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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. She has an axe to grind, as she claims her competing show had an agreement with Trump, which he broke by not discontinuing his version of the Aprentice.
  2. Lets ask Trump the only felon I know of
  3. Martha Stewart Just Quietly Made a Rare Presidential Endorsement https://www.yahoo.com/news/martha-stewart-just-quietly-made-145032580.html
  4. So you did not listen to the help for either the small businesses or for new borns? Best called selective listening, I understand
  5. So let me clarify as it is truely important to understand the real truth. Democrates were behind the assassination attempt?
  6. I agree. To susan though. The one Trump policy I know of is to give tax breaks to billionaires and let them trickle thier savings down to the rest,
  7. Really. I have a good hunch that is actually the only reason he is a canidate
  8. 'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
  9. Just another bash Trump thread I mistakenly interpedted as a trump defense ...
  10. 'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians https://www.yahoo.com/news/just-exploded-springfield-woman-claims-004811293.html But the 911truther travels with Trump on his campaigns and is his go to for unverified conspiracies.
  11. That is maybe questionable But....
  12. Yes, by far, that should be a much more of a possibi;ity. Do create your poll!
  13. Looking for a response if this became a reality. Defending Trump is a contribution i guess
  14. Not an easy to identify pro Putin posters, for me.
  15. Yes Trump's policy was convincing...
  16. If you feel so strong post a poll for yourself
  17. Disaster and the reality of cult trump
  18. How much of a break do you think the Ex President deserves?
  19. Trump has her as his number one advisor. 911truther Matches well with Birther The actual poster knew of no pets eaten. Trump stupidly believed her and lost the election accordingly.
  20. TV camera may lure him. He loves himself
  21. Let’s see by Tuesday
  22. An emailed threat said bombs had been planted in the homes of Springfield´s mayor and other city officials, said Karen Graves, a city spokesperson. A second email said that bombs would be detonated at locations including Springfield City Hall, a high school, a middle school, two elementary schools, a local office of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and a licensing bureau. Losing a debate at the cost of MAGA hyjacking Terriorist wanting to kill children. MAGA https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-13848891/Bomb-threats-close-schools-offices-Trump-spread-false-rumors-Haitians-Ohio.html
  23. 4chan too helps these phony stories. Help can be found for a Mental Health crises. There are many toll-free numbers for mental health in the United States, including: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7ef4f979cad443e4&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKIHEvWCVpkGZRtyTzbSWUIa_dEAQ:1726276324710&q=toll+free+phone+number+for+us+mental+health&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFgvm4oMGIAxUq2DgGHUYMAvEQBSgAegQIExAB&biw=890&bih=374&dpr=4.2
  24. frothing-at-the-mouth escapee All MAGA
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