For several years as I travel to Bangkok from Ubon on highway 24 I have learned to slowdown when approaching "Prasat!" There is always a speed trap there where everyone is paying. After coming back here to Thailand after six months in the USA this year, traveling via 24 yesterday, I slowed down 90 K's prior to Prasat. I usually speed up to around 110 (About 70 MPH in the USA) in very rural areas on the highway and of course slow down as I enter any city on the way. However, this time as I approached Prasat at 12 kilometers prior my Uniden R3 Extreme Long-Range Laser/Radar Detector made an extreme alarm after making a turn, luckily I was at the right speed as I went thru the check point. What is new on the other side of Prasat about 12 or so kilometers after the Prasat Police had setup another check point and were grabbing more speeder thinking they were free to speedup since they had just past the last one. Food for thought-Please pay attention when getting close to "Prasat" when driving on highway 24. "Happy Travels"