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Everything posted by RSD1

  1. I don't think time of day makes much difference. I get mine tested once a year. I always go to get blood taken in the afternoon around 2PM. I just had it tested again about 10 days ago. It hasn't changed. For the last 3 years I've been slightly above 1,100 ng/dL, which is about 25% above high normal. Although I have more than enough to support a high sex drive, which is usually what I have, there are times I also have no sex drive if I'm under stress, very busy and exhausted from dealing with other things, etc. Try cannabis. It can also enhance desire considerably.
  2. Perhaps the first time you've posted something that caught my interest Gigi. So here is my Christmas gift back to you. Happy holidays:
  3. Try Yagoda. Still single I heard.
  4. You obviously didn't do it correctly because you keep trying to contact me. Try doing it twice or three times NowNow.
  5. No, I love him. That's why I said he wins as poster of the year 5 pages back. Try and keep up.
  6. I just pinched a huge Christmas loaf. I thought about you the whole time. Congratulations. NowNow.
  7. What about biggest dong, fattest wallet, best back hair shaver, best ladyboy lover, most senile, biggest drunk, most deluded, etc...
  8. Look at you NowNow, how angry and obsessed you are and hanging on my every word. You also learned nothing from when the admins shut down your account for TOS abuses. You clearly need professional help. What a pity.
  9. I'm delighted you are keeping all those fugitives busy down there in Pattaya. I sometimes see a few of those Roooskies in my local 7-11, but they normally have clothes on, aren't drunk at 9AM, and don't really want to mess with anyone else.
  10. True that. It might be filled with diaper leaks from his senile man-god, but he's surely earned it.
  11. Indeed, he's a full time cult minion of diaper man.
  12. Look at you NowNow, obsessed and you can't stop. You always outnumber everybody else's posts on every topic that you hijack like this one. You really need to get a life, some friends and a woman, or even a man if that's what you prefer. But do something to save yourself.
  13. Talk about always being on the Internet. Another reconfirmation of who you really are. Well done NowNow. Be careful that you don't also get this other fake account of yours banned with all of your nasty trolling. Based on the aggressive path that you are still on, it seems that it's bound to happen to this other account of yours soon too. I can only imagine how many other troll accounts you've already created which also lie in waiting.
  14. And probably wouldn't want to. For some, as long as she blows off like a barn door in a storm, that's all that counts. And when you get older, and have already been with every type of girl imaginable more than once, you might begin to go after fetishes more than perceived beauty.
  15. Thank you for connecting the dots. I always figured you to be the alter ego of your long lost and cancelled friend. The tone and the weak attempt to trigger in your post you just made above sealed the deal and confirmed the link between you and him. It all makes perfect sense now. Right down to the emojis. I didn't really expect you to disappear that easily. NowNow & AlwaysThere. How convenient!
  16. The women I’m most often attracted to are rarely perfect “10s.” Typically, they fall far lower into the 6 to 7 range by many other people's standards. I may just have really strange taste. Sometimes, it’s a particular feature that draws me in, or maybe there’s a subconscious appeal in knowing they’ll likely be easier to connect with or deal with overall. In Thailand, though, there’s an entirely different dynamic to consider where the option to be with women half your age exists. Even if they’re not stunning, youth itself often adds to their physical appeal as you get older. That said, attraction is subjective. Someone I see as a 10 might be a 4 to someone else, and vice versa. Over time, I’ve stopped worrying about how the world might rate a woman’s looks. Instead, I focus solely on what I find attractive, avoiding numbers, ratings and rankings altogether. However, the bigger issue is that, after about the age of 45, spending time with women in their early 20s as a regular companion becomes less appealing. What I enjoy as an older man and what they might enjoy as a much younger woman are also probably very different, even if their youth and beauty are undeniable. Once we get older, our patience for drama and aggravation also wears really thin. When I was in my 20s, I’d endure a lot of headaches just to be with a woman I found irresistibly attractive. Now, that motivation to make any sacrifices in that area of my life has long since faded.
  17. I know the drill completely. I’ve been through it dozens of times over decades already. It’s the same old grimy sh*t every time and you can see it coming a mile away. As I said, they’re just trying to pigeonhole you as another dumb foreigner with a peasant-class, rented wife. They’re not interested in hearing that you’ve found yourself a great, loving partner who cares for you and that it doesn't matter to you where she's from. They’re only trying to boost their own egos by laughing about another rich foreigner in Thailand who is just another dumb fool that can’t find himself anything better. It's a coup, and you need to cut it off at the pass before they are able to ambush you. Hit them with a response that they never would expect, and this immediately diverts them from their mission. Don’t get upset because they're not smart enough to deal with anything but the response they are expecting from you. So tell them anything you want, it doesn’t matter. Have some fun with it so that it doesn't do your head in. Only make sure that whatever you tell them is the furthest from the truth. Tell them that you have a French wife who is a fashion model. Tell them you’ve got five Thai wives, one from each of the north, south, east, west, and central Thailand. Tell them your Thai wife is rich and that her family owns a hospital, a factory, or a school. Whatever, it doesn’t matter what you say. You're never going to be breaking bread with any of these plonkers again. Just don’t let them beat you to the finish line. And to be honest, a Thai man who has any respect for you wouldn’t even ask if you have a wife from the northeast soon after he meets you. I honestly find it to be one of the most disrespectful and offensive aspects of being a foreigner in Thailand. I rarely get hit with it anymore though, mainly because I’m almost never in those situations where I'm chatting with a random local guy, but, whenever it happens, I make sure they come away with nothing satisfying from the exchange so that I don't walk away with another bad taste in my mouth.
  18. Thanks for the advice. Never considered that. Do share some of your personal photos with captions of what you are suggesting to give me a better understanding.
  19. Correct. I only like chocolate women, but I don't care if it's light, dark, or in between.
  20. I'm an equal opportunity employer. I actually don't even notice skin color. I only need to be attracted to their appearance.
  21. Many of them have tried to pigeonhole me over the years about women and my tastes in women, while assuming I'm only attracted to dark skinned Thai women. So I try on all kinds of fake responses because it's really none of their business anyway what I like. I often start out by saying I'm married already, which is a lie. But then they'll ask me if I'm married to a Thai woman. If I answer yes, they'll ask me where she's from. And I'll say Chiang Mai. That normally ends the discussion. Or sometimes I say I'm not married to a Thai, but a foreigner. That also ends the discussion pretty quickly. One time I was in a taxi and really didn't feel like participating in the usual interview about my tastes in women. So I told the Thai taxi driver that I don't like women. And then he said "oh, I know this really good new gay bar". Then I laughed and said "I'm not really gay". He got really embarrassed and went quiet after that. Try that next time. It works well.
  22. I often mix a bit of my own natural methane gas, with some cannabis vapors, and a flame. You should see how that clears out a room. 😂
  23. Ask Collin Neville. She's Ian's sister. Rob knows her.
  24. Thanks, but I already have mrs. smith's LINE and she texts me for a booty call every time you go down to Soi 6/1. Why don't you ever sort her out first before you go out riding pogo sticks?
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