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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. The US right that used to praise Putin as, at a minimum, a strongman leader has recently fallen mostly silent due to Putin's misadventures in Syria where Putin's been unsuccessful and after Ukraine where Putin has failed in his attempt to change the borders of Europe by force for the first time since the 1930s to include World War II.

    The reality is that Putin in Syria is no better than anyone else against terrorists and terrorism despite Putin's willingness to bomb anyone in Syria to include civilians, which also adds to the Putin caused death toll in Ukraine and the Russian soldiers who have died there too. All for the Czarist-Chekist Putin and for Russia the mother.

    The right had praised Putin, condemned the United States while excusing Assad as a dictator but, hey, a secular one. Assad is a dictator and a tyrant but he's just fine over there on the American right as long as he stays an Alawite. Assad is not one of those Saudi guyz who while being religious crackpots are none the less aligned with the United States (for better and for worse).

    On the US right, being for the US is bad, being against it is good.

    Strange stuff over there on the right. Indeed.

    "The reality is that Putin in Syria is no better than anyone else against terrorists and terrorism".

    "Assad is not one of those Saudi guyz who while being religious crackpots are none the less aligned with the United States".

    And those two quotes speak loudly for the 'messed up' policy that Washington has in Syria !!! smile.png

    Yes, Putin is no better than anyone else against terrorists and terrorism. Putin is supporting Assad, and bombing the rebels, Putin wants Assad to survive. Assad is a secular dictator, who is harmless to America and Europe.

    Now then, you yourself say that the Saudi giyz are religious crackpots. But hey, they are aligned with the United States.

    Look, Ahrar al-Sham is one of the major rebel groups that is fighting against Assad. Here's the wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahrar_al-Sham

    Ahrar al-Sham works alongside the Nusra Front, and the Nusra Front are actually Al Qaeda's branch in Syria. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are backing and supporting Ahrar al-Sham. Ahrar al-Sham is not actually interested in creating a new democratic Syria. Saudi Arabia's government s not interested in creating a new democratic Saudi Arabia. Ahrar al-Sham wants to create a new Syria, with no democracy, and it will be a society based on religion (Islam), a bit like Saudi Arabia. Oh, Saudi Arabia supports them.

    And Ahrar al-Sham are linked to Al Qaeda !! Given the choice, would you prefer Assad controlling Syria, OR, an Islamic group that is linked to Al Qaeda ??

    You prefer a group who are similar to the 'religious crackpots' of Saudi Arabia, and who are linked to Al Qaeda, rather than Assad ? And that's because those religious crackpots are more aligned with the United States ?? smile.png

    What is this ? Is Washington deliberately trying to create a new Osama bin Laden ??

    In a twisted way ....probably the answer is yes ....you do need the chaos to continue bombing so that the arms factories in USA can purr , continue to make money and support the political parties financially

    And of course conveniently ignore that the majority of those involved in 9/11 were Saudis

  2. It's only 4 days from the vote. What's the big problem here? if rest of world wants to spit the dummy, up to them. Britain's already offered informal talks but they have been rejected.

    That's the spirit! We'll get through this.

    whatever,but it is interesting,like watching a car crash in slow motion

    Or to watch the birth of something better

  3. Cameron himself said there would be no second vote. Regardless of what is said now the rules were the one who got more than 50% won. On a personal piece of opinion I think in such an important vote it should have been 60%. But then that would leave over 50% unhappy would it not.

    Our Democracies are based on 50%+ takes the goal. Ceste la Viv. Like it or not that was the rule.

    Same as Farage had he lost that was it. Now the work must be done to build a life for Britain outside of Brussels control.

    Interesting times. Maybe the UK will be the flagship for the 3rd way and Once again lead the world.

    Let us reflect again in 20 years

  4. Life will go on. Some things will change. Somethings will remain the change. Britain has 2 years to adapt. History shows us Europe has united and divided several times before. And will do so again. Kingdoms unite and divide. We are all products of migration and integration.

    Short term pain may lead to gain.

    What ever happens Britain must adapt.

    And those with an eye will find new opportunities.

    Yes the World has changed. The Age of Empire is over.

    But it is soon to be the dawn of a New Age and perhaps an Island will develop better than an over regulated Continent.

