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Posts posted by bkk6060

  1. 19 minutes ago, darrendsd said:

    So why for the first week after these new rules were implemented were agents unsure about if they could continue to offer the money in the bank service?


    You would have thought they would be the first ones to be told?





    They were as confused as most of us.


    But, I can tell you everything is back to kosher they can take care of all the requirements just more expensive. I know several guys who are not even present for their 90 day agents take care of it all.


    Sorry if this is discussing any illegal activity, but it is the truth.

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/20/2019 at 11:12 AM, Mr22Tim said:

    I have been here since  1979 and I see the problem as too many Johnny come lately’s making night life in Pattaya look like an assisted living home. Fat, bald, semi immobile geezers who should have arrived 30 years ago before the

    supply and demand for pretty girls flipped 180 degrees. Now on fixed incomes and viagra they wonder were the young honeys are. Well, what real honeys there are are in bars with 1500 Baht bar fines, private. clubs or working as escorts on and off line. The guys with no financial restraints get what they want

    but nothing will bring back the pre-1987 golden age of Trollips

    A lot of guys are just going to have to do the best you can with what’s available in  your price range and experience and language abilities. Put some effort into learning the local’s lingo as it will pay off with the quality of females who will stay still long enough to give

    you a chance. 


    Or maybe be intelligent and educated enough to have a future financial plan for your life.

    Which unfortunately, most here have no idea about.


    PS: Anyone who has been here for a significant time and are paying 1500 b bf and complaining about it, may be the stupidest most clueless idiots in this town.  


    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, myjawe said:


    555 really, who not totally insane can advise to stay anywhere at Central Pattaya and especially Buakaow ? Why not walking street !!!


    OP is smart and made the best choices, Jomtien or Darkside. Anywhere else is called living in a $hithole.



    Oh really?

    Your opinion but reality is the opposite.

    The people I know who live in Jomtien spend 4 or 5 days a week in Central.

    Go to the the malls, supermarkets, movies, restaurants, bars (better girls), sports bars etc.

    Jomtien has little if none of this to offer.

    Heck, if you want an occasional fast food McDonald's, etc. they are non existent.

    Jomtien is ok for a few days I guess, but most seem to be bored with it and come over the hill for a more full and active lifestyle.

    Whatever floats your boat.  I guess if a person is on the internet or TV all day it suits them fine...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    No doubt you are referring to me .

    I am currently single and happily single . 

    Although I may meet a woman in the future whom I would like to have a relationship with and then take steps into forming a relationship .

       But when you regularly get used to paying for sex with prostitutes , you lose the ability to form normal relationships with females , when you become accustomed to prostitutes chatting you up in bars , you expect it and just sit there when you take normal girls out



    I was not referring to you.

  5. 47 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I've been banging away for nearly 10 years without a condom, no STDs so far.

    But then my pal who was a bit more enthusiastic (up to 9 girls a week, mainly in Loi Kroh area) caught the clap and now AIDs.

    I for one appreciate your honesty.  Your lifestyle is pretty much the norm here.  Just too many lie to avoid judgement from the next guy, who is probably doing the exact same thing.....

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Yes, every encounter would be 2 %

    If you times that 2 % by 50 , that would give the possibility of 100 %

    Your thinking is actually hilarious and very odd.  But sorry, that is not what the stat means.

    It is like saying your chances of dieing in a car accident are 1 percent. So, if you drive on the roads 100 times, you will die....


    The fact is a person can get any STD on the first encounter or go 1000 times and never catch anything.


    Luck or bad luck of the draw if raw dog.





    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, fforest1 said:

    Civilized society have lots of public seating....Central festival has a fair amount of public seating on all floors.....Its pathetic that a businesses or a city thinks people need to be spending money every moment of their life..  


    I get what you are saying but using the description "human rights" is downplaying the importance of the world wide human right struggles.

    Has nothing to do with finding a seat at a mall.

    A better description would be of a "convenience for humans" like a toilet or trash can.

