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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. Okay, someone please tell me why the police shot into the air?

    Seems it would have been more proactive to shoot into the people killing the man.

    Do the police carry their pistols for decoration?

    May as well give them water and/or cap pistols and save money on training.

    same principle Australian farmers use, fire into the air and scatter the cockatoos. Problem solved and minimal paperwork, offenders scattered and write it up as a suicide.
  2. Completely off topic rant: why the heck is it soooo trendy here on TV to use the word "apologist". This word is hardly used anywhere else in the media! Mix it up a little please!!

    Limited vocabulary and intellect, it's still fashionable to use despite being massively passe, says much about the poster using the word.

    why not draw up a list of words that will be acceptable. Do you people work for the Junta as it sounds like words are taking priority of human life.
  3. Well Alex as you said, "The Saints are just an average team" The Demons got taken to the cleaners by an average team and got a bloody good wedgie. Definately puts Melbourne well below average. What's that 13 straight defeats by the average team.

    Yep we got done not only by an average team going nowhere fast we got wiped by a top up team too, BUT we have 12 premierships to your 1 and you lost to Collingwood in a GF we beat them 6 to 1....you can enjoy your weekend now constable.

    yep and the roman empire ruled the world but what have the bloody Italians done in the last 20 years? Biggusdickus was thrown to the floor but his sister titusgina is still playing.
  4. The Tipping results for week 6 are in!

    Ripstanley was the lone winner with 8/9. Sensational effort! Chooks and myself followed with 7/9

    Ripstanley is now the new sole leader of the Tipping Comp on 41 points!

    Although..I seem to remember Rip was in a similar position last year and the pressure got to him?

    In other news... AlexRR has fallen two points behind me

    The highest I got last year was 3rd. Then I crashed.

    There is a lot to think about when you are out front in the Tipping

    Which game went against you this week RIP?

    Port Adelaide

    not many could have predicted Richmond would be so diabolically poor
    melbourne aren't complaining as they haven't really played anyone as yet. Oh sorry they got thumped by the saints and lost to essendon, not even Carlton loses to essendon.
    • Like 2
  5. Thailand is no country for old men......... These young Thai men

    are like jackals who attack the weak, and run away from the

    the strong. Well unless there are 10 jackals against one farang.

    I guess incidents like this will not affect Chinese tourism, but

    am fairly certain it will make a dent in Brit tourism given the

    airplay it has received. At this point the best spin control

    Thailand could do is have a quick trial and put the attackers

    in jail for 20 years for attempted murder. But any long term

    expat knows that will never happen.......

    their main concern at the moment is prosecuting the person who released the footage. This is a far more serious offence and carries a prison term of 10 years for tarnishing the kingdoms reputation. Kicking an elderly female farang in the face is a minor offence. Kicking a Soi dog will get you a prison sentence but not kicking a farang.
  6. To all the ThaiVisa commentators advising that people stay away from Thailand, how many of you will follow your own advice and either leave Thailand, or if like most, you don't live here, will never come back to Thailand again ?

    Thought so.

    Leaving in August to get my MSc in the UK then emigrating to NZ where I can get on the property ladder and own land legally...
    and legally marry your jumbuck.
  7. Looked like granny started it - she don't be doing that again in a hurry.

    Oh so I suppose that justifys a thai flying kick... sick in the head ........Thai boy on booze.....Perhaps we should warn all grannies and grandpas not to come to Thailand and visit the neighbouring countries which are much safer and friendly and hospitable.... Thailand you amaze me.... Grinning lot....

    No, it does not justify their actions - but is makes clear those Brits and in particula this woman have their guilty part in the story, too

    Sadly the scenes depicted in that video are commonplace to be seen late on a Friday or Saturday night in towns and cities around the world.

    yep a pack of Thai animals beat Australians to death on Melbourne streets also. Luckily TAT doesn't have any power in Australia and these thai thugs are now in jail.
  8. Looked like granny started it - she don't be doing that again in a hurry.

    Oh so I suppose that justifys a thai flying kick... sick in the head ........Thai boy on booze.....Perhaps we should warn all grannies and grandpas not to come to Thailand and visit the neighbouring countries which are much safer and friendly and hospitable.... Thailand you amaze me.... Grinning lot....

    No, it does not justify their actions - but is makes clear those Brits and in particula this woman have their guilty part in the story, too
    Just like Prayuth said, farangs wear bikinis then they are to blame if they are raped and murdered.
  9. I like the Saints in this one,think they will play faster footy than the Dees and Bruce up forward on his day can kick a bag.

    I'm also going with the Bombers against the Blues.

    Think the Lions v Swans will be closer than a lot expect if the Lions can kick straight.(not enough to pick Lions thou)

    Thanks for letting us know big fella that we won't be expecting a threat from you any time soon in the tipping....and your fantasy footy team isn't doing any better....

    You said the saints are an average side, you better hope the demons win or they will be a below average side.
    No need to hope chooks.....I'm not pretending we're a top 4 team, no one expects us to win 3 on the Trott....if we do saints will look pretty bad, if we don't it's half expected....but saints still just an average team no mater watts.
    your not going to be a top 8 team. Yes improve on the last 15 years no doubting that. Have to with 12+ years of top draft picks and priority picks.
  10. I like the Saints in this one,think they will play faster footy than the Dees and Bruce up forward on his day can kick a bag.

    I'm also going with the Bombers against the Blues.

    Think the Lions v Swans will be closer than a lot expect if the Lions can kick straight.(not enough to pick Lions thou)

    Thanks for letting us know big fella that we won't be expecting a threat from you any time soon in the tipping....and your fantasy footy team isn't doing any better....

    You said the saints are an average side, you better hope the demons win or they will be a below average side.
    • Like 2
  11. An angry Thai is worse than an angry bull. The anti-foreigner feeling here is getting worse. Not only with cheating, lying and double pricing but also with edicts from the General himself. The land of smiles? Not really. Here they kick the heads in of grandmothers. Ah well, it's worse in Syria - there they chop your head off. Message to the tourists: Stay away. Lao is much more pleasant.

    Yes the generals anti west sentiments certainly aren't going to help things. He has shown his hatred of the west and his thugs will follow him.
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