  5. THE mayor of Calais says migrants living in the Jungle camp and others in France should be moved to Britain so Brits “take the consequences” of Brexit.

    Natacha Bouchart wants a revision of the border deal between France and the UK, which at the moment sees border checks carried out in Calais to stop those trying to get to Britain illegally.

    The Sun

    If there were borders in Europe then the migrants wouldn't be there!

    And you wonder why we voted for Brexit with that scruffy mob over the channel trying to get in...

    Perhaps if the French try that you should blow the chunnel was always a weak point anyway. I am sure it was mined in case of the Soviets. You can't trust the French My old Grandad and Father always said.

  6. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-anger-bregret-leave-voters-protest-vote-thought-uk-stay-in-eu-remain-win-a7102516.html?campaign_id=A100&campaign_type=Email

    Brexit: Anger over 'Bregret' as Leave voters say they wanted 'protest vote' and thought UK would stay in EU

    Some said they had not forseen the immediate economic impact, while others were angry at Nigel Faraga's admisison that NHS funding claim was a 'mistake'

    It's not my fault, Mummy, Jeremy did it! Perhaps if they had reduced the voting age to 10 they might have got a better result!

    Still, I think - looking on the bright side - that some good may come of it, in about 10-30 years. The Brits could realize for instance that what they need is a federation. There are 2 reasons for having a federal system - large geographical size, which obviously doesn't apply in the case of Little Britain; or ethnic problems, which obviously do. In this latter case, you set up a 2-tier system of government to give those with a chip on the shoulder the illusion of independence & sovereignty.

    Meantime, ...

    Britain start to look more and more like Thailand, populated by millions of illiterate and uneducated xenophobes.

    No wonder so many Brits come on holiday here.

    Interestingly enough . After the Brexit vote the EU has decided to look at the possiblities of giving Sovereign members more control over their own Borders. So the Leavers obviously had some valid points. If the UK Parliament decides to ignore the result then that is the end of Democracy. The difficult things are where to now? But hopefully as has been the case in times of crisis and change a new Captain will arise. A Country that once ruled a huge Empire and pioneered the Industrial revolution may not regain its former glory. But surely all the seeds of rejuvenation are not dead in the Garden.

  7. Why so many sour losers on here. You all proclain democracy but complain when you lose. 3.5% is a margin . Ceste la viv. Suck it up. What if in 20 years it turns out this is the best thing ever. I bet you will walk around chests puffed out telling your Grandkids you supported it.

    Free Britain proud to be descended from it. Glad they are not bowing to Europe or American threats. Suck it up

    You are not British. Or in the EU. What's it to you?

    Yes the result is clear. No complaint.

    But in order to win a match, you have to do more than score the first goal.

    Just for your information I hold both NZ and UK Citizenship. What is it to me. Very important

  8. Why so many sour losers on here. You all proclain democracy but complain when you lose. 3.5% is a margin . Ceste la viv. Suck it up. What if in 20 years it turns out this is the best thing ever. I bet you will walk around chests puffed out telling your Grandkids you supported it.

    Free Britain proud to be descended from it. Glad they are not bowing to Europe or American threats. Suck it up

  9. As a business owner though, wouldn't you want to use cheap labour and pay less to export your goods?

    Or you could hire local labour, and have people living nearby that can afford to buy your goods.

    Yeah, that could work....if there was no competition whatsoever. You also wouldn't be able to expand your business and would be restricted in your trading because of that.

    But when we live in a world where there is competition you will be fighting a losing battle, why would people buy your more expensive products?

    The sad truth of the cycle is in the end as Western living standards and real wages decline no matter how cheap the labour you have imported or what you have produced off shore in cheap Labour Countries cannot sell if We in the West cannot afford them. We have all benefited by cheaper imported goods. But the problem is with so many of Our own factories going off shore poverty in the West is endemic. Short term Profits actually are putting the nail in the coffin of Capitalism. Afraid we have to find a 3rd way. And adjustment will cause pain and upheaval. Britain is only the first. Wait for the scramble to come

  10. Immigration seems to be the Number 1 reason, regardless of financial loss. It's not like the market crashed....Dow up 240 one day and down 600 the next......so NET down say 360 in two days....not crazy fear...BUT BUT let's see next week.....

