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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. US should stay out of other countries cookie jars if they want to avoid confrontation. This is the same as the Russian flyover of USS Donald Cook in the Baltic sea, I wonder how US would react if Russia would park a Kirov class cruiser 70km from New York...

    China doesn't own the international space, they think they own the entire area but they don't so the U.S don't need thier permission to fly in international space.
  2. All the nice comments about Uber aside, they are aggressively trying to get a big market share. Hence their pricing is reasonable and their service is outstanding.

    The minute that Uber has a major market share established, this will all change, of course. This is just an investment phase to try to control the market. I agree with Thai government on this.

    Like in China where they gave drivers generous commissions and hand outs first to lure them in and later stopped that and charged drivers for a percentage, it is called economics.

    Let it be.

    If that happens, then they leave the door open for GOOBER taxi services to do the same thing to them.

    Fair competition is a good thing, market disruption is a good things and consumers will decide who wins in the end.

    If we just let one group have the market to themselves then we fail to progress and service deteriorates.

    Let UBER put taxi Drivers out of a job. They are generally hopeless.

    In the County court, Melbourne Australia today 18 May at 11.30 a.m UBER won thier appeal to operate. The taxi directorate was ordered to pay all costs. This is a good thing as they provide a far better service and the taxi industry will have to clean up its act dramatically. Cleaning thier vehicles, taking a shower, learning English, dropping the rude arrogant attitude and charging a reasonable fare will be a start. Thais should go down the same path but with the taxi mafia the courts may get stacked against them.
  3. There is a lesson here for the rich and famous in Thailand. Don't get caught because the caughtus virus is infectious and very incapacitating and the only cure is money and the statute of limitations. It doesn't discriminate, just look at the poor young red bull guy, a fit man in the prime of his life and all before him suddenly struck down in Singapore and now stranded in a foreign land to gravely ill to return home.

  4. Australia took them to task about the stripping of free speach, gagging of the media, the expulsion of internation media, the refusal to allow outside observations, the abuse of the computer crimes act, the defamation laws and the leste majeste. How these laws are being used for personal reasons and to silence critics. The following day the junta issues a press release in the "Thai" media on how the international community supports Prayuth and his junta in the way they are operating.

    Hello McFly, anybody home? These numbnuts want a seat on the U.N and think they deserve it.

    Did anyone take Australia to task for their appalling treatment of migrants at camps they built; on the alleged and never denied paying of people smugglers to illegally traffic boat people away from Australia, and the continued abuse and denial of rights for the Aboriginal peoples whose land, children and way of life was stolen?

    Australia, fast becoming one of the most hypocritical of the non significant wannabee nations out there.

    I'm an Aboriginal, so please explain. I don't see a problem with how I have been treated. I got off my arse and made

    something of myself with the guidance of my aboriginal father. Never played the race card or the pitiful me card.

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