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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. It was a RUSE. Not a military takeover. Now Erdogan can become President (one-man ruler) with increased public support. We just saw a real military takeover in Thailand 2 years ago. What happened in Turkey was anything but a military takeover.

    The apparent beheading of the Soldier on the Bridge was just a precursor. Remember what they Did to T.E Lawrence. So expect a lot of beaten and brutalised accused to appear before jihady style courts. Goodbye Turkish state. Welcome Turkish Caliph

  2. 3,000 people were murdered. To satisfy Public demand for revenge and to sate the hatred they whipped up Western Governments twisted facts to suit themselves and invaded Iraq and Afghanistan both resulting in Quagmires and horrific casualties on both sides. They in a continued so called war on terror Libya and Syria are also destabilised. Millions become refugees further destabilising Europe. Raising Xenophobia in those Nations and other Western Countries. In All Our Countries hate crimes are up. The problems of Our countries blame it on Immigrants. The answer of many lets retaliate and destroy more of the bas####ds. Instead of taking a step back and asking why? If there was hope in their Native Countries they would not leave! If Countries did not simply take them in and ghettoize them there would be less discontentment.

    I guess like many of you I too get annoyed when Foreign people immigrate to my Country. Accept all that the immigration and Cultural information which is given to them. And then promptly begin behaving as they do in their Countries of origin complaining about the way that I do things.

    That is a issue Governments need to address and not kau tau too.

    And I am not talking in particular about Islamic people because they rarely affect me.

    But other peoples who think it is ok to spit and clear their noses in front of me. Who get upset when told they may not hit their children.

    I welcome all who come to my Homeland but like many of you I will not change my way of life for them. They either accept Our Nations ways or leave. And that also applies to me in Thailand.

  3. Tayyip Erdogan: Rise

    1970s-1980s - Active in Islamist circles, member of Necmettin Erbakan's Welfare Party

    1994-1998 - Mayor of Istanbul, until military officers made power grab

    1998 - Welfare Party banned, Erdogan jailed for four months for inciting religious hatred

    Aug 2001 - Founds Islamist-rooted AKP with ally Abdullah Gul

    2002-2003 - AKP wins solid majority in parliamentary election, Erdogan appointed prime minister

    Aug 2014 - Becomes president after first-ever direct elections for head of state

  4. Maybe some of you foreign policy experts can explain something to me. Looking at the map: https://www.google.co.th/maps/@43.8525872,-12.8611109,3z

    Why does Russia want/need to build a pipeline South/Southwest crossing Turkey, Iran, Iraq and a couple of other smallish places to go through Syria whose borders are no where near Europe to get it's oil pumped to Europe which lies basically directly West?

    I'm not an engineer nor have I ever traversed the terrain nor do I know exactly where the oil fields of Russia are located, but looking at the map it seems like circling the forest to get to the trees.

    If they want to pipe something from Russia to Europe, why not go through Belarus and Poland?

    Forgive me if I sound geographically challenged rolleyes.gif

    I think they want it to pump the non existent Syrian Oil and Gas. But then I too am not expert just obviously a Chekist/Tsarist tool

  5. My posts are about Russian so-called pride. Russian toughness. Russians being as strong as an ox and just as smart as one. Russian hubris. The Putin fanboy posts miss anything and everything critical of Putin, especially the facts as I'd presented them in a post to the thread.

    Putin and a strong Russia are inconsistent, contradictory thoughts...absurd. Russians need to read some Greek tragedies apart from the Chekist Putin and his leftover USSR mindset.

    Russia has been good for nothing and no one for a hundred years...unless you're Assad and his family and cronies or now the CCP Dictators in Beijing. Eastern Europe is finally free of the Soviet Russians and they want to stay free of the Russians which is why they rushed to join EU and Nato.

    Putin fanboyz keep missing the obvious in their adoration of the guy who's never played chess against anyone he couldn't put in jail. Or have shot. Or poisoned. Etc.

