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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. Unfortunately somewhat of a disaster as the bottom feeding populist scum such as Hanson & Lambie are gaining seats, plus an additional few, exposed over the past week secretly seeking support from the far right, will enter the Senate and House of Representatives.

    Dear Mr Simple 1, Hanson was trying to bring honesty into politics over 20 years ago when her party recieved 1 million votes but didn't get a seat in parliment (apart from her) during a federal election! the major parties were so frightened that they organised via Mr Abbot, charges that were trumped up and she was jailed! Lo and behold when the dust had settled and her party had disintergrated the Justice department discovered that it had made an "Oooops" so they squashed the conviction and let her out of jail!!

    So much for the noble and honourable major parties, the parties of the most honourable red headed wranger Gillard who voted herself a pension pay rise before she was thrown out of parliment and lets not forget the infamous J. Howard who is suspected of setting up and jailing of Martin Bryant (a person with an IQ of 66)for the terrible killing in Port Arthur Tasmania, just so he could impliment his anti-firearm legislation!!

    If you think I'm a "lefty bottom feeder" look it up, the information is there to see, Gilliard forced to surrender her licence to practice law and Howard who told Tasmanian Justice not to hold either an Inquest into the multiple killings or to even hold an inquiry as to how it came about!

    The Independants are the only way to hold Parliment accountable to the people, not just a "rubber stamp" for the political elite! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

    For the last 20 years Hanson has done nothing other than bring racism, xenophobia and bigotry into Australian politics. She is hateful and divisive and seeks to divide rather than unite Australians. She panders to people who just have an innate hate and fear of what they do not understand or are willing to be educated on.

    I do agree with you on what was done to her was an absolute miscarriage and misuse of Judicial power and was orchestrated behind the scenes by the then Howard Government and Abbott being the 'bag man' financier of 'fixing' Hanson. Don't think for one second it was done for the betterment of Australia though. Hanson split the far Right Wing hate voters from the Right Wing Liberal Party and it was hurting them electorally.

    The Gillard comments and Martin Bryant comments are a little 'tin foil hat' stuff for me to enter into.

    Independents are definitely the way to go but not racist, xenophobic bigots like Hanson.

    Greens, Nick Xenophon, Wilkie, etc is what is needed.

    The greens are the most insane in the asylum.
  2. Great, the politicians need to learn that they too can go to jail maybe next time then they wont rouse up people to burn or to bomb and kill. Once they understand that not only the lowly food soldiers can go to jail but they too they would calm down a bit and the country would be a lot better.

    All those amnesties are a bane to this country.. getting one for Thaksin is what started all this. Politicians keep thinking they are above the law and by doing so keep breaking up the country. In normal countries those that fired up the protesters for burning BKK would be in jail and a bombing campaign against anti government protesters that is just un thinkable in normal countries. All because politicians think they can't be touched.

    Now a good point is made that the general gave himself an amnesty, so be it but its politicians that got us here in the first place, without the amnesty for the crook from Dubai there would not have been street protests and the army would not have had to step in. Or maybe the PTP should not have unleashed their killer squats bombing and shooting up protesters.

    Rob I agree that there should NOT be any amnesty for politicians that have broken serious laws.

    Unfortunately there are politician's as well as students, academics, political science members protesters mothers, people with a red bowl, people commenting anything at all regarding politics, clicking like on FB, criticizing the junta/the referendum and the public are being condemned as "political offenders", sorry mate but most of the country and the world would think they are NOT "political offenders" but they are people with a conscience and stand by it even when threatened with gaol.

    Then some could say most of the country and the world would think this is a morally corrupt regime that thinks it's self is above the law and hypocrites' of the highest order.

    So Rob, just who are innocent "political offenders and whom are guilty?

    And I'm afraid that being a politician dose not mean you do not have the right to your conscience and to express it, but the junta has made that a crime.....

    "Now a good point is made that the general gave himself an amnesty, so be it" Seriously is that it?

    If it walks like a hypocrite and talks like a hypocrite then it's a ________!!!

    Oh i agree about the red bowl and student leaders, I am more talking about the people like Jattuporn / Suthep and others that get away with almost anything and keep stirring up trouble.

    Thing is mate the general was forced into the coup by the AMNESTY for Thaksin and the protests that followed. Without that he would not be in this mess. So I can understand that amnesty for him and the army as they were forced into this. But I agree it looks quite hypocritical. However in most countries if your forced to commit a crime because of an other crime it is usually looked upon much more favorably then when you were not forced into it. (there are cases of people killing murderers of their kids that walked ) i see this in a similar light he was forced to act.

    The PM is keeping a very tight lid on things for very obvious reasons, everyone knows how things can kick off here and we also all know there are divisive elements that would like nothing better, better to be safe than sorry, I don't particularly like what he is doing and many see it as oppressive, I also have very clear memories of guns and grenades on the streets of Thailand with people being slaughtered including children - for now it is the lesser of two evils and we have peace on the streets

    yes a red bowl is very innocent - so is a red shirt - just a bowl and just a shirt

    But 99.95% of the people love, adore and support prayuth. What is he so terrified of and why is he constantly persecuting those 0.5% of the population. Why is there still the need of this power and you will love me law or else.
  3. As tourists stay away? I thought there were yearly double digit % increases.

    according to TAT this is another record year with tourism numbers again going through the roof and being smashed.

    The person who suggested that tourists stay away could be in serious trouble. It is a very serious offence to tell the truth and to tarnish Thailand's reputation. I can see TAT applying for an arrest warrant.

  4. I think it is time to completely eradicate islam from the world. Stop pandering to islam and tip toeing around in the name of political correctness and fear. Take the gloves off and destroy this evil barbaric cult called islam once and for all. If you get a melanoma you don't say it's cute, you destroy it before it destroys you. Islam is a cancer who's aim is the total destruction of civilisation and the world.

  5. Chiangmai is definately the best part of Thailand except for the smoke and Haze 6 months of the year. Has everything an expat could want along with limited tourists. Entirely different to the sleazy places like Bangkok and Pattaya But as more farangs become aware of it they will destroy the beautiful place.

    So per the above Chiang Mai "Has everything an expat could want along with limited tourists."

    How about wanting limited expats?

    I don't think there are to many expats in chiangmai, in 9 years I have met 2 aussies, 3 poms and 1 canadian.
  6. There's another 292 candidates for the adjustment camps.

    Slowly it looks like more and more are speaking out. Takes a bit of guts in these uncertain times.

    more and more are seeing prayuth and his junta for what they really are. 18 months ago he was considered the messiah by many on here and now they have seen him in a different light. Those disciples are now an extinct species.
  7. Tarnishing Thailand's image is a serious offence even if the allegations are true. Those abusing the workers won't be investigated but the victims will be prosecuted with full force for speaking out.

    The Junta has stated that it will be upgraded on the human trafficking list and this woman speaking out isn't going to impress the junta. I see many years in a Thai prison coming her way or she may just vanish like those before her.

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