because in their mind….I was racist just because I was white. Leftist liberal insanity in my opinion. So yeah. I will mock the left forever now. And deservedly so in my not so humble opinion. And no….i don’t expect you to get it because like most other leftists….you’re comments show that you are quite dense….doesn’t matter your race or culture
  21. Government hospitals, if you go the cheap route….long time waiting to see a doctor….seem to be ok. Having a Thai girlfriend to help navigate the system would be essential if you can’t speak a decent amount of Thai. Chulalongkorn has a “special” clinic that I have used and I thought it would save me money over the private hospital that I go to (Vichaiyut)…but it was actually more expensive and also less convenient. The doctors that I have seen at Vichaiyut and Chula also work at the “top” hospitals such as Bumrungrad and charge higher prices. They have no problem with me seeing them at the less expensive clinics and don’t view me as any kind of “cheapskate” I’m only 56 now but would be hesitant to live on an Island in case I needed to be quickly transported to a hospital on the mainland in an emergency situation. Perhaps someone who lives on an island can comment on this because maybe my fears are unfounded.
  22. Need more information.…such as deductible. What is your “home country”? I’m guessing it’s not the US because it would cost a lot more than your secret home country. Why would your Thai girlfriend need insurance? Mine is on the “social insurance” plan and pays ฿432 per month. This is for people who are not working. There is no deductible and is limited to the hospital that she chooses. She can change her choice of hospital during the sign up period that is once per year. Last year, the window for people to change was from December 16, 2023 until March 31, 2024. Not all hospitals are on the program. There are 97 private hospitals in Thailand that are on the program. The “fancy” hospitals are not on the program. If there is a particular surgery/service/procedure that is not available at her hospital of choice, they will refer her to another hospital. Either one of the other private hospital or one of the tertiary/quartinary government hospitals. I have a ฿300,000 deductible so I pay cash for most of my care. The money I save on the cost of insurance covers all the medical care I use. I keep insurance only for the big stuff….knock on wood.
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