    I am always pleased to see your unbiased and level comments. I am sure you yourself are and excellent Chess Player thanks to your training at Langley. Well Done

  6. Why he shouted allahu akbar then?

    Nice Terror Attack: What They're NOT Telling You


    It is possible he was part of some Plot by Extremists. It is also possible he was just some sad Demented person. Who realising he had failed in life decided he would commit suicide in a grandiose way taking as many of the Haves as he saw it in revenge for the life he could not. As to what he is said to have said Maybe he said or people think he yelled it. We do not know. That is all for the authorities to determine.
    Rinse and repeat. Dementia seems to target muslims or what?

    11-22 March 2012 Shooting 7 5 Toulouse and Montauban shootings, murdering three French paratroopers, a French Rabbi and three French schoolchildren (aged eight, six and three) carried out over a period of 11 days by Mohammed Merah.[1]

    23 May 2013 Stabbing 0 1 2013 La Défense attack by an Islamist knifeman against a French soldier in the Paris suburb of La Défense.

    20 December 2014 Stabbing 0 3 2014 Tours police station stabbing. A man yelling "Allahu Akbar" attacked a police office in Joué-lès-Tours with a knife. He was killed and 3 police officers were injured.

    21 December 2014 Vehicle ramming 0 11 2014 Dijon attack. A man yelling "Allahu Akbar" ran over 11 pedestrians with his vehicle.

    22 December 2014 Vehicle ramming 1 10 2014 Nantes attack. A man yelling "Allahu Akbar" ran over 10 pedestrians with his vehicle, killing one, then attempted suicide.

    7-9 January 2015 Shooting 20 22 January 2015 Île-de-France attacks, a mass shooting at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo office in Paris, carried out by Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, two Islamist gunmen who identified themselves as belonging to Al-Qaeda in Yemen.[1] During this period, a third Islamist gunman and close friend of the Kouachi brothers,Amedy Coulibaly was responsible for two shootings and an hostage taking at a Hypercacher kosher market. He said he synchronized his attacks with the Kouachi brothers. Coulibaly had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

    3 February 2015 Stabbing 0 3 3 military men, guarding a Jewish community center in Nice, are attacked by Moussa Coulibaly (not related to the January Coulibaly attacks).

    19 April 2015 Shooting 1 0 Unsuccessful attack against 2 churches in Villejuif by an Algerian jihadist. He killed a woman probably when trying to steal her car but accidentally shot himself in the leg, putting an end to his plans.[22]

    26 June 2015 Beheading 1 2 Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack. An Islamist delivery driver probably linked to ISIS decapitated a man and rammed a company van into gas cylinders at the Air Products gas factory in an attempt to blow up the building.

    21 August 2015 Shooting and stabbing 0 4 2015 Thalys train attack. An attempted mass shooting occurred on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris. Four people were injured, including the assailant who was subdued by other passengers.[23]

    13-14 November 2015 Shootings, hostage taking and suicide bombings 130 352 November 2015 Paris attacks. The single deadliest terrorist attack in French history.

    1 January 2016 Vehicle ramming 0 2 A man rammed his car twice into 4 soldiers protecting a mosque in Valence. He said he wanted to kill troops and jihadi propaganda images were found on his computer.[25]

    7 January 2016 Stabbing 0 1 January 2016 Paris police station attack, a jihadist wearing a fake explosive belt attacked police officers in the Goutte d'Or district in Paris with a meat cleaver, while shouting "Allahu Akbar".

    13 June 2016 Stabbing 2 0 2016 Magnanville stabbing, a police officer and his wife, a police secretary, were stabbed to death in their home in Magnanville by a jihadist. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

    14 July 2016 Vehicle ramming 84 202 2016 Nice attack, a terrorist used a truck to run over people celebrating the 2016 Bastille Day.

    And automatically this is the same? It may well be . But you are making assumptions.

