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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 31 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

    Why now?


    Because the previous administration was weak. They could have done the same but weren't strong enough. Either that or were too aligned with the Iran point of view.

    I believe your a bit out of touch because the last administration followed the previous Bush one for the following reasons:


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  2. 46 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    I read in some other news yesterday that Iraqi parliament voted to kick US (and NATO) military out of Iraq and prohibit US or anyone else from performing any operations in their country. Not sure there's much point in linking the article as it's not in English, but basically Iraqi government would now need to carry out parliament's direction. Sending 1000s of troups to Iraq therefore was a bit of waste of travel then.

    Done already: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/5/iraq-parliament-votes-expel-us-military/

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  3. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Who? The so called deep state?

    Do you know who made that phrase famous? Steve Bannon


    But check what he wrote recently about the deep state:

    The “deep state conspiracy theory is for nut cases,” Mr. Bannon is quoted as saying in a new book released next week, “Deep State: Trump, the FBI and the Rule of Law” by James B. Stewart



    Funny how Intelligence overnight is no longer the "deep state" when trump uses Intelligence to justify 







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  4. 1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

    The TDS is over the top in this thread. 

    Trump could cure cancer and some of y'all would moan and complain he's putting doctors out of business. 

    BTW, putting terrorists out of business is job #1 for the best President America has had since Reagan. 

    He is a terrible person but he let us all know that long time ago. I hate his supporters very much. How can you call that TDS?

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  5. 5 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    Diversion to get re-elected. Count how may times trump accused President Obama of starting a war with Iran for the purpose of getting himselp re-elected? Too many to count! Think about why both President Bush and President Obama both held off killing this genera?





  6. Fact is something that you refuse to acknowledge. Well here is a fact you better before the body bags start getting filled. 42 million Iranians have served their mandatory 2 years in their military and can be recalled to active duty within 48 hours in a modernized mountainous country 3/4 the size of India who is allies with both Russia and China being resupplied indefinitely. A war with Iran will make Viet Nam look like a Folk Dance. REPOSTING

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