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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. All the dumb comments about feeding fish. In Australian national parks, you are requested not to feed the wild animals, birds, and why, because bread crumbs and the other food stuffs that are fed to the birds etc,. are not part of their natural diet, therefore, can cause sickness and or death. Same with feeding fish bread crumbs.Please , do your research before knocking everything the thais do. They are not the ignorant ones in the matter.

    Never heard of anyone being arrested or even fined for throwing a few bread crumbs. Seagull chip fights are on everyday.
  2. Voting is compulsory in Australia. Failure to register is illegal.

    Ex pats who live in Mae Sai, for example, must travel to Bangkok to regester their vote.

    Australia hence makes voting an act of dictatorship and one seldom seen in other free world Democratic countries.

    True democracies give you the freedom to choose to vote or not.

    I was struck off the electoral roll. Was back in Australia at the time of the last election and went in to vote only to be told I was no longer on the roll as I had been out of the country for 5+ years. Suits me fine with the collection of numnuts available to vote for. Hate being forced to vote for people I hate
  3. Quick shut the gate, the horse has bolted. Isn't it better to have evacuation plans and fire equipment in place before a fire? Yes I know this is Thailand and if I don't like the way things currently are then go home to my nanny state.

    2,000 baht for the death of your child in our care, what and insult. How much did the families pay in annual tuition and boarding fees? The school is still going to be well in front.

  4. If I was the director I would be saying cut, cut, cut,cuuuuut. What is it with you people? We are suppose to be proffessionals here, we are artists.

    Phra you are death warmed up and slipping into a full coma.

    Boyd straight and rigid, good.

    Head straight, rigid, good.

    Arms folded in death position good.

    Remember you can't speak, so what is with the lips and jaw flapping and the hand gestures? Do you think this is a scene from the walking dead? You're not transforming into a zombie. OK we won't go there. You may be paying for this shoot but I am an artist and it's my reputation.

    where's my Fifi? where is my Fifi? Put my little fluffy Fifi back on my lap, Somchia where is my Evian, I need my Evian.

    OK Phra death bed, scene 1 take 673. Action.

  5. Poor guy are they trying to kill him with these charges. I bet if they dropped the charges he would make a speedy recovery. I know he was in hospital with Deep Vein Thrombosis and totally incapacitate but what infectious disease has he suddenly been struck down with whilst receiving DVT treatment in hospital? I'm pretty sure DVT isn't infectious. Sounds rather nasty as it has totally incapacitate him and taken away his ability to communicate, almost comatose the poor guy. Anyway Thailand found the cure for ebola in a couple of weeks so the will come up with a cure for him in a few days.

  6. So some thai soccer team goes to phuket and all the the hiso and Self important people want a selfie. Who did they beat. Nokan Sawan?

    ^^ Really :-)
    Don't know that's why I asked. I have never heard of them.

    Why parade your ignorance for all to see?

    My apologies, I'm not British and if not being British makes a person ignorant then so be it. I was only asking a question. Anyway I Google it and noticed the won the grand final in England. We don't get English sports on T.V and soccer is only a minor game in Australia and doesn't get any mainstream television coverage only on a small foreign language station that nobody watches. Our main sports that get television coverage are football,rugby, cricket, golf, tennis and motor sports. Again my apologies, I was only attempting to join a conversation that is why I asked a question, no offence was intended
  7. Well my son had a good game at Etihad last night, two marks, 6 kicks, a handball, 1 goal,2 behinds and a goal assist. Not to bad for his 1st year of AFL oh the score 5.7.37 to 0.1.1.

    Now its the Attitude adjustment and reprogramming process. He was born a Saint and has been told he can move out if he sways.

    I have put a contract out on this guy, he was a disruptive influence on my son reminding me of Mormons when they come knocking at your door and he stuck his ugly book head in front of my camera. I was going to tackle him and give him a good mad dog Muir saints how do you do but the wife restrained me.



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  8. Dont see what's the confusion...chip cards are being introduced...old cards are good for another 3 years.

    The confusion is over how much the customer is to pay for this changeover and at what point the extra charges will be levied (annual charge, upon receipt of new card, upon use of card, etc.) As ever information is scant and contradictory.

    For those familiar with the various card-using rail services in Bangkok, card technology changes are not infrequent and always include an admin fee, a non-returnable deposit or some other euphemism for directly charging the card user which is not communicated until the very moment one hands over the money.

    why do they need to charge? My bank didn't charge me anything for my chip/touch and go card.
  9. As for the personal stuff about clubs, restaurants etc visited, I can only assume they would like this for market research purposes. I can't see anything sinister, let alone incriminating, in confessing that you shop regularly at 7\11 ....

    If they are collecting the data for M.R. purposes, then that suggests that they will sell on the data (your name, email address, bank account # etc etc) to third parties.

    Still want to give them your personal details???

    This form was thought up by a single Immigration Officer who obviously thought it would be a good idea to keep track of foreigners, but had zero concept of Data Protection and Privacy laws. In civilised countries, an idea like this wouldn't get 5 metres outside the door of his office before being 'binned' and the IO would probably get sacked for wasting time on such baby ideas.

    Frankly, I am amazed that anyone would even consider providing this data, or even 'humouring' the IO by providing dummy Donald Duck data on the form. You should refuse to provide the data and cite privacy and security concerns.

    7/11 shoppers aren't what they are after they want the Robinson type so this is probably a filtering mechanism to weed out the cheap tourists from the quality.
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