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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. 3 hours ago, robblok said:


    What lies,  no lies written there. 


    People knew the PTP was against it it was in the news, people could all vote (many did not bother their mistake) then of those who did vote the majority voted YES. Nobody forced those people to vote YES it was their free will. 


    Now with this new constitution the PTP is a spent force. it will be so much harder to be corrupt now the statute of limitations on corrupt politicians is gone and now the punishment is increased. This is the end for the man from Dubai. Now he cant wait for all the charges to go away. 


    I might not like the appointed senators.. but these other changes about corruption are a godsend and will cripple the PTP.  

    I believe saying the PTP is a spent force may be a little Premature. Yingluck may be banned from seeking Public Office for 5 years but her popularity is seemingly untarnished. Maybe they reinvent themselves again. And probably will be somewhat hamstrung by this new Constitution but they will be back. Do not write a Horse off until the finish line and this race is only in its infancy

  2. * New Zealand - 199

    * Iran - 175

    * Vietnam - 142

    * Sri Lanka - 94

    * China - 87

    * Afghanistan - 66

    * India - 65

    * Bangladesh - 59

    * United Kingdom - 53

    * Other - 637

    (as at June 30, 2016)

    Way to go Australia. Like We are your best Buddies still.

  3. 2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    well this article certainly seems more realistic, 20 referendums in the last 80 years with the same cycle being perpetuated. the vote next year will be interesting with the minority yellow shirts trying to influence their power over the red shirts who will almost certainly win.

    Regardless of who wins unless they play the tune of the appointed Senate all Legislation can be vetoed. This is hardly condusive to the Democratic process and will leave this Country even more ham strung than it has been.What is more they cannot decide the PM this has to be approved so your Leader may not be the Prime Minister.

  4. Apparently the vote was 61% in favour with a small turn out. You had the choice of voting to have your rights diminished or not voting and having your rights diminished. Many obviously voted to stay home with their Families. Now Thailand has advanced to a new Constitution which in effect gives all power to the Military. just like Myanmar . How does making the average Thai persons vote worthless as they cannot choose their Prime Minister or members of the Senate. Where does this strengthen Democracy. Personally I would like to see Thailand condemned in the UN and by other democratic Countries. Let them cosey up to China. The price for Thailand will be too high. And China will soon tire of its new whining Puppy.

    They would have been more honest to say the new constitution is the same as the pre 1932 constitution with all power given back to the Military and ruling classes.

  5. 27 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    How does the fear of a terrorist attack by those of an alien religion and culture make someone 'far right' any more than those who do not fear it 'far left'. Fearing death and injury does not qualify someone as being 'far right'.


    Why anyone with a 'modicum' of common sense does not fear or is at least are rather concerned about becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is 'beyond me'. The intelligent step to take would be to identify, isolate, imprison and deport those whose profiles fit the bill of a possible future terrorist for the good of all concerned.


    Then eventually hatred and fear would possibly gradually dissipate with time and we might just be able to live in harmony in the future although it's doubtful that would happen. Multiculturalism has been a failed experiment wherever it's been tried. Even Angela Merkel admitted as much regarding Europe back in 2010.

    In the 1939-45 German and Austrian and Japanese Nationals were rounded up in many of Our Countries. Some persecuted for being their Race. In the 1950's and 60's there was the Red threat and those with Leftist views often persecuted and ridiculed in the media. Now it is other immigrant Groups that fringe Groups whip up hate against. And when amongst them there is the odd Nutter or Extremist You buy into the message of fear. I do not fear them. But that does not mean I am not on the alert. But if you want to buy into the Politics of fear How can you sleep at Night. If someone does something near you what will you do? Better to be alert and prepare and pray that it does not happen to you. While avoiding marginalising Innocent refugees when it is a small fringe we need to be aware of. Most just want a better life. Most of us are descended from Immigrants. 

  6. Interesting now he has widened his anti Immigrant tirades to Phillipino's as well. Soon be Europeans, Asians and South Americans. I am sure he will get to us all eventually. Hopefully by the end of it he will kick himself out. Do not think he is a Native American! Maybe they will be nicer than him and give him his blanket back

  7. 11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    Whats a somali man doing living in the uk anyway? 


    Is he on the uk  marathon team?

    I guess he was living there?

    A lot of Somalis came to NZ in the late 1990's and early 2000's in order to Halal kill in Our Freezing Industry. Their Families coming with them.

    I would think something similar in the UK. Mostly the parents blend in and become good workers. But the Kids do not always fit in. And We had problems with them starting a street Gang in My City (Christchurch) . And for a while there were groups using machetes in attacks. Prompt Police actions seemed to have quelled this as have not heard of for some time.

    This Person seems to have had mental issues. Also remember he comes from a culture that resorts pretty quickly to using machetes and knives when frustrated.

    Does not excuse it. But never surprised when here they use machetes or knives. RIP the poor Woman killed and the others injured heal quickly.

  8. 13 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    How does Mein Kampf get into the picture. It suggests that not only are those who are scared of and angry about Islamic atrocities are not only racist and bigots but disciples of Hitler as well despite the fact that he actually had an SS division of Muslim troops from the Balkans serving on the Eastern Front. How does that fit into this homely little scenario.

    Touche and following that little scenario ends with the same things just two sides of a coin. You become that which you fear and despise.

  9. I have not read one Post on here of someone apologising for Radicalised Jihadists. Nor would I apologise for any attrocities caused by Radical Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Jews. Attrocities and murder are just that no matter who committed them. But What many seem to allude to is a collective punishment for all!. So where do you start? With the Families of the Offenders. OK Mum , Dad they produced them, Siblings could be similar. Cousins, Aunts ,Uncles. neighbours may have spoken to them. Then Get rid of their worship centres. Burn their books of worship and then expell them from your Countries. In the UK you are talking about 2,700,000 people. I am sure when they are herded back to their Countries of Origin (regardless whether or not born in the UK). This will make the World a safer place. They will not harbour any ill feeling to you or the U.K. But some of them may hide in the other different minorities so why not be thorough and clean them out too. Just in case. Then you can sit down in front of the nice heater and read sup your cup of tea and read your copy of Mein Kampf thinking "Jolly good job old chap the World is a safer place" Until...............

  10. 44 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

    Every attack seems to follow the same pattern. There is a big delay in naming the attacker, which gives the authorities and social media sites time to erase info not supporting the narrative of mental illness.  The authorities know their stance is untenable in the long term but are no doubt counting on each event fading from view before the full details emerge.






    One of his friends on the book review site was incidentally reading a book about explosives. None of this of course provides conclusive proof of intent, but to say the least eyebrows should be raised over the police as seeing this was probably a case of mental illness when a short Internet search provides a lot of circumstantial evidence to the contrary.

    I think the word One should focus on is Circumstantial. Since when do we in the So called Civilised World convict or incriminate on Circumstantial evidence. It is not a far leap from assuming Guilt to the Lynch Mob. And Once there what differentiates you from the Jihadist?

  11. There was no small cadre of Fanatics that caused the mass exterminations. It was State Policy and blind eyes and assistance was given by the General Populace. The saddest thing is that Germany and Austria were Nations of well educated people. The warning for all is that we all live in a thin veneer of Civilisation. Underneath us all is the most Base of Human traits.

  12. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Crimea was part of the sovereign nation of Ukraine when Putin's Russia interfered. The people in Crimea didn't have the right to vote themselves out of Ukraine. That would only be legitimate if it was done at a national level coming from the entirety of Ukraine. 



    Trouble is if you follow that view then south Sudan had no right to secede from Sudan. Kosovo had no right to secede from Serbia. Politics are always complicated. 

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