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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. I think a man with a history of Bullying, womanizing and blatant lies himself should not be dragging this up. Yes Bill Clinton was in Politics so you remain a target. Why would you subject a woman Monica Lewinsky to having her lifes biggest mistake aired once more in Public. If I was her I would launch a class action and harassment suit against Trump and see how his Billions fare then. The man is as low as they go. And I may not like Hillary but prefer her to this Dog.

  2. I take issue with the words the world hates Jews. I have met plenty do not have a problem with anyone. Societies often blame minorities for the ills of their Nations. Hence Persecution. The rise of the Nazi Party in Germany came at the height of an anti Jewish period in Europe. The Nazis were monsters and cold blooded killers. The sad thing is most were well educated. Just shows how thing the veneer of Civilization lies beneath the surface of Humanity. Sadly nothing has changed. Look at the murder of civilians and innocents happening today

  3. He may have been a warrior when called upon but he also negotiated the best hope for peace Israel ever had sadly rejected by the Knesset. Now the road to peace is much harder. Men like him will be missed by both Israeli and Palestinian. Hard but fair and pragmatic. Not easy to find on today's world stage

  4. I personally like Thailand. And Thai people I have met more good thai than bad. Of course they see us as cash cows after all we do spend. Thailand slowly moves to throw off 3rd world status but I think they can do this.

    My only critcism is the new constitution but only an opinion as in the end it is the Thai People who will one day change. My intention if I can is to live and die in Thailand. I love it warts and all

  5. Way to go Nato. Have learned nothing in the past 71 years. The Russians are not threatening Ukraine but like the cold war. If you want play one up man ship with the Russians they will up the anti. Time for some level headed Diplomacy and hard negotiating. Unless you want a hot zone in Europe and Ukraine will be the scorch point. Do not keep puffing out your chests and saying we are right. Hurting a peoples pride (Russia) goes all ways. Talk and keep the Military in check

  6. Anyone who promotes and propagates hate speech regardless of what their Religious or Ethnic background. Deserves the full measure of the Law. If He is born in the UK and legally a UK Citizen not much you can do but enforce the Prison sentence and monitor him. If he is an Immigrant then you are entitled to expel him as an undesirable Alien. 

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