  8. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Yes. He is straight with me. I think he did quite a bit of back door activity, without protection. Risky behavior. He is definitely heterosexual. But, this is something that can be contracted by heterosexual sex. Not easily. But, it can happen. Not typically through normal sex, though. 


    Wasn't trying to start something with you but it is the easiest way to avoid judgement saying one is hetero.  Next thing you know you see them eating at Kiss Food with a LB.

    I think there are more here then one can imagination that are mostly hetero but will take an occasional beef injection.

    Just sayin to identify how they got it may not be easy.


  9. 15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    They do work online, and it’s little to do with Thailand, and doesn’t interfere with Thailand in any way. The advantage to Thailand is that they are spending money with Thai businesses and landlords. So if they move on there is a cost ... to Thailand. 


    Why an expat would have an issue with them is beyond beyond my understanding, other than the human condition of thinking that someone else is somehow getting something and wanting to stop it .... whatever pleasure they get from that?

    Like I said I am an old fart.  Most of my very happy 32 years of work were without computers and involved physicality.

    I am sure they are smart people for today's world, it just seems like an odd job and job description to me.

    Certainly glad and proud of the career I had which to me made a greater contribution and provided more satisfaction them digital nomadism...

    But, good luck to them.


    PS: I hope they have purchased medical insurance for their travels ????


  10. 12 hours ago, fforest1 said:

    The loitering penny pinching free riders use to hang out on the promenade until most of the seating was cruelly removed....Public seating is not a privilege it is a basic human right.....Pattaya need lots and lots MORE public seating not less...

    Actually has nothing to do with "human rights".


  11. 10 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    Are you in cuckoo land. I've rarely had a girl in the last 10 years not demand a condom.

    Oh really?

    Odd in five years just the opposite for me.


    Is there something about you or your approach that creates it? Just curious..


    Otherwise, this is raw dog country.  That is why so many come here to full fill their Thai porn fantasy...

  12. 4 hours ago, sanemax said:

    I really didnt come to Thailand just to have sex and it is quite degrading for myself to live among westerners who moved to Asia, jut to have  sex with poor people

    Well it takes two to tango.

    And, you would be very surprised how many of these girls are making more money then their customers.

  13. Not sure if it is illegal, but in my opinion they should be paying some

    5 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    Any retiree or tourist with a stock portfolio connected online to a broker is potentially making money whilst staying in Thailand, presuming that they are even only occasionally buying or selling.


    So no issue with digital nomads ... it's illegal to drive over the speed limit but I suspect 90% of the driving population around the world are doing 31 mph plus in a thirty.


    I don't quite understand why people get on their high horse about this subject ... digital nomads harm no one, and bring money into the country. 

    Playing with your personal portfolio in most cases is not a job description.

    A day trader maybe.


    As an old fart it just seems a rather odd job description.

    "Digital Nomad"

    Is it accepted as a job on a loan or credit card application?


    If they are actually working and making money in a country, I think they should get a work permit and pay taxes. Just my opinion.

    But, I doubt anyone here will ever catch up to it..




  14. 20 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
    20 hours ago, bkk6060 said:
    I know a guy who claim s he got HIV from a LB.
    But, he also was active with BR street workers no condom so who knows.
    He moved back to his home country after diagnosis.
    Nice guy unfortunately  used very poor judgement.

    Probably was getting up the backside from the LB which is a massive risk

    Yes, he thought he obtained it from beef injections.


    But, the concern I guess would also be his activity with the BR workers and the possibility that he spread it.

  15. I know a guy who claim s he got HIV from a LB.

    But, he also was active with BR street workers no condom so who knows.

    He moved back to his home country after diagnosis.

    Nice guy unfortunately  used very poor judgement.


    My personal opinion is that there should be mandatory testing for everyone.  Get an ID card, license, Visa, arrested by cops, get insurance,whatever they should test.  But, I bet liberals would hate the concept.

    • Confused 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's not the same thing to have tables INSIDE a store as having tables in a public space. That's not wrong. That's an objective fact.


    Your beef is about "public seating space"

    And, this is in fact is being used for exactly that.

    But if you are worried, buy a 10 b water and relax....

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