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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. 12 hours ago, tbthailand said:

    No, she should not pay. And no politician should have to pay for costs of a government program just because the government that follows them hates the idea. In the USA, in Europe and throughout Asia, there are agricultural subsidy programs like this rice program. Does any other country change governments and then go after the previous PM for the bill? Of course not, that would be stupid. 


    And it is stupid in this case too, but then we have clowns behind the wheel of the car... 


    PS: just so that the somewhat dim junta-huggers get it, let me be clear.  Yes, corruption should be rooted out and people involved charged appropriately and put on trial.  But that is not what is going on here.... 

    Correct about subsidies New Zealand had subsidised minimum prices for Agriculture through the 70's and a fixed currency. The result it was claimed there were 70  million sheep so bigger subsidies paid to Farmers. And Farmers were encouraged to be inefficient. The fixed currency plus smp's almost Bankrupted the Country. Since they have gone Farmers are amongst the most efficient in the World getting no Government handouts.True reporting reveals sheep numbers at 30-35 million and cattle 15 million. Our floating currency is valued based on a basket of currencies and is more stable. NZ's economy is still growing. 

    What Thailand needs is a Transparent Government something no one is pushing. This is how you begin to remove corruption. If you can't hide what you are doing you must justify it. That is a major step to Democracy. One Day I pray Thailand seizes upon this and it spreads to infect all of Asia. Because that is when the Tigers will return and roar. IMO.

  2. I am sorry but Paedophile's regardless of Race creed or colour deserve only a 9mm anaesthethic . It you think thrapy or Monkhood cures them then you should look at recidivsm rates.

    Get rid of them day one and they cannot reoffend. 

    For those of you who like to attack the Buddhist Faith it is not a religion but a Philosphy. If the first 5 precepts were actually followed such things would diminish.

    Religion may be a curse but faith is a basic human need.

  3. 4 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:




    61 and you think you have 30-35 years ahead of you !!55555

    life  expenctancy in Thailand due to pollution, poor medical,

    and social concerns is 72 for males...reality check!

    And this is the statistic for Farangs too. With the Exception of course of those of us who get Bird syndrome and think we can fly out of Condos. Thais and Farangs do not have the same Life expectancy.

  4. 65-70 why not. Who are we to judge. I am 61 and did think about it. If you are lucky you get 30-35 years with them. What guarantees are there in life. Plenty of my friends died in their 30,s and forties leaving young kids behind. And Yeah buy a Harley then you can guarantee you leave them behind. If its what your heart desires then do it. As to you down the over 50's crew DILLIGAF.

  5. 12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Hmmmm. Isn't that because Kiwis don't get Oz benefits anymore, and Aussies still get NZ benefits?

    'bout time for some reciprocity, methinks.


    I would be disgusted if NZ stooped to the low level of Xenophobia and racism our erstwhile neighbour does. They may deny Our Citizens rights we afford Australian in NZ. That is because we still hold to the Anzac spirit. Australia should rename their April 25th to Anzak day = Australia's new zeal attacking kiwis. We were once cousins now we are in their eyes the same as Trumps view of Mexicans. I lived in Oz for many years was a resident and allowed to vote. But that is something they deny our people despite our Contributions to the Australian Economy. We always had friendly rivalry turned bitter by successive Australian Govts since 2001. Current estimates say there are over 300,000 kiwis living in Australia and about 66,000 Australians living in NZ.

    I for one would never want to see NZ retaliate against Australians. Let the spirit live on.

  6. What is needed is a 3 question referendum UN supervised which will never happen because of National Interest and stubborn pride.

    Q1 Do you wish to be part of India, Q2 Do you want to be part of Pakistan Q3 Do you wish to be an Autonomous Independent state.

    Both India and Pakistan are both guilty of abuse and control in Kashmir.

    First step must be the demilatarisation of the State.

    This was supposed to happen 70 years ago but never will as its about peacocks and ruffled feathers

  7. Regardless of who has committed atrocities (and not one Party has clean hands in this conflict. It is sad in this war that the USA and its Allies do not force the grounding of Syrian Air power. That way only the Russian would shown to have committed atrocities on Civilian areas. Shoot down any Assad aircraft only engage Russian aircraft if they lock on you. I think you would find a scramble of Assad and his allies to negotiate. To continue as we are now is to condone the deliberate targeting of civilians. Which is a breach of the Geneva convention and considered a war crime especially as they are now deliberately targeting Hospitals and Rescue Teams.

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