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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Obviously no one else would have gone after the Munich terrorists! They murdered every Jewish athlete in their dorms at the Munich Olympics. Who cares huh? I have news for you. Mossad will go after these Hamas scum and believe me, they don't have to use their Israeli passports.
  2. Yeh right! I didn't see a UN resolution condemning Hamas for murdering and taking hostages, alive or dead.....did you?
  3. You can always check with Lebanon, Syria and Jordan about that. They already have opened their doors except they keep, I mean host, the Palestinians in refugee camps. Guess they really don't want them "mixing!" Gee I wonder how they got there in the first place!
  4. I'll pass on the human trials but I'm sure they'll have many interested parties for this next experiment. Fill your boots.
  5. You nailed it: "woke, broke and brittle." Yes the real war mongers are hiding in plane sight and they will certainly lose.
  6. That certainly doesn't sound like a statement that would stop this war in 24 hours!
  7. They will only accept a one state solution without Jews. It's quite obvious by the number of times these Palestinians have turned down this offer. Amazing how some cannot understand that!
  8. Here's a few more for you....good, bad, indifferent....don't care. https://frankreport.com/2020/04/18/one-hundred-twenty-five-amazing-accomplishments-of-president-donald-j-trump/
  9. Just follow the science. What could possibly go wrong?
  10. They can fake a president so a drug test should be a breeze.
  11. Yes that's right. Glad you noticed. It's always better to get rid of all of the cancer, not just the main part.
  12. Wonder why Pfizer wasn't granted immunity from liability if something went wrong like they were with their Covid product!!! I try not to take an aspirin if their name is on it.
  13. Yes I agree with you and I think that America's main enemies are on the inside. I'm not the only one: Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele: "The USA can’t Be Destroyed So Quickly Unless the Enemy Is From Within”
  14. After Biden's threat to Israel, to not enter Rafah, a large number of rockets were fired from Rafah into Israel! If they didn't have a good reason before to enter Rafah, they do now. Time to finish this Hamas scum off. Thanks Biden.
  15. Hahah. Credible sources! CBC is funded by the left wing gov't if you have to be political! They will print what they are told. Once long ago they were credible. Not anymore.
  16. I don't believe everything I read and especially from wikipedia, take it with a grain of salt. I think it's more likely the Nakba was a result of Arab arrogance. Thinking they could drive all Jews into the sea in 1948 and having the Arab Palestinians leave their land first. Of course the Arab world lost and the Palestinian couldn't return. They couldn't see past their hate, and still can't.
  17. No that statement is false. All your crypto can not be obtained from your phone if you keep it off line in hard wallets.
  18. Russia thinks the West has entered this war. That's really the problem isn't it? (they also probably feel the West has pushed them into this war, but that's another topic). "Where has Russia demonstrated any great competence at warfare?" Gee perhaps their past record isn't all that great, like the US, but I'd sure hate to see them demonstrate their current capabilities with nukes. I understand they have a few.
  19. Growing Concern? China will also have a growing concern regarding what they see happening in Ukraine. Anyone with half a brain can see that the west if fighting a war with Russia using Ukraine. Now Germany is ready to send troops to Ukraine. Ukraine air force has American jets. China knows they are next after Russia. So of course China and Russia will be allies. The West will lose this upcoming war. Bunch of bloody fools!
  20. Reminds me of a quote from Mahatma Ghandi: "Even if you are a minority of one the truth is still the truth."
  21. Insurance companies, undertakers, and ex hospital workers might be a good place to look for some answers.
  22. Moderna's Covid vaccine was their only commercial product. A one trick pony. So I would imagine their books didn't look so good before covid vax sales and not so good after. So sorry.
  23. Might want to reconsider that option. Sending ground troops to Ukraine will be the nuclear option you fool.
  24. There are a number of videos of Jewish students being harassed and blocked from going to classes just because they are Jewish. They have nothing to do with Israel. Imagine how these kids must feel. They have never seen or felt anything like it. This is pathetic and this antisemitism needs to be addressed big time. We have let this filth grow on our watch and personally it disgusts me.
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