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Posts posted by tavarich

  1. Totally commercialised.

    Look at the price of a rose, compared to any other day of the year.

    Just TELL her/him that you love them.

    Or send a simple card to someone you dare not speak to.

    That is all that is needed.

    Sex has nothing to do with it at all.

    Your braver than me :o I would be in the dog house if I tried that.

  2. Well my wife’s 18 year old brother was caught in bed with a young village girl last night and now the family wants them to marry. The wife tells me they turned up at home last night looking for there daughter and her brother they then searched the village and found them sleeping together. The brother has done a runner and hasn’t been seen since and her family and my wife’s family are in a discussion now about weather they will marry and how much the dowry will be

    The brother doesn’t want to marry

    I have told my wife I will not be paying for any dowry but she can sell some of her gold to pay the dowry as I can’t see it being to high.

    I will post more after talking to the wife tomorrow to find out what they decide to do

    Since this thread died, I was wondering if the couple were still together? Something similar happend to some relatives up country. It got me to thinking about your story, Any updates. :o

  3. You poor guy's, I bet you have a hooded sweatshirt on and both hands around a hot toddy. It's only a -5 here in eastern europe. :D I am counting the day's when I get back and have that kind of problem again :o

  4. I over stayed recently. I was treated very politley at the passsport counter as I was going into the terminal. He told me that it was no problem and no fine. I will never do it again but in my case it was a matter of a few hours that were involved so I took a chance. The first time I was ever in LOS I overstayed about a week. This was just plain ignorance of the laws, no excuse. Then I think the charge was 100 baht a day. I was taken into a room at the airport and they woke up the guy and fined me and give me a reciept and I was on my way. But that will not happen ever again :o

  5. I think it was very lucky that she only hit the beach and not some

    unfortunate swimmer.

    Think what damage the impact and the propellor could do.

    On a legal note.

    If you need a captain's licence to operate these boats, why on earth are they for rent to anyone?

    TIT I guess.

    FYI there are no props on a jet ski :o

  6. FM Dr Kantathi plays down rumors of iminent attack on Myanmar by Thailand and USA

    Foreign Affairs Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon (กันตธีร์ ศุภมงคล) has turned down rumors that indicated Thailand and the United States will attack Myanmar.

    Mr. Kantathee declined news from Irrawady News Agency which reported that the Myanmese government was concerned it may be assaulted by Thailand and the United States in the future. The foreign minister affirmed that the Thai government would definitly not carry out such action, and it was ready to make clarifications to Myanmar should requests be made.

    Concerning the Thai government's role and stance towards the development of democracy in Myanmar, Mr. Kantathee said Thailand wants Myanmar to allow ASEAN representatives to observe the progress, as it is believed that this would help to foster understanding between Myanmar and other countries around the world.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 Febuary 2006


    This is really too stupid to actually comment on.

    I guess you guys stumbled onto the conspiracy. I am coming to BKK on the 14th on a Gulf Air flight from Bahrain. I am going to be the leader of the invasion of Myamar. The HQ will be out of the NANA Entertainment Center. We will be sending waves of Thai bargirls to overpower Rangoon.

    Now that you lnow the full details the U.S. government will have to kill you.


    Which bar will you be recruiting from, :D READY TO REPORT FOR DUTY SIR

  7. What was the question again? I do live, for years now, in the middle of a night-life area.

    What should be the problem?

    My wife (not Thai) and me enjoy the proximity to a bustling city. Nothing wrong with the girls next door. They do their job. Sometimes, (after wife sleeps) we talk. You know the biggest story? All the guys who complain in daytime about the whores, are unable to perform with the girls, even if they pay double. :D

    OUCH next time tell him how you really feel :o

  8. I too am going to be purchasing a ring in the very near future. I have a related question:

    How does one deal with the fitting issue if you want to present the ring as a surprise? Can you make arrangements to bring back the ring at most shops to exchange it for one that fits properly?


    Ring Ignorrant

    I bought one at the world trade center (different name now). I went to several there, the guy I decided on took me through a mini dimond class. showed me the different rocks under a special light and you could see the color go from white to yellow. I learned more about dimonds that day than I ever knew before.

    And as far as size I put one of her rings on my finger and mark where it stops. She would know if I asked for her size but over the years I know all the sizes now :o

  9. The Danish foreign ministry has issued travel warnings to Danish citizen abroad.

    The warnings a mostly aimed at Danes in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and other exotic places, but it also warns the Danes to be extra cautious in Thailand. The reason for this is that the drawings in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten has caused strong negative emotions among Muslims.

    The Thai part is mainly aimed at, Narathiwat, Yala, Pattani and Songkhla…even though other embassies have had this warning for some time now.

    The Royal Danish embassy in Bangkok is as usual not providing any info other than they are closed on Monday….probably due to headache from 100 pipers. :D


    But you can find more info here…Sorry I think it is only in Danish.


    But since the Danes are lacy people…The Danish foreign ministry is providing links to other countries travel warnings…just to be safe. :o

    Ok we Danes are lazy but not as stupid as you think, I don't know what you are, perhaps a Muslim trying to create more trouble, I have read your other postings today as well, you sure spend a lot of time complaining about our embassy. :D

    Yes, and you are making assumptions about Muslims, to even indicate that there is reason for the Danes to be careful.

    Those people seen demonstrating outside embassy’s, burning things and threatening folk are not Muslims. They are either Jews disguised as Muslims or CIA types trying to make Islam look bad.

    IF your were serious about that last statement, I just have one question for you.

    What color is the sky in your world :D

  10. I am always to busy trying to avoid the "rubber necks" when everyone is looking I'm to busy driving and watching the road because there is alway's potential for another wreck. My one thought is to just get around it and go on. I was driving behind my good friend the night a drunk swerved and killed him; and as I was standing there watching the ghouls parade by just to get a glimpse of someones misfortune it really made me sick to think that my friend was just a curiosity for their morbid amusement.

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