    This also seems to help Trump......

    the average person loses a job and needs to blame someone....the media hypes up immigration....and in this case it backfired.

    it was an emotional vote, likely the wrong vote for many....and it really, IMO, highlights how racist this world is.....i'm not surprised.

    Wait until USA in November

    Anti immigration is not always based simply on racism. It is based on real fear that ones job and salary is under attack. Multinationalism and the fall of the Soviet bloc allowed Capitalism to drop its human face. And as a result Employers encourage large scale immigration to keep wages down. The racism you talk of is caused by the fear of this undermining of Our way of life. Sadly the real Enemy is the Multinational Companies and big Business that seeks to Profiteer at Our Expense. In Effect recreating the Serfdom of Days gone by. Think about it

  11. And what if all the Doom sayers are wrong. Yes there will be a price to pay for EU exit. But always there are gains in other places. Maybe a loss of some revenue and a time to reflect. Good on you UK for choosing National Pride over European Social Engineering.

    Kiwis in a way understand the adjustments you may have to do. Being we were punished Economically and Militarily by Our erstwhile Allies for adopting a Nuclear free Policy in 1984. But like you We wave the proverbial finger or if you like two fingers in the V. To say as long as we still stand we will continue to fight. Good on you Bulldogs

  12. The bigger picture is that the U.K. has jumped ship early enough before the unsinkable E.U. cruise liner hits an iceberg and sinks.

    Yes and the Multinational companies seeking to flee the UK to EU pastures may find themselves pond jumping as the EU shrinks. Once Merkel goes maybe the German people will see the light and stop the Brussells dominated Social Engineering madness

  13. Here is an informative and perhaps revealing analysis from another pro-Putin and pro-Assad apologist who's rather upset about developments in Syria and in the anti-American sectors of the world but who nonetheless is more than rational and realistic, particularly in respect of President Obama's foreign policies.....

    How did the US manage these counterblows, so quickly and so effectively? By playing down and dirty of course, putting its colossal soft and hard power to work to unravel the BRICS daydream. First it was the Ukraine coup that targeted Russia’s vital access to Crimea, forcing Putin’s hands, followed by tough western sanctions, while demonizing him as the bad guy, followed by an outright oil conspiracy with the Saudis glutting the oil market and thus delivering a devastating blow to the oil-dependent Russian economy, then targeting Russia’s Mediterranean base in Syria by playing the radical jihadist card through local proxies, and finally managing a wholly unholy regime change in Brazil, by co-conspiring with the pro-American puppets in dethroning a popularly-elected president with the lamest excuses. As a result, Brazil today is for all practical purposes fully back in the US orbit.


    Syria will be there too over time, more or less time but in terms of a decade or so rather than a century or two (it's only been several years to date). Russia will transform to some extent too but only after Putin is driven out because Putin is an ideological Czarist-Chekist who will never change.

    So the world will continue to change despite, then without, Putin or Assad which is how it must be. Same for the rest of 'em on the Pacific-SCS side of the continent over there and their 5000 year old autocratic and privileged oligarchic elitist dictatorships.

    So no matter how you look at it, democracy is stronger, better and we're only in the first 5000 years of it.

    Please name one true Democracy on Earth. One that is not controlled by political parties which are in fact de facto faces for big Business? or Pressure groups but by there makeup actually no representative of the Nation Whole. A true Democracy is One where the Government manages on behalf of the people but like a Company should defer to the Shareholders (People) when making Social changes, or selling that which belongs to the people. The USA ceased to be a democracy when you allowed big Business to Finance Parties. It is Rome and Rome shall fall again

  14. America is in Europe playing Winston Churchill, willing to defend EU borders to the last American dollar; meanwhile Europe plays Neville Chamberlain and don't seem too bothered with Russia building 3 new divisions on their borders spending a paltry 1.35 % of GDP on defense.

    Many of us believe it is time for these roles to change.

    Oh come on! The last US dollar was spent some 19 trillion ago. Since then it's been credit.

    Inside every European is an American trying to get out 555 cheesy.gif

  15. Ask the normal citizens of Iