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Everything posted by Pink7

  1. A smaller DIY without battery just sized to get the needed sun power in day time can be very cost effective and very fast ROi like in your case. I suggest that for people here who ask me about solar and budget. Do you have a link to your solar build tread? Pink
  2. Its very true. Its like the top selling brand cars, there will always be some issues, and with huge sales volume there need to be some issues. Pink
  3. Look like a very cost and time saving construction, well done 007 RED. Pink
  4. scary.. I do consider not ad Grid in to my setup.. Is there any other source than Youtube on this? Pink
  5. For this project i would have hired some with experience. not the easies roof to work on and since its a few panels only i think best use of time, money and the possibility of any issues. A good professional will get up those panels in a few hours in a good secure way. Pink
  6. Let me also ad that the best way to get better sellers in the market is to find and reward the fair sellers with orders and good feedback, and let the less fair seller not get our orders and to pay for their actions. Pink
  7. Had it been a hammer i had probably let it pas, but a cutting tool not ok for me. I had more issues like this who i know i got a returned used product but let it pas, but on some items its not ok. Its not to much to expect to get a new unused when payed for that.. The seller know when they do and speculate that most will think its ok.. I must admit the pickup option on return is a big plus. If i has to bring it any place myself i had probably not cared to do it. Pink
  8. Yesterday i got my cable cutter plier from Lazada. I got a unit that obviously was already opened and used before so either some get what they need done with it and sent back or just dont like it by any reason. I asked the seller why he think i want to pay full price for a product and get something second hand. I got no reply, return is under process. Not that it could not be usable but i need to be sure i get a sharp good tool. They could have cut nails with this for all i know.. PS I got it exactly as on the photo.. i did not need to open it. Plastic in bottom was also sliced open. Pink
  9. Thanks for the link.. Here is another option sold at B5 per piece: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bec-hq-cc01cable-clip-thunelectric-sss-i2443058466-s8465152005.html Pink
  10. That look like a good option.. If i understand correct the can be placed anywhere on the frame.. Pink
  11. Im on my way to order now, i see the one i looking is nylon, so i guess in going for nylon and stainless steel than, thanks for your advices. Pink
  12. Plastic or steel cable tie for solar cables under solar panels. What is the best option? Pink
  13. If being honest to ourselves what we know and what we don't know, so we are able to research and get knowledge and help on what we don't know and then also avoid doing more mistakes than needed. Pink
  14. Here is step1, the 2 Growatt inverters are up. I used 2 wall bolts on each to be sure they stay up. Clearance is 20cm on each side and 50 in top as manual requested. Screens are ay eye level. Pink
  15. Yes I have restarted the project and getting last parts and tools needed now and looking for some actual progress very soon. Pink
  16. So i have 2 inverter each with Dc SPD And Ac SPD. My plan was to connect 2 Dc SPD And 2 Ac SPD To same dedicated ground pole just outside the wall( 3meters away). Any reasons to not? Pink
  17. Check Global, I got quite a good deal on mine. Check my post Pink
  18. Lazada on Google Translate ???? I did not read over all carefully. Its good this deal come now after i got my Growatt inverters. I could have been tempted to order it based on the spec/price ratio.. But im very happy i not and happy i went Growatt route. Pink
  19. Thanks for sharing. Imagine having batteries still in top shape after some years running, but suffer from rust on terminals and bars...???? Pink
  20. I need some socket wrench set i think to rich inside the Growatts battery mount bolts. Pink
  21. I also need some wrenches or maybe a wrench set. Should i get mm or inch version? Pink
  22. Yes that was a good point mention by both of you that i was not aware of that cheapest units did not measure DC current, so that would have been wasted money and time until i have discover it could not do the job. I found a good unit on Lazada, look to be same unit as in the given photo too: HT206D Pink
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