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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Feeling left out The MAGA are sadly the pure evil
  2. Sad you can not find the good in so many but being MAGA is why Deal with it or change!
  3. 50 years of enjoying SF bay area and all it has to offer Yes the popularity is overwealming
  4. Since 2018, California has seen a 1.24% decrease in residents.
  5. link Getting tired asking you all the same question
  6. OMG I have read some stupid stuff here but this is the top of all so far this month
  7. New clown MAGA and comes with top delusional postings
  8. I recognize it Absolutly, as a junker
  9. Yes, the number one poster of all of the political posters. Her reputaio for one line insults and ragging She has a few historical names and the most current one is easily recognizable by the hidious number of nonsencical posts
  10. Right now would be a great time for you to wake up! donOLD https://fortune.com/2024/07/27/kamala-harris-fracking-ban-reversal-oil-and-gas-donald-trump-pennsylvania/
  11. A rising star that you are just now realizing, perhaps? Much better sane results compared to the absolute worst, susan!!!
  12. Understood. Could you review the positioning of this site claims about their accuracy. And will the polling have different outlooks when comparing mid-terms compared to Presidential?racetothewh
  13. The Fox News personalities were impressed. I watched that andI thought I entered The Twilight Zone.
  14. I only had that one Fox clip where were you able to fnd more do you recall
  15. Trump reacts to Arizona manhunt for suspect accused of threatening to kill him (msn.com) This fool is so desperate to get attention, he is making up death threats to get on the news. sad
  16. The vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us. We must speak and own that truth, in particular, in the face of people who are trying to have us point fingers at each other and divide us.
  17. The Prosecutor who helped distroy Trump Univeristy Fraud told of the 100's that were ripped off for hard earn tution. So sad
  18. The Convention is a proud moment in American History . Bye donOLD
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