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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. My recent ignore has paid off like I could not imagine. Guess which clown won that contest.
  2. Yes, very much like your wife did. My wife does not watch anything I do.
  3. I too really enjoyed Oppenheimer and you recommended The BeeKeeper.
  4. Trust me we have been digging into our popcorn with bigly pleasure. Here is hoping for you enjoying you day as well!
  5. Wow . Do you expect he will continue his tune. I think 83 million would make me <deleted>. The punitive amount, lawyer Roberta Kaplan said, should be enough to "make him stop" defaming her client.
  6. Picture Mr. Trump on a bike is so funny. His obese weight would have him groveling on the payment. What a picture.
  7. The Republicans that voted in NH 85% believe. That just is the topping of insanity!
  8. So, this all becomes the borders entire solution? A concrete wall is the sole option.
  9. I read that bipartisan agreement can help end the major issue caused at the border. But the truth is Trump knows it is his only chance to stay out of prison is to make sure this fix does not happen. Even those Republicans in negotiation! How the Senate’s Emerging Border Deal Could Change Biden’s Immigration Policy - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Also, more evidence from Republicans like Romney. Romney slams Trump for not wanting border solution so he can blame Biden: ‘Really appalling’ - Washington Examiner White House stays the course on border talks — despite Trump’s interference (msn.com)
  10. Haley remains defiant as Trump ratchets up attacks on last-standing 2024 GOP rival (msn.com) “Bring it, Donald,” she said in North Charleston. “Show me what you got.”
  11. Add one more to the list of Trump accused betrayals. On Truth Social, he wrote that Ms McEnany was a RINO [Republican in Name Only], in an angry post sent just before midnight that also referred to his rival for the GOPnomination with a derisive nickname: “I don’t need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/trump-attacks-former-press-secretary-181205447.html The times they are a changing.
  12. Trump threatens to blacklist Haley donors (msn.com) Just an ordinary revenge day in Trump MAGA country. "Trump wrote on Truth Social that anyone who makes a contribution to the Haley campaign "from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp." Can you imagine Trump blacklisting people with money??
  13. You just can't make this stuff up. Enjoying 2024 like I hoped I would.
  14. Video of MGT claiming fake voting results. "Nikki did not get these votes" LOL Of the Republicans that did vote for Trump 85% believe Biden did not win. You have to now admit Trump is all that is left of Republicans.
  15. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-nikki-haley-2667075685/ Biden's team loving how Trump goes after her. Think deplorable anyone?
  16. Officially, the girl has taken off the gloves and we can expect a month long trashing of Donald. Let the games begin as she can be blunt finally!
  17. You do recall Biden's fighting words last time he beat him "Look at the other guy"! Trump is the only Republican he can beat.
  18. The posting focuses on Democrats and RINO's. 60%of us Independents will not vote a convicted candidate. So where can Trump s find additional support?
  19. Just listened to a Republican focus group and Nikki needs to stay in at least to SC.
  20. Is their a possibility the two of you need us to explain in simpler terms?
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