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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. so you've never made jokes about any of the above in your entire life?
  2. Known fact Trump dumps in his own diapers
  3. Biden winning second half. Trump slim is the one lying. Trump is not answering the questions and insluts is it
  4. Desperate times for desperate poster! Trump going down looks like MAGA problem having to start a post like this one. Get something more in ya life as this is surely reminiscent of a sore LOSER
  5. My first girl friend was five and I was six. Barbara Shapasian. Men have it made and thats a gift.
  6. We are discussing the seriousness of going to jail and you are moving a pawn one step forward
  7. If this is as far as you go, it is best to shuffel over to that Uninfomed line over there and wait your turn.
  8. That is your personal opinion. Mine is jail the con man say four months. I'm not a Democrat. Registered Independent now ten years
  9. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17677860/ Presumed Innocent
  10. You can believe anything you choose as that is America. To me your belief in half assed as the American system I choose is nobody is above the law. I am glad Cohen went and did his time for any of his part. I also hope Trump is jailed too.
  11. Clearly your suffering from Trump Defense Syndrome.Yes he cash out pouring was incrediable. Believing a convicted felon has some new dynamic draw is beyond stupid!
  12. Both her and Gerorge Conway say pretty much the same thing. Haberman predicts Trump will be ‘very mean’ to Biden in debate. https://news.yahoo.com/news/haberman-predicts-trump-very-mean-183250210.html I read that was the same message Biden is being given.
  13. I feel like it was Cohen who managed the eventual outcome.
  14. I know! Give me a MAGA over her . Moonie comes to mind
  15. Poster who responds Trump Defense Syndrom as thier go too
  16. This all about expectation. I don't believe any un decideds will even watch. Hence MAGA changing narrative from he is sleepy to this is rigged by CNN
  17. 'No actual principles': Trump walks back campaign promise — and takes heat from both sides https://www.rawstory.com/trump-2668587558/ Trump did surprise me but that soon passed by. All he does is watch the news and reacts to it. He doesn't know what the f@#$ he's doing. There is no direction or guidance in his life. Every time he has a brain fart, excuses fly all over the place. Pretty soon he gonna have an interpreter at his rallies. Dementia has taken over.
  18. I am curious if you yourself have tried cocaine. Trump has claimed President Biden has. A user most likely cannot function well and its easy to see something is effecting them. Media claim Trump is an Adderal user. That drug helps you feel more alert, awake and focused. Help you any?
  19. Sounds like your losing it already and Trump has not screwed up yet. Trump can't engage in a single thought, so no need to try when we all know he has been confused ever since the stroke (trial).
  20. Honestly, no response ever changes your belief. MAGA abc's Deney deflect ok it is true So What!
  21. When we made the bet, I was taken in by the mind set you insisted that your read on the American electorate was certain. Simplely admitting you lost the bet and recognize that indeed at the time you were wrong. I was brought up understanding an individuals integerity is his word Sorry if I offended you in any way.
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