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Mitkof Island

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Everything posted by Mitkof Island

  1. Exactly and as long as stupid pays or bribes to perhaps hide their criminal past it will continue to harm others. Much the same way SUCKERS are extorted when they pay more at a national park or pay for the useless Covid insurance corruption continues because YOU allow. Its call growing aspine and learning to say NO!
  2. Yea it idiots like that and those that bend over easy (criminals?) that cause a problem for every one else.
  3. yea like having a period missing in a sentence that is what it amounts to. ZERO! anything for $$$ sickening really
  4. Bribery in all cases are NOT something nice. Can I demand you pay for all my monthly costs? Bend over!
  5. That will be the last time next time I either use an agent or apply in another office as long as foreigners allow these so called payments to continue it won,t stop. Stop feeding the monster.
  6. The bank book itself was not updated to the deposits made back in December it did show there was more than enough money yesterday when I went in. The officer called the bank and they clarified that the deposits had been made more than two months before and I also showed receipts proving that. The only lame reason left was the bank book itself did not show the December deposit.
  7. This was years ago 99% of the time the borders and offices have always been polite and friendly. The Bangkok airport well ..................... that is another story in itself.
  8. There was not more than a month ago on this forum just can not remember where I read it. I believe it was for retirement visa.
  9. I would report it to the media outside Thailand perhaps next time have the conversation recorded. Kissing ass only allows it to continue.
  10. YES! by road to avoid the hassle and rudeness I now go by train never had a problem. Once I showed up a day early and he told me to come back tomorrow otherwise pay 200 baht. Second time wanted 500 baht from my Thai friend and took her passport I grab it out of his hands and explained to the jerk she was Thai see ya!
  11. Yes I could have told them to stuff it and done that but because of lack of time and no easy way getting back to the bank to the office without hassle because of lack of public transportation otherwise I certainly would have. Extra fees if you want to call it that 5000 baht.
  12. Where is your agent located and do you have a phone number or link to the office? After yesterday that was enough for me placating to corruption only allows it to continue and the next person who comes along has to deal with it because YOU had no backbone. Tired of excuses!
  13. Agree to a point but I have my limits. Lived here over twenty years and speak Thai I think I understand things well enough better than most idiots here. The guy in Hua Hin had the same problem not coll.
  14. My paperwork was in order and my visa is still good for another five weeks. Not going anywhere!
  15. Entered Thailand on visa exempt paid 1900 for 60 visa, bribe 5000 after I had proved I did indeed have over 400,000 in my Thai bank account over two months prior, 2000 baht visa non o visa. The issue is the 5000 but hey since Covid at least in my case and everything I have witnessed with the insurance, hotels and just general life the corruption has gotten much worse.
  16. Yes I would say it seems to be getting worse Covid seems like another perfect excuse for the government in a backhanded way to not only screw over foreigners in new inventive ways but also used to rub out Thais not willing to pay/play their games. But if my hunch is correct some serious financial crisis is coming because of this and other factors that will make 1997 look tame. Before the end of 2022 the signs are everywhere.
  17. Yea what next? I did not wear the correct colored shirt of the day. I forgot to wai first? The word Secret oddly came up also. As the 5000 baht suddenly disappeared between the papers.
  18. This has been known for years old news. Hundreds perhaps thousands of foreigner criminals have been hiding here for years.
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