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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. Apparently a German born of Iranian Descent. People going he is Iranian so he is not white. Please define white? Spaniards and Portugese are not always pale in colour are they white?

    I have Olive skin but blue eyes and brown hair . Am I white?

    The Guy might be a Shiite or he could be an Iranian Kurd. What if he is a Christian of Iranian descent? Does that make a difference.

    The innnocents this man murdered if most are Immigrants does this make it ok?

    He is said to have said he was born in Germany, Living in a depressed area of Munich.

    He yelled anti immigrant statements.

    Yes He is a Nutter in any ones books. Murdered innocent people. We will have to wait and see if he was radical. Was he inspired by that crazed Butcher Anders Brevic or by those deranged Camel Humpers ISIL we will have to wait and see

  2. The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

    And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.

    You are right, but the chances are Shirtless is right, the odds are better then Brexit coffee1.gif

    The Perpetrator is said to have yelled anti foreigner insults and yelled at others "I am German". Most likely the victims are Immigrants so I guess to many of you it is alright then. To me it shows a sad polarisation in Our Societies

  3. Again, that's just nonsense. Despite the impression you might get from socialising mainly with those for a taste for Asian women, the vast majority of western men will end up with western women.

    Some of you guys have been here long enough to get some pretty weird ideas.

    With regards to NZ you are wrong there probably 50% will end up with women of mixed extraction. NZ has always been a multicultural Society and Most of My Family are of mixed race. There are few without Maori, Pacific Island or asian relatives now. Many NZ Western women are great. But as some have said and I concur a lot of those out there looking so called for partners later in life. I dated several oce I got past the trauma of my divorce from my first wife. All without exception said they wanted a man without baggage. I found to my cost why this is. "They wanted me to carry all theirs" And so I sought a Thai wife. Call me naive before I came here in 2009 I had never heard of the Thai Sex industry. It was not until I split with my first Thai GF in 2010 that I went drinking with a Scottish mate and discovered Thai Bars. Apart from the GoGo Bars which I only visited once in 2013 I find it less in your face than NZ's. Don't tend to stay around Bkk . Never been to Pattayya or Phuket so can't say other places. I come to Thai for Women but not the ones in Bars anyway. There are plenty of good Thai Ladies available. And by the way I have met some good ladies in Bars. As people say many are there supporting their families so should not all be tarred with the same brush

  4. Here is a Man who talks about the rule of Law. All Our Countries have the rule that even if a Law and Penalty is changed after you commit an offence. Then you are tried and sentenced in accordance with the Law as it applied at the time you offended. This Despot and his Horde of Chanting Minions talks of reimposing the Death Penalty for the recent Coup. 60,000 plus now I believe arrested or dismissed this is shaping to be more of a Pogrom of the Secular State in Order to set up his Islamic Caliphate.

  5. The UK must really be in fear to want these. In fact, all of Europe must have much greater fear than the US of war and invasion since you folks are going to be invaded long before the US ever is. That's doesn't seem to be true but it must be. It must. I imagine Europeans fear the communist threat much more than the crazy right wingers in the US. How do you sleep at night? Is it the US bases there that make you forget the red threat? Personally, I think the US should close its bases the UK and Europe or at least make them pay more for their presence, but of course the US military and its suppliers will say no. Military corruption rules. They like all that wasted money going into their pockets.

    Communists? Are the Cubans and China and Vietnam,lao and Cambodia going to invade Europe? These are the only Communist Countries left. And most of them are more Capital dominated than true Communist. I do not think 62,750 US Military personal dotted between Turkey and the UK pose a deterrent to anyone. More of tokenism. Like the UK the USA is drawing down in Europe why? Because there is no current European threat.

  6. Russia will not disarm while the USA has nukes and vice versa France and the UK have nukes because the USA sparking a nuclear exchange in the case of a major conflagration in Europe is dubious . India and Pakistan have Nukes because they hate each other. Israel has and Iran wants for the same reason. China has them because they distrust both the USA and Russia. Plus India. North Korea has them because they are Nutters. Several other Countries also have them but are not telling. Chances of a Nuclear war very slim. It is really just the most expensive phallic symbol ever kept. Regional squabbles will come and go. Big Nations will continue to Bully smaller Nations. This is Our world. And how it has been for over 5000 years.

    I do not lose sleep worrying about WW3 that will only happen in Hollywood and on TV series. Bruce , Arnie and the others will save the Day

  7. Jesus wept...

    Indeed, he may well have.

    "Jesus married the prostitute Mary Magdalene and had children, according to a manuscript almost 1,500 years old unearthed at the British Library."


    Five hundred years after the event. How did they know? There was no BBC back then, apparently. Anyway she owned Magdalane College in Cambridge so doubt she was a prozzie.

    BBC was around then they reported on it. But back then they called themselves the Bible Bashing Critics as apparently Britons were only reading Roman News then

  8. Don't worry they will soon conscript all your children and grandchildren for the Holy Crusade Extended War on Terror Once Trump is elected. Everything will be all Roses. New Slogan will be All the way Trumpy's Day. Nothing like the smell of Napalm. ANd hell you got 200 MOAB's you need to use before expiry. Remember women and Children first! Don't let clarity of thought alter your judgement.

  9. I watched an Interview with Muslim French people in Nice. They were horrified by what this man had done. Do not forget he mowed down Muslims too. And the majority of these suicide attacks are carried out in Muslim Countries Sunni vs Shiite.

    I'm just sure his target was moslems. Sort of makes you ask why he didn't go back to his home in Tunisia where he could have hit a lot more moslems, instead of just the ones in France.

    The Guy was just a Nut job Out to die with a name. Isil also a bunch of Maniacs glad to claim credit. That they killed both French People and Muslims as well as others seems not to matter to them. I am sure if some Government in the West announced a Holy Crusade to end Muslim terrorism that Self appointed right wing Nut jobs would take it upon themselves to do the same things in Muslim majority areas. And indeed in islamic Countries.

    But the west hasn't been in the holy crusade business for some centuries now have they?

    Take another look. What do you think Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya , Somalia, Syria are. You can dress it up and call it bringing freedom and eliminating Despots but in the end it is a Holy than Thou attitude which powers it.

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