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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. Whatever caused this decision to close mining in Thailand, it will very likely have a profound effect on the future foreign investment here.

    If a simple stroke of a pen can close an industry that has been operating for years....employing hundreds locals and adding significantly to national and local coffers, then the same can happen to almost any industry.

    The thought of this being a decision favouring Thai business people, certainly comes to mind as mentioned by Bangkokfrog above.

    Don't worry TAT will release a statement "closure of the mine will have no effect on tourism"
  2. This is where Prayuth should be stepping up to the plate. He seems more concerned about deck chairs than his abandoned children.

    He told her to innovate

    PM urges Thais to innovate

    yea that's a great help. Innovate woman, I don't have time for these peasant brats, I have a luncheon to attend with my hiso friends. Send the girls to the bars, that helps tourism and sell the boys to the fishing fleets.
  3. Well the saints proved that they are not to be taken lightly. The definately can run out a game and if the opposition relaxes for a moment they are going to get wacked hard. Eagles must be at their best this week. I almost got the upset in the tipping. What's with wood just standing there holding the ball, watching the clock on the score board for 30 seconds waiting for the siren to go. Probably wouldn't have effected the outcome but sides can move the ball from one to the other in less than 30 seconds.

  4. Being arrested, denied bail, and marched in front of a military court, not for writing a post on facebook, not even for liking a post on facebook, but for having one sent to you, as is happening to the mother of Ja New, the student activist, could be construed as a pretty fundemental breach of human rights.

    And now "apparently " if you like or share the the story that she replied "ja" to the offending message that was sent to her, you might possibly be arrested also. Because she joined in the conversation more than that. So,the hundreds of people that have commented on that article are all now at risk of being arrested, including her lawyer. Curiouser and curiouser.I feel like

    Alice in wonderland.

    Just the military junta expressing thier rights to oppress their subjects.
  5. This is why the junta is still not welcome in Australia. This whole gaggle of evil morons who seized the country for their personal gain are the ones tarnishing Thailand's image and has the whole world laughing at them. There are absolutely no human rights in Thailand. The only ones with rights is the military junta. Prayuth said he has the right to shot reporters who don't support the junta and write glorifying articles about him.

  6. Why isn't the charge,Murder,? Murder, using a two ton weapon whilst under the influence of narcotics and/or alcohol.I know we are not in the USA,but i believe that the statute of limitations for murder,never runs out.Is that the same here?Also,absconding,the country with intent to avoid capture.Also trying to pervert the course of justice,and conspiring with person or person's unknown, to delay the justice system.However,the biggest accusation should be.Looking like an ugly, punk kid with big ears and wearing a stupid hat.Just to look at him,with that,"i'll be out by Tea time" semi grin makes me want to stamp on his face.I hate his sort.

    But, we know nothing's gonna happen,nothing will be done.This is all a show,all a circus for the media and the Thai public,just to instill them with a false sense of security.he will vanish again.New name,new passport,and carry on his life,laughing with his friends,going where he wants,chatting up the girls,using the "Red bull gives you wings line" telling all his 'hiso' mates how he beat the justice system.Untill one day,another official will 'wonder' why he wasn't prosecuted,and the old man will have to,once again ,send out his brown envelopes to the authorities here,the authorities in what ever country he is in,And the HiSo family that are looking after him.

    Ahhh, the criminal ballet goes forever on.

    for murder there must be intent to kill. If his intention was to kill the cop then yes murder. Culpable Driving, leave the scene and attempt to pervert the course of justice.
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