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Everything posted by Pink7

  1. Use fine sandpaper ( 400)? A quick rub over with emery, can you explain? Cleaning busbars. terminals etc with alcohol? Pink
  2. Thanks for the info Crossy, there been lots of issues with Growatt spf5000es with Neutral ground bonding ao i guess i dont dare go that route. ( Most on US version as i understand) Pink
  3. I has start thinking about doing same. Do you have same ground for inverters and surge arresters or they are separate grounds? Pink
  4. I remember a active member here on the forum had grid ground hit his MPPsolar inverters.. so i would be positive for a plan who not include grid earth/ground. I have a hope to run my setup more or less offgrid. Can you explain TT "island" with a local earth rod? I need to ground 4 ports from inverters inn/out AC ports, and 4 Surge Protectors. Pink
  5. My inverters is placed near my main breaker box. I will use a new local earth for my 4 x Surge Protectors. Pink
  6. So my grid ground cable is connected to my breaker box who goes to home main ground. I have 2 inverters with acc in/out each with ground ( so 4 ground port in all). Could i just connect all those 4 ground together and to my main ground cable? Pink
  7. With grid in to inverter turned off on breaker you still connected to grid ground/earth? Pink
  8. I want gloves who protect my hands to electric current, and who also protect battery poles, bars etc from marks and dirt etc. Any of you used gloves on this type jobs? What gloves to get? Pink
  9. Smart that you have grid opportunity on inverters and jus enable it when needed. Pink
  10. Thats nice that you able to reduce PEA to near zero. I want to try run my Growatt inverters without grid connect for less chance for any issues so i try double check my plans before next step. My plan is 9.5 kw panels and 26kw (2 x280A 48v) battery. We currently use 20-25kw per day from PEA. How this will ad up ..or not with different weather types i dont have much idea on..Time will show. Pink Pink
  11. Thanks for that info Bandersnatch. Your inverters is not connected to the grid if i have understood correct? Pink
  12. Hi Bandersnatch. Can you share some info on Inverter and battery capacity vs ability to fully offgrid? Pink
  13. I give them some try now, but for my panels they not fit well and there take much luck to get it in place in a good way, so its not a solution to deal with on top of the roofing, so I guess I'm going with nylon strips then.
  14. I got 80 pieces of this today. They are very firm so i have some issues to get them on my panels who have a lip on the inner side of the frame. But with a plyer and a rubber hammer I'm able to get them on and firm enough to hold ok. The side for cable is almost closed so for ready made cables on the panel there is some struggle to get a cable inside, but i will test with a thin round plyers to open then close it again when cable inside.. So maybe a little extra work but it will also last long.
  15. I have more or less decided for a change in my setup: Since most issues i see regarding Growatt and also other all in one system seems to be related to grid power issues, i will try run my system with grid power only on the ATS. I use 20 units a day, solar capacity 9.5 KW, 26kw battery capacity. So maybe I'm able to run most of the time without grid at all? Pink
  16. Thanks for the clarification Crossy. Pink
  17. What's best practice regarding cable length. Equal length from breakers to batteries and /or equal length cables from breakers to busbar? or to inverters? I'm my plan i expected to be equal on cables within each battery via breaker and to busbar. Then different length from busbar to inverters. but i got confused when watch this video with Will Pink
  18. In the end i would added more money and buyed something more tested. Pink
  19. Same here i have 2 black wires too, the + connectors have a red rubber ring or something.. In my setup i have define a center panel ( panel 4 of the 7 Who i define as a + side and a - side for the added panels. Pink
  20. On my plan for the panels placement and connection i have 4 x 7 panels, So lets say panel 4 have 3 panels connected to its future minus then those cables will get black when any extension needed. The panels connected from future plus on panel 4 get red wire when extension needed. so then i end up with correct colors /polarity before parallel and extend them to inverter. Pink
  21. Instead of bolting up some busbar on the wall i was thinking of doing it this way: There is 2 red cables from DC breaker and 2 red cables going to inverter so my plan was to bolt the 2 cables from DC breaker in the one end of copper bar then bolting the 2 cables to inverter in the other side of the bar then shrink tubing around it so its just a part of the wire from A to B. Same for black. Any issues or problem with this solution? Pink
  22. Just made my first MC4 solar cable.. watched YouTube instruction when making it and it come out quite ok. I need to use 2 sets of MC4 tools because LINK * the company) use the black tool and the Panels the orange tool. Its different in the way the pins attach the mc4. Pink
  23. I have 2 x Tomz 2P DC MCB 600V 125A  Circuit breaker FOR PV System Pink
  24. 150A? Can you suggest any Class-T fuse Pink
  25. So i planning for 2 x 16x280a lifepo4 batteries with 2P DC MCB 600V 125A Circuit breaker on each battery. The cables will be paralleled between breaker and Growatt inverters. Should i add any fuse to the plan? Its no fuse mention in the Growatt manual. Pink
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