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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha joined a meeting entitled "PM Meets Teacher Friends"

    He got a rock-star like reception at this event, most of which was scripted - the script was available on line but it was quickly withdrawn after causing so many to tear up.

    "Now everyone shout "Fight on Prayut".

    I honestly thought that 'Education reform' had been completed?

    was this taken after his 2nd number 1 hit or during the Uncle Too comedy world tour? Yes it was announced some time ago when he released his list of achievements that it had been completed. It was somewhere below becoming a 2 time number 1 recording artist, a comedian and removing deck chairs. I think whilst reading the list most people threw themselves of balconies and didn't get down to education reform.
  2. Australia took them to task about the stripping of free speach, gagging of the media, the expulsion of internation media, the refusal to allow outside observations, the abuse of the computer crimes act, the defamation laws and the leste majeste. How these laws are being used for personal reasons and to silence critics. The following day the junta issues a press release in the "Thai" media on how the international community supports Prayuth and his junta in the way they are operating.

    Hello McFly, anybody home? These numbnuts want a seat on the U.N and think they deserve it.


  3. So does this so called illness totally incapacitate a person? How about a bedside hearing and if found guilty lock him up in a prison hospital. I remember the 95 year old farang who couldn't walk was afforded a wheelchair and medical staff to get him into court. Monks are more revered than an old farang paedophile so why not help him out in the same way?

  4. The Richmond dominance of the Swans continues. wub.pngwub.pngwub.png

    good grief!!!

    what a dismal effort by half a dozen Swans players... tackles way down... disposals way down...inside 50s way down.

    Teddy looking too slow... first gamer Hiscox was way out if his depth. ... i never want to see Dean Towers back in the side. idiot could have run the clock down kicking sideways to Buddy.. 2 minutes before that made a pathetic attempt at a tackle and ended up a richmond goal.

    Hiscox was a liability.... Papley way too quiet... so many lapses in defence. 2nd quarter there was no urgency or pressure

    Buddy, heeney and hanneberry were outstanding

    Your a hard man Boolman,i think youve been punching above your weight this year.tongue.png
    i was looking forward to a win tonight

    ...i could accept losing to a decent team


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  5. Thailand has it apologists here.

    So I recommend google or just browse this site.

    Not smooth as silk

    All the while a steady stream of millions of Farangs are coming to Thailand and thousands upon thousands of expats choose to live in Thailand, it sends out a strong message.

    The message is, It can't be that bad.

    There are posters on this forum that appear to hate everything about Thailand, whine and moan continually, yet they still choose to stay here, unlike most Thai's that have no choice, most Farang have a choice, and their choice is to stay in Thailand, they join an anonymous forum and moan and whine every waking hour, but stay they do.

    Not supporting or agreeing with tourists being assaulted and killed by thais doesn't mean that people hate Thailand. Having an opinion about crime in Thailand doesn't mean people hate the place. Are you against people having an opinion, you would make an excellent dictator
  6. The junta is shutting down the company and forcing people out of work. Why does the company have to pay and not the military. Like making Bob responsible for Bill's actions.

    Lesson here, never invest in Thailand because you will be bent over and given a bloody good shafting.

    Is it a possibility that they are being stopped from their mining BECAUSE they do not follow any environmental laws and are polluting the countryside.
    The majority of the responsibility being thai as they own the majority. I would guess the Thais will pass the majority to the minority to save face.
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