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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. The silent majority of Muslims stay silent instead of rooting out this evil.
  2. Obama's dream to run the country from the telephone. Of course he wants another 4 years to finish it off.
  3. Next pandemic around the corner! Perhaps one should be looking a little closer at funding certain bio labs, and stop them playing around with or inserting sites to make viruses more lethal. Kinda like Wuhan etc!
  4. Nice opinion post from the Economist. Honest news is long gone. I would have thought if it's an Islamic terrorists attack, they would be happy to blow themselves up and die along with their targets and not try and escape back to whichever hole they came from.
  5. The climate agenda has nothing to do with the climate. Vivek Ramaswamy
  6. The climate agenda has nothing to do with the climate. Oh I must be on the wrong thread. Sorry.
  7. Said one tool to the other. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country
  8. Perhaps Tom Nichols should pop on down to the border and see what a real security risk is! He can write an opinion piece on it.
  9. Politics got into bed with common sense and common sense got screw'd.
  10. "Thai Cop taking advantage of a minor" is a better headline. The scum and scourge of Thailand keeps raising their ugly heads.
  11. Yes both sides will stop fighting when one returns the hostages to the other. It's only common sense if there's no prejudice involved. Oh and the Hamas terrorists need to disappear.
  12. No big deal when Thais assault Thais or Thais assault farang. Big deal when farang do. It says a lot about the place.
  13. Everything. It's obvious isn't it? Release the hostages. Hamas surrender or leave Gaza by boat or bullet and this war is over tomorrow. It's only common sense if there is no prejudice involved!
  14. Florida is swamped by disease outbreaks as quackery replaces science "swamped" with a total number of measles cases of 41! The quackery is hiding in plain sight!
  15. Yes. I'd be screaming, let the hostages go
  16. Blame it on the farmers or the Thai hotels.
  17. Yes this is wonderful news. I won't have to worry about my carbon footprint when staying at hotels here. Will these hotel owners use my correct pronouns too? Another new hub. The hub of fools.
  18. Just browsing around and came up with this. Certainly it is known how the left leans. Of course it's not the kind of "evidence" you are seeking. Here's the link, hope it's ok to post it: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/68854/html/ Part 3: Left-Wing Antisemitism is not new 3.1 Antisemitic anti-Zionism is found most often on the far left of the political spectrum. There has always been a distinct tradition of left-wing antisemitism (see Steve Cohen 1984, Johnson 2015b).
  19. Yes he should know. Might want to just confirm that opinion with the morticians around the world. They should certainly know what came before and what came after!
  20. He does sniff little girls hair, but don't worry about that right now!
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