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Everything posted by AboutThaim

  1. I've often thought we hear so much about toxic masculinity but hardly ever (never?) about toxic femininity which seems to have been on the rise for decades and still rising.
  2. Is AI not set up to know the difference between he and she, his and hers or is it just part of the transgender bs that it's just not important to differentiate between the two these days?
  3. Seems like the driver asked them to stop, they thought about it for a few seconds then thought 'no Phuket'. LOL
  4. Some very thoughtless remarks here. The ambulance just may have been in the right hand lane because it just may be expecting to be able to pass other vehicles as it just may have been exceeding the speed of most vehicles. Some ambulances may seem to not have emergency cases in the back. Ever thought they may be on the way to an emergency? Or perhaps delivering blood to a hospital for an emergency operation? Why would relatives be following? Gees, I dunno. It's not anyone would GAF about a family member!
  5. I don't see anyone putting the blame on whoever installed the gas cylinders. I doubt the bus owner did it himself. Are installers of gas cylinders trained? Do they check for leaks after installation? Do they sign off on paperwork following installation so they can be held accountable? Obviously there is no, or very little, maintenance done following installation. I can almost forgive the driver for running away at the sight of the bus entirely engulfed in flames. The gas must have completely filled the bus and virtually exploded setting everything and everyone alight. The best fire extinguisher available would not have had any noticeable effect in extinguishing the fire. Perhaps start with enforcing all these buses must run on diesel instead of gas.
  6. Are you on any medication for blood pressure? I was prescribed a couple, one of them, amlodipine, caused the same problem with me. I have enlarged prostate, had radiation for prostate cancer nine years ago. As soon as I stopped taking amlodipine the problem stopped. Tried it again months later, same problem so stopped again. Only take doxasozine now which keeps my blood pressure at the right level.
  7. Seems to me that Muslims are either deep into politics where they criticize anyone who utters a word against them or or their religion or are radicals protesting how they are all victims. They move from their 'paradises' to other countries where they are treated better than the locals then try to change an actual paradise to resemble the <deleted>hole they just left. Their bs seems to be able to fool so many people into believing they are not there to take over. A lot of people need to wake up and realize that their future generations, their kids or their kids kids, are going to be ruled by these radicals under sharia law.
  8. Seems to me that Muslims are either deep into politics where they criticize anyone who utters a word against them or or their religion or are radicals protesting how they are all victims. They move from their 'paradises' to other countries where they are treated better than the locals then try to change an actual paradise to resemble the <deleted>hole they just left. Their bs seems to be able to fool so many people into believing they are not there to take over. A lot of people need to wake up and realize that their future generations, their kids or their kids kids, are going to be ruled by these radicals under sharia law.
  9. Seems to me that Muslims are either deep into politics where they criticize anyone who utters a word against them or or their religion or are radicals protesting how they are all victims. They move from their 'paradises' to other countries where they are treated better than the locals then try to change an actual paradise to resemble the <deleted>hole they just left. Their bs seems to be able to fool so many people into believing they are not there to take over. A lot of people need to wake up and realize that their future generations, their kids or their kids kids, are going to be ruled by these radicals under sharia law.
  10. Seems to be that Muslims are either deep into politics where they criticize anyone who utters a word against them or are radicals protesting how they are all victims. They move from their 'paradises' to other countries where they are treated better than the locals then try to change an actual paradise to resemble the <deleted>hole they just left. Their bs seems to be able to fool so many people into believing they are not there to take over. A lot of people need to wake up and realize that their future generations, their kids or their kids kids, are going to be ruled by these radicals under sharia law.
  11. And, of course, the competitors will be classed as athletes.
  12. Yeah! Let's forget about the two cops that were murdered doing their job by the three cop haters on the farm in Queensland a year or so ago. Just one example of cop haters murdering cops doing their job. Yes, there are cops who should be given the boot but are probably a very small minority.
  13. Yeah! No problem! It will be Zimbabwe dollars. LOL
  14. And pull himself together.
  15. Some Vixol products contain 15 % hydrochloric acid and will eat the grout and discolour stainless steel. Read the label, you'll find it there.
  16. That would be Taylor Swift. She didn't see the 'slap' coming.
  17. If you have so much knowledge and foresight about how America will perform when Trump wins perhaps you should be in the contest for president. You can also speak for the rest of the world apparently! Amazing!
  18. I think they're having trouble removing Obamas hand from the presidential puppet.
  19. So you think it's ok in this day and age for Moslems to do the same as the Crusaders did centuries ago? If you don't why bring it up? There are lots of horrific things that have happened due to religious beliefs long ago such as being burnt at the stake for non- believers, Spanish inquisition, etc. Hope we don't go back to that sort of thing to try to influence people's beliefs.
  20. Is not bad at all if it's lava durian. I carry them in the car and hardly notice the smell. What smell there is, is not unpleasant.
  21. I think it comes from the soil produced from volcanic eruptions. Obviously these volcanoes are long extinct. Out here in the east they grow what is known locally as lava durian. Most farms are up in the hills where the soil is red and I believe is weathered lava. These durian do not have the obnoxious smell that I remember from my first visit to Thailand many years ago.
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