  7. 14 pages so far of the usual redneck Muslim bashing that now seems to be the norm on this forum despite rule #11.
    You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards ...any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
    and despite the fact that the OP perp was not a practising Muslim; he ate pork, drank alcohol, took drugs, never went to a mosque or observed Ramadan.

    Why he shouted allahu akbar then?

    Nice Terror Attack: What They're NOT Telling You

    It is possible he was part of some Plot by Extremists. It is also possible he was just some sad Demented person. Who realising he had failed in life decided he would commit suicide in a grandiose way taking as many of the Haves as he saw it in revenge for the life he could not. As to what he is said to have said Maybe he said or people think he yelled it. We do not know. That is all for the authorities to determine.

  8. I wish Thaksin a Happy Birthday. Maybe will see many at you at his birthday in a few Year when Pheu Thai again become Government albeit under another name. By then the Generals will have left with their pilfered wealth on their 3 chinese made submarine ( If they actually run) and go to China

    The Thai People will run their own Country.

    I hope the next time they invest in their Youth with extensive education so Thailand can truly reach its potential.

    Of course many of you who live here will dish the Thai people but I believe there is more good than bad.

    Do not forget your Chill pill and remember Don't worry Be Happy :) LOS

  9. I have never seen so many anti Russian Posters. Pet McArthy style reds under the beds lamentations. I have Russian and Ukrainian Friends hard working people. What others say to those I know from Russia is they support Putin and a strong Russia. As others have said the Russian is hardy and is used to many hardship unlike those of us in the west who burst into tears when Our Smart phone Battery goes flat. Russia has had a long term treaty with Syria as it has with India.

    What never ceases to amaze me how so many of you degenerate to name calling and idioms. I can imagine you as a small child throwing your toys out of the Sand pit when you missed your turn. The World is complex . People are complex. The answers to the Worlds problems are simple. But We make them hard by making the questions complex.

    Your view may be no more right than my view. But within it may be some valid points as may mine.

    Co operating achieves more than competing. And the person with a level head moves more than the hot head

    Have a nice day ladies and Gentlemen

  10. I do not have a particular view on this. Yes Thaksin was convicted in absentia. Yes the Junta granted themselves immunity from all crimes past present and future. Yes the Military and there Elite Cronies still control LOS with an Iron grip.

    I believe no matter how long it takes that the Thai People will one day change this equation.

    But What never ceases to amaze me is the tirades from the Thaksin Haters? What did he do to you personally. Or did your Isso friends tell you how bad he is.

    Me I try to listen to both sides.

    I have me own opinions

    But in the end on the running of the State and Government I have none because I have no say any way.

    And just hope that they continue to let me stay in their lovely country.[/quote

    Fact check on your part, Thaksin wasn't convicted absentia, he was convicted prior to absconding from the country. Makes the rest of you post a bit dodgy, doesn't it?

    He was overthrown in a military coup on 19 September 2006. His party was outlawed and he was barred from political activity.[4] Thaksin has since lived in self-imposed exile except for a brief visit to Thailand in 2008. He was sentenced in absentia to two years in jail for abuse of power. From abroad he has continued to influence Thai politics, through the People's Power Party that ruled in 2008, and its successor organization Pheu Thai Party, as well as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship or "red shirt" movement. His younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra was the prime minister of Thailand from 2011 to 2014.

  11. http://www.thephuketnews.com/ncpo-again-blocks-guests-to-thaksin-birthday-party-53302.php

    blank.gifThailand News blank.gifPhuket | Thailand | World | Business | Q&A | Weird World blank.gif blank.gifblank.gif
    NCPO again blocks guests to Thaksin's birthday party

    The National Council for Peace and Order again made it clear yesterday (July 21) it would not allow Pheu Thai politicians to travel aboard to celebrate former premier Thaksin Shinawatraʼs 66th birthday, citing concerns the party really was merely cover for a “political meeting”.

    - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/ncpo-again-blocks-guests-to-thaksin-birthday-party-53302.php#sthash.F88CXjCM.dpuf

  12. I do not have a particular view on this. Yes Thaksin was convicted in absentia. Yes the Junta granted themselves immunity from all crimes past present and future. Yes the Military and there Elite Cronies still control LOS with an Iron grip.

    I believe no matter how long it takes that the Thai People will one day change this equation.

    But What never ceases to amaze me is the tirades from the Thaksin Haters? What did he do to you personally. Or did your Isso friends tell you how bad he is.

    Me I try to listen to both sides.

    I have me own opinions

    But in the end on the running of the State and Government I have none because I have no say any way.

    And just hope that they continue to let me stay in their lovely country.

  13. There are some very good posts on this subject. It is sad though that rather than reading each others diverse views on this tragic killing spree and it possible causes or repercussions. Those who dislike left sounding replies attack them and often try and belittle the writers.

    And others who dislike right leaning Postings attack the Writer personally instead of focusing on the subject.

    We all have diverse views

    And a multitude of opinions.

    Why cannot We just be civil in replies.

    You do not solve or discuss problems and issues from a single point of view.

  14. Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

    Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

    It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

    I would actually be interested to see the results of the same kind of polling among fundamentalist Christians and Orthodox Jews to see what their opinion was on these same subjects. I would like to be proved wrong but I think you would find similar attitudes in most fundamentalist Religious Groups. So called Main stream Religious Groups are more secularly tolerant and therefore more tolerant to alternative life styles and views. I have met some pretty extremist non Muslims in my life journey. Also met a lot of enlightened people from all Societies.

  15. dageurreotype

    Christ you're naive. Away you go then. Ask pretty please with a cherry on top after the bastards have your vote and let us know how you get on with that coffee1.gif

    Am I naive. No. Am I educated yes. Opinionated Yes, Why sir do you not read my last posting on yours. Did I say I give them my vote and then accept what they do = No

    I said exactly the opposite.

    Our systems of Government give us a token say in it.

    Every few years we get to vote for One Social Engineering Dictator or the next.

    What they fear is US

    What I advocate is us getting out of Our Armchairs and demanding a say in this.

    I have talked with politicians and I know their greatest fear is us.

    Think about what I said. Please do not gut react .

    We all have differing opinions . Let us always have the right to express them. Otherwise We oppose the vestiges of the Democracy we purport to expouse.

  16. Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.

    Closure of all EU external borders.

    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.

    Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

    And then Once you have pacified these areas and repatriated all of the Immigrants from Europe to weed out the Agitators and violence Preachers. You will build special camps where they can be educated and rehabilitated. You will have gardens and beautiful signs to welcome them. Women to the left and Men to the right..... You will settle the Worlds problem Herr OberGruppenfuhrer

    Always quick with the Nazi defamation at hand.

    What are your suggestions to solve the problem?

    Or always turn the other cheek and let the whole thing so continue, and continue to bury regularly the victims?

    No I do not advocate that. Sadly it is a Problem we all now have to deal with. What you suggest would not work. What we are doing now is not working. My actual attitude is to get all of us involved in solving the problems instead of each election thinking you can trust a bunch of Self appointed Social Engineers who tell you what you want. Somehow We have to find logical and reasonable solutions and that takes whole communities not just Heads of Govt and appointed Bureaucrats. We were all given a vote and then told trust US. My suggestion is We vote but say ask us before you assume we are ok with things. Maybe if a bunch of so called elected officials who probably do not live in the areas they dump these people in actually liaised with communities the problems could be minimised from day one. Not like now where we can only apply band aids to the cuts. The solutions start with you and I

  17. Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.

    Closure of all EU external borders.

    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.

    Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

    And then Once you have pacified these areas and repatriated all of the Immigrants from Europe to weed out the Agitators and violence Preachers. You will build special camps where they can be educated and rehabilitated. You will have gardens and beautiful signs to welcome them. Women to the left and Men to the right..... You will settle the Worlds problem Herr OberGruppenfuhrer

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