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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. They are gong in the right direction, I remember when Chang beer was much stronger than it is today (over 8% if I remember correctly although they didn't put the exact volume on the label as it differed)and also Singha reduced it's alcohol content.

    Chang was Carlsberg Special Brew (8+%) marketed as just Carlsberg until they didn't renew the license and Chang took over.

    Singha only became more consistent (it varied from about 4.5 to 7.5% vol) when they decided to market it overseas due to the Thai market being opened up.


    I believe Carlsberg withdrew the licence because the brewery was coppying thier recipe and marketing it as Chang, selling it at a cheaper cost.
  2. Taking Advantage of a Crisis!

    Chimps is taking full advantage of the Kieren Jack situation. He is off to see Brandon Jack tonight and is maneuvering into an invite to go and see Jack and Charlotte.

    His reasoning is that Charlotte's friends will be flocking to her in support. He just needs to be there to murmur a few well placed words of support and encouragement and and he reckons he is well on his way to a date with a budding supermodel.

    He has stripped off his St Kilda jersey and 1970s playing shorts and has put on his best 3 piece suit, tidied off with his signed Buddy Franklin Tie. he does look quite the man about town.

    I will keep you updated...

    yea seen the pics but chippy aka fabio is looking a little tired.


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  3. So she and her cronies are resorting to bully tactic's to scare the Lawyer away.

    I just hope he keeps up his good work and bring this scum who calls herself a Lady to justice.

    yep rotten to the core.

    maybe the real power players will throw the carcass of this foul 'lady' to the great unwashed.

    look at my wonderful justice system, prayuth can say to the world.

    You mean the lady who got her diplomatic passport under YL and was protected then.. only now when Prayut is in power can she finally be called out. Still she is hugely powerful and the PTP still has friends so she might not go to jail. But at least now she can be investigated. All the cases were under the previous government when this lady had a lot of power. That power is not a lot less. So put the blame where it is.

    This is why I don't mind coups or whatever it takes to change power, the moment power is changed parties lose their protection and cases like this get attention. If one party (too long Prayut is bad too) stays in power too long there will be too many untouchables. Only when power changes hands will previous untouchables become normal people. So I even don't mind (even like) if a new government goes after the now untouchables. This is what always happen, new power means going after the old ones.. its the only way to get a bit of justice at times.

    why hasn't Prayuth stepped up and used section 44, she has tarnished Thailand's reputation and threatening thier tier on human trafficking. The current judiciary appointed by the junta refuse to issue an arrest warrant for her. Just who is she connected to as there certainly aren't any PTP or Shinawatra supporters in the pecking order now. Can't blame thaksin
  4. Goes to show how high up the secret society of human trafficking goes. Senior judiciary officials won't issue arrest warrants even tho the police say they have sufficient evidence to prove she is involved. Just ask her to come in for a chat and a cup of tea pretty well explains what the end result is going to be at court if it even gets that far.

    With this story now making the international media where is Prayuth and his section 44. People have been arrested for far less for tarnishing Thailand's image. Are those involved part of Prayuth's inner circle. As usual in Thailand it is shoot the messenger and whistle blowers and allow the hiso to go free.

  5. Serious question, but when was the last time any Thai soldiers spent any time on any battle field? And by battle field I don't mean city streets, public parks, or university campuses.. Thailand doesn't even need any army, without it'd be in much better shape

    One of the reasons why the Thai military have lost sight of their primary role and are involved in almost everything but military duties.
    Things might be about to change. Leaked documents suggest once thier submarines are commissioned they plan a full Naval assault on Nepal supported by armoured regiments. The dear leader General Prayuth who has received numerous valour and campaign medals says they will catch the Nepalese Navy off guard as the HMAS Nepal was decommissioned in 1945.

    When questioned about his statement that conscripts may desert if they are sent to the battle field he replied, no problem I have more than enough generals to replace them.

  6. The prime minister explained that men who want to serve the country as soldiers must not be forced into the service against their will otherwise these men may desert if they are sent to the battle field.

    So our sons will no longer be conscripted and forced to serve in the Thai army against their will. This is great news for Thousands of Thai and Luk Khreung males who will no longer have to do compulsory military service.

  7. Apparently none of you have seen pictures of outhouses in India perched right over a river, with kids frolicking in the water right below?

    Should really get out more, drama barstool Queens, 555

    right then thais exonerated, no need to maintain infrastructure or move forward in developing the country. India is still a backward shit hole so why should we as the tourist hub develop. But mum Johnny soiled his pants so why can't I?
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