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Everything posted by RSD1

  1. So you've stopped taking your meds for New Year's. Nice one! Any plans yet on how you will try to escape the sanitarium in 2025 without leaving your mop behind?
  2. Any reason to ruin a good thing? I mean, if the shoe fits... Just sayin...
  3. I agree. I think everyday we need to do as much as we can now rather than plan to do things 5-10 years from now. Often people's abilities or interests change over time and we may never get to those things if we put them off too much into the future.
  4. When high on weed all I can think about is sex. Everyone's mileage is different.
  5. As William W. Purkey famously once said: “Dance like nobody’s watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, sing like nobody’s listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth.”
  6. You can achieve that and more. 👍🏼
  7. Any particular reason?
  8. Everyone's mileage is different.
  9. 100% AI drivel as confirmed by 5 separate AI detectors. Why does anyone waste their time posting this kind of LLM generated garbage???
  10. I guess everyone's takeaway will be different from Bhutan. I can't say because I've never been there myself, but I'm not sure I would get much out of it now. Maybe when I was younger, when I still enjoyed the adventurous and less predictable side of traveling. Also, I heard Tibet is no longer very interesting after the Chinese have destroyed it. I still remember those scenes of that Tibetan temple in the Samsara film as well as some in Baraka. It looked so idyllic at that time.
  11. I used to travel with cameras, but I stopped a few years ago. I noticed just by shooting using my phone that I actually take more pictures. A smartphone camera is always ready to go and no lens changes that can slow you down. I found that I don't miss as many passing moments this way. As they say, the best camera for the job is always the one in your hand.
  12. Excellent list. All doable. 👍🏼
  13. Excellent. Do it. What about Bhutan?
  14. The following article on the link below has some interesting updates. Given the extent of the crash, explosion, and the flames, it’s hard to imagine that the two surviving flight attendants could’ve even survived. They are extremely fortunate. One male and one female. Both in stable condition. One of them has no memory at all of the incident: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/jeju-air-plane-crash-survivor-has-no-memory-of-incident-witnesses-recount-moments-before-tragedy
  15. Thanks. Photography is a great idea. If you come up with a project or a concept of something that you would enjoy to shoot throughout the year, then it also creates a discipline and a goal for achieving a body of work. That can also make you and you work more focused (no pun intended) and exciting to pursue.
  16. I’d like to end the year on a positive note for myself and start to look forward to the coming year ahead. Rather than making New Year’s resolutions, I prefer the idea of going into the following year with some personal goals. Goals are great, but they also have to be achievable and within expectations, otherwise they can also lead to disappointment. So I’ve just quickly written down 5 personal objectives for 2025 that I think are worthwhile, but also possible. Not in any particular order: 1 - Remain strong, positive and in good health 2 - Pursue more of my creative ideas 3 - Enjoy life more than in 2024 4 - Travel more in 2025 5 - Always aim to worry less and don’t overthink Do you have any of your own?
  17. It seems they thought that the landing gear was already down or they forgot to put it down and so they just tried to land as normal, only to find themselves scraping across the ground at a couple hundred miles per hour.
  18. On second thought, maybe fruit in Thailand isn't the best idea: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2928616/tests-show-high-levels-of-pesticide
  19. Talk about somebody who likes to post rubbish. Most of your posts are these giant walls of blabbering, long-wind text that I never read and just scroll right by. As soon as I see your name at the top of a post I put my scroll button on auto-pilot. It's more than obvious you are obsessed with hearing yourself talk and that's why you don't get to the point quickly. Funny that you would ever be critical of anybody else's posts on AN. Actually, not surprising. It's normally the biggest self-important narcissists who can never view their own self-absorbed actions even slightly objectively.
  20. Looks like Bob really overstepped himself on this latest drunken and fearful brain fart of his. The data on commercial flight safety quickly reveals that there is no basis at all for any of his usual fear mongering. Alas, another one of his rubbish topics that everybody should just abandon immediately.
  21. I wouldn't worry about fruit. I normally eat a few pieces of fruit a day. I never worry about if it's a high glycemic fruit or not. Mostly I eat bananas, apples, cantaloupe, and pineapple. Sometimes some watermelon or oranges. The main point though is that fruit has its sugar embedded in fiber, and the fiber slows down the absorption of the sugar by the body and helps to prevent the insulin spikes that would convert it to fat. So as long as you're only eating a few reasonably sized pieces of fruit a day, then I wouldn't worry about it at all and I doubt that it's going to make any difference in terms of weight or body fat percentage in general. If you're really worried about it, then with things like bananas don't eat more than one a day. But on some days, I eat two or three. It just depends.
  22. I was talking to bob. Not to you Colin. Don’t understand why you are responding???
  23. bilbo bob, so what are your plans for New Year's?
  24. bob, since this is now another one of your anything, but nothing threads, what do you think about your man and his plans to expel all of the cheap labor in America, which is going to result in much higher costs for everything in the US? Good idea? Good news for all the millions of poor people that voted for him who are already struggling to make ends meet? Genius isn't it?
  25. any time you ever see Soi 6 or Soi 6/1 being discussed here, it's almost always in reference to Pattaya. Where were you thinking it was?
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