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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. And then there is the mayor. The head of department of water and power. Heads of department of transportation. Head of the department of public social services. Head of the Department of Public health. I’m seeing a pattern here.
  2. And that economy can provide unemployment benefits, family leave benefits and all other kinds of benefits for undocumented (a.k.a. Illegal) immigrants. “We provide benefits and resources for California workers. Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits provide partial pay when you need time off work for your own disability or family leave. If you are an undocumented worker in California, you can apply for DI and PFL benefits, even if you do not have a Social Security number (SSN). It doesn’t matter what your citizenship or immigration status is; DI and PFL benefits will not affect your path to citizenship. Your information will be kept confidential.” https://edd.ca.gov/en/disability/undocumented_workers/ California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants “In 2015, undocumented children were able to join Medi-Cal under a bill signed by then-Gov. Jerry Brown. In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law an expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal access for young adults ages 19 through 25, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Access was then further expanded to allow older adults aged 50 and olderto receive full benefits, also regardless of immigration status. The final expansion going into effect Jan. 1 will make approximately 700,000 undocumented residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full coverage, according to California State Sen. María Elena Durazo.“ https://abcnews.go.com/Health/california-1st-state-offer-health-insurance-undocumented-immigrants/story?id=105986377 Ya think they’ll ever pay that money back? Nope.
  3. Hilarious. I’m guessing you haven’t been to California and seen the homeless. And to say that they are flocking to California for social services is absolutely ridiculous….no….it’s just plain dishonest.
  4. Debt (mortgage/car/etc) + family financial obligations (children, health insurance) that eat up 90% of their take home pay. How do you replace a physician’s/politicians income?
  5. The damage estimates from all the fires in the region seem to be quite low. Last update (a couple hours ago) is that the two largest fires (Palisades/Eaton) are still 0% contained. The satellite image of the Eaton fire is horrific.
  6. Meanwhile, a certain poster is furiously googling every name mentioned in the article to see what their political affiliation is so that they may be thoroughly discredited.
  7. I can’t even decipher your thread title let alone your post.
  8. I leveled up with the Lion Diet. Keto on steroids.
  9. Exactly. More than a few times, I have googled the “MD” that he puts forth in some BS pro vaccine article, only to find a complete embarrassment of a doctor with a degree from some Cracker Jack Caribbean island medical school of last resort or another comparable institution. And they’re usually fat too. Never trust a fat doctor.
  10. Translation: Anybody, no matter their education, their exemplary performance in their careers, awards won, etc. if they have ever gone against the Covid narrative they are forever relegated to the ranks of discredited hacks. Because some fact checker said so.
  11. Ooooh….is that one of those five dollar words? Can you write it all with one crayon?
  12. Every person who stomps their feet and says “I’m done with you!!” ultimately comes back. After their blood pressure goes down. They’re gluttons for punishment, in addition to food.
  13. I understand that reading comprehension isn’t your forte but if you go back to my post….and read sloooowly….you’ll see that I used the word “proportionally”. It’s a big word but I promise that it’s in the dictionary. Don’t worry, Hooked on Phonics is still in business and you can get started today for just one dollar!
  14. If that were true, then the CDC wouldn’t have stopped reporting the vaccination status of those who were either hospitalized or died. They only did so when it became apparent….or should I say obvious that more vaccinated people (proportionally) were being admitted to the hospital/dying and their own statistical reporting started to go against the narrative. Oops! But when we filthy, despicable unvaccinated ignoramuses pointed that out, out posts were quickly deleted.
  15. Sure….I can understand what you’re saying. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there is an audit to see if all of the sudden someone’s historical remittances go from a million baht per year down to zero.
  16. But what if he is doing so in order to circumvent the taxes and then subsequently live off that “gift”. Sounds like an interesting loophole but I wouldn’t be surprised if it raises some flags for the TRD.
  17. Oh whatever. I’ll bet I can find quite a few posts that you either made or “liked” that tried to shame us. But I don’t want to trawl through your 92,000+ posts on the forum. Get a life.
  18. Why are there so many fat kids today compared to when we were kids? Nobody seems to want to change their diet and dog forbid they get up off their fat a$$es and go for a walk. But of course, doing it for the chillllllldren is the best way to try to shame us….so fat slobs here on the forum can continue on with their gluttonous lifestyles. I see them on the “where’s the best pizza” threads…or writing restaurant reviews on google…even during the pandemic. Or they’re on the health forum looking for that next pill/injection they can take in order to party on. Ozempic anybody? The people howling the loudest for us to get vaccinated for their protection were the people who didn’t take responsibility for their health in the past. This is the blowback for all the people who tried to force, shame and belittle us into taking a jab on their behalf. Own it.
  19. One has to wonder about all these doctors who seem to be playing the “gee…I dunno” card. The doctors that I know who have seen the light are ones who have private practices and aren’t beholden to a system via some sort of diktat. “it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair
  20. They keep popping up on this thread to tell us about them. All their fat friends and family. It’s like a round people convention on here.
  21. Sounds a bit like the movie “Cube”. The only person who escaped was the innocent idiot, with no involvement with the construction of the cube, who was able to walk out in the end….but walk out to what? Sorry for the spoiler 😅
  22. Five more pages please. Some guy with a PhD? Worked with the D.O.D.? (In addition to the CDC, WHO, NIH and FDA) Sketchy
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