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Everything posted by Dan747

  1. I would like to know more about the "DISPUTE?"
  2. https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2025/03/1920/1080/cartoon030925.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
  3. "OMG"-What is next in the news from Phuket?? Seems to get much worse every day.
  4. “We have worked with Thailand for years to avoid this situation, including by consistently and repeatedly offering to resettle the Uyghurs in other countries, including, at times, the United States,” the State Department said in response to questions from The Associated Press. Earlier this week, Thailand’s Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Russ Jalichandra said there had been no serious offers to take the men.
  5. Thailand’s secret deportation of Uyghurs to China a win for Beijing, snub to US | CNN TRUTH about Chinese Slave Labor | Watch
  6. https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2025/03/1920/1080/cartoon030525.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
  7. It's time for the Europeans to pay their fair share into NATO-"PERIOD!!"
  8. Nice to see your supporting this "BS"!!
  9. European leaders already have told him, and he knows it. They need to pay their fair share in NATO period.
  10. Wow, Another bid for a Thai Soap Opera!
  11. Multiple one year "Non-O Visa" for $200-"GONE!!"
  12. Why did you add "Convicted Felon x 34" when the landslide public voted for him and knew the Department of Justice was Weaponized against him!
  13. Another reason to stay away from traveling to Phuket!!
  14. My Favorite words are-"Where is the ACCOUNTABILITY?"
  15. https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2025/02/1920/1080/cartoon021025.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
  16. Kind of depends on your needs-Most EV's do not give me the distance I need to travel, so I am sticking with my Petro truck that gives me the "FREEDOM" to travel much greater distances.
  17. Looking to travel to Hong Kong next week as an American-USA Passport. Have not been there in a while and looking for advice on entry/transfer to fly out within 24 hours back to the USA. Any Immigration paperwork to fill out and other hic-ups that you encountered! Appreciate any information from those who have travel there recently-"THANK YOU!!"
  18. I know this question has been asked before, but I never paid attention to the comments. Anyway, two sisters have renewed their passports and want to use the Visa in their expired passport. Can they??
  19. "DEPORT"-Looks like Phuket has become a Cesspool of Russians problems thanks to Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) policies.
  20. The question asked in 1988 to the RTAF when getting ready to buy the F-16's from General Dynamics was "What is your THREAT?"
  21. Just keep your Marriage Equality Act "BS PRIVATE!!"
  22. https://scontent.fnak1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/474567508_455945027588009_4021207749285166176_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=Xttzhi20jRkQ7kNvgG15WRZ&_nc_oc=AdhAq-i4FSo6vVYyDhWbYrbL-1xC3B31iY6Krehql4Pb55PiDKu-c5i9lP7ipgj20Pw&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fnak1-1.fna&_nc_gid=APEksMT_WHT-KSxPctRZpFK&oh=00_AYBeRrV34L4EaqZnkxtHU9NvPkTGq3wM9S-9KAShTZekMg&oe=6794D732
  23. https://a57.foxnews.com/prod-hp.foxnews.com/images/2025/01/343/193/bb839b6d4bf782c011315c0cb8f0e601.png?tl=1&ve=1
  24. The celebratory tone of Biden’s parting address to the State Department on 13 January – where he proclaimed that, “thanks to our administration, the United States is winning the worldwide competition”, and that he had “increased America’s power in every dimension” – was jarring given the grave foreign policy challenges he leaves behind. All departing presidents try to burnish their political legacy, and few are inclined to wallow in their failures. But by refusing to engage even legitimate criticisms of his foreign policy record, such as the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan, or the incremental provision of military aid to Ukraine, and the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, Biden sounded tone deaf, even arrogant.
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