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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. It’s funny how he has gone with all the “every doctor who has ever said anything bad about the vaccine is a discredited quack” spiel. You’d get a kick out of watching the nobody of a doctor who he quotes (Ziyad Al-Aly) on his YouTube interviews with other even lesser known podcasters. They’re hilarious. Definitely the perfect portrait of health. He also has some glowing write up in Time magazine. “Al-Aly is the first to admit that, prior to 2020, he knew almost nothing about postinfectious illness; back then, much of his research focused on the health effects of air pollution.” So will he ever go back to researching air pollution? “I identify as a Long COVID researcher now,” Al-Aly says https://time.com/6966812/ziyad-al-aly/ I wonder why they’re usually these foreign born and educated doctors who end up spouting the Covid narrative? Would they be deported if they didn’t toe the line? I don’t know about you but I’d prefer a doctor who got his MD from University of Michigan, Anne Arbor (#19 in best global universities per US News and World Report) vs American University of Beirut (#381) 😂
  2. They’d put a lot of street food stalls out of business with their Costco dogs.
  3. See…I was right. Vietnamese like Americans. 😁
  4. Why do all the pro-vaxxed have multiple friends who died from Covid? Did you all go to fat camp together?
  5. I’ll go with none. I have visited Vietnam 3 times and am currently here (coming up on 3 months). I have been treated wonderfully every time by all the Vietnamese I have interacted with. I too originally thought they would hate us Americans (United States citizens for the pedantic among us) but when asking about it, I was informed that only the oldest generation (mostly dead now) harbors any resentment and most actually are quite interested in the USA from politics to music and sports (Lebron James was a favorite of one hotel manager) Maybe people who think Vietnamese (in general) don’t like Americans are mistaking a generalization with the fact that they probably just didn’t like him.
  6. I’m not sure why I received a “sad” emoji. Let’s see what other experts have said. https://www.elephantvoices.org/phocadownload/Joyce_Poole_redacted_expert_report_Ringling.pdf
  7. I’ll go with what an expert has to say. Dan Albert John Koehl is a French-Swedish zookeeper, elephant trainer, and stablemaster.[1] An author of the Elephant Encyclopedia, he has been described as "one of Europe's most renowned experts on elephants". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Koehl
  8. I visited the elephants at the Krabi elephant hospital a number of years ago. I was feeding bananas to a young elephant under supervision of the mahout. No teasing, no withholding, nothing. All was fine until the bananas ran out and the calf grabbed my wrist with its trunk. The animal obviously didn’t know it’s own strength and could have easily broken my wrist had the mahout not handled things in an expeditious manner. I will never go near one again.
  9. You should spend more time in Thailand in order to brush up on your English.
  10. My gf had a run in with one of those beetles not too long ago. Took a couple months to heal.
  11. You need to trust the Branch Covidians. They are “on the side of science”
  12. I’m not so sure if it’s shouting or hyperventilating.
  13. Maybe they can offer a dozen for the people with heart problems
  14. “New YorkCNN Business — Krispy Kreme is doubling down on its popular free doughnut promotion for customers vaccinated against Covid-19. The chain is also making a special heart-shaped doughnut to give away, in addition to a traditional glazed doughnut. “ https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/25/business/krispy-kreme-free-doughnuts-vaccine/index.html Isn’t that just deliciously perfect? A heart shaped Donut for the “eating in moderation” challenged. Maybe it’s not myocarditis and it’s just heartburn. Don’t worry o ye vaccinated. Just pop a Zantac and you’ll be fine.
  15. It’s too bad for the boomer vax fanatics that a judge ordered the FDA to speed up the release of the Pfizer vaccine trial data which is giving us a lot of this juicy data to work with. I’m surprised that the pro-vax people didn’t even know about this wonderful news as it’s almost 3 years old now. I guess they didn’t see it on the boob tube. That’s what you get for relying on CNN and MSNBC I guess one needs to be a “poorly educated fool” to dig this stuff up. Why a Judge Ordered FDA to Release Covid-19 Vaccine Data Pronto “In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Food and Drug Administration asked a federal judge for permission to make the public wait until the year 2096 to disclose all of the data it relied upon to license Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. The FDA wanted court approval to have up to 75 years to publicly disclose this information.” https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/why-a-judge-ordered-fda-to-release-covid-19-vaccine-data-pronto
  16. 258,000 deaths in a population of 1.373 Billion people. Fewer than 1 in 5,000 people died there. I shouldn’t need to say anything else. Business as usual. Many more people die from diarrhea. Far fewer deaths proportionally compared to western nations and far fewer (as a percentage) of people vaccinated. So as Jas007 alluded to….they did much better than the developed countries. Fancy that.
  17. Very interesting. Not sure how I missed this one. One Doctor I saw who tried to push the Covid vaccine on me (more than once) then went on (after multiple “no thanks”) to suggest I get vaccinated against HPV. Fishy
  18. Then don’t read it. There are many different forums that you can read and contribute to. How about gardening? https://aseannow.com/forum/81-plants-pets-vets-in-thailand/ Or a foodie forum? https://aseannow.com/forum/82-food-in-thailand/ or would this be a more appropriate one? https://aseannow.com/forum/111-im-too-fat-forum/ It’s quite telling how you seem to want to silence others who don’t think like you do. Did you ever tell the poster who would post repetitious cut and paste pro-vaccine posts almost daily in the original Covid forum to stop? That’s what I thought. It’s quite obvious that you’ve been trying to play the “good cop”. How’s that working out for you? Keep up the good work Red Phoenix!
  19. I just want to hug you sooo much right now. Watch that hand!
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