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  1. i have not had ANY income since 2018, and i too have a family to support some of us make moves, others just plod along we are now in a position where we can spend very little we produce our own food, and have off grid solar and well for water only possible as i plan ahead based on global events even when living in patts, 30k/month was more than enough and 25% of that went on electric
  2. you pay the merchant the price the merchant demands what the merchant says it is for is irrelevant VAT is currently NOT paid at point of sale. many receipts also say you got a "discount" too when paying "the price"
  3. If it is a private road she can get it sorted very quickly but she will likely not like the cost to do so similar issue in LK Metro, as food carts rent their spaces outside of businesses and the only way to prevent it was to rent the spaces yourself but then you need section it off to prevent becoming free parking for all
  4. the price you pay is the price the merchant agrees to accept that deal is between you and the merchant what the merchant then does with the funds is beyond your control and none of your business if you do not want to pay the price the merchant demands, you cannot make the purchase. i bet you think discount prices are a bargain too.😂
  5. Current system... the consumer pays the advertised price it is then the merchant who later pays the VAT VAT being paid does not happen at the point of sale🤦‍♂️ there is no guaranty that when you purchase something that the merchant will pay the VAT which means you pay the price the merchant agrees to accept for the goods/services what happens after that is beyond your control
  6. my wife is happy to know if i do ever have any assessable income, that we will be going on a lot of holidays in one year, every few years and just bring it all in that year or the other option is i transfer funds as a gift for the wife to buy herself a nice gold necklace up to 20m THB in gold jewellery each year iirc all the fearmongering about this change, only comes from those who currently live month to month who have likely involuntarily paid tax already seriously its a nothing burger for most expats
  7. They no longer need to go to Laos to smoke weed while tubing down a river, that's a lot of $$$ being spent in Thailand instead of Laos
  8. pretty much the same info as on the sign above, so no, not any more info that's exactly what the sign above shows, though you may need to look at the picture of a wheel clamp to understand it why so many 🤡 arguments in here with no actual points being made.
  9. the pic did look big to myself, but can only go on what is stated above, 15m seems too much even if on 1 Rai the house does not look anything special is land that costly down there? and still if looking for retirement, so many better options
  10. i have no idea about those signs, i was referring to the street signs on poles not that they have any more info but it has been this way for many decades on south pattaya road by the gold shops
  11. they should remove them small nasty smoking rooms and instead have a nice large airy smoking lounge with great extraction and they could cash in on such a lounge in many many ways
  12. 15 million for a quarter rai, 403sqm that would be a hard sell that would definitely need some convincing
  13. sometimes you are paying for the seat, many places do not want a seat and likely an entire table of 4 taken up for long by sone person just buying one coffee it also makes the set meals with coffee included look more attractive
  14. The rule is the same as it has been for decades, and used to be enforced daily when i was in patts on ODD number days you can park on one side of the road on EVEN number days you can park on the other side of the road Signs have been up a very long time but this solution is a bit daft, and any foreigner is unlikely to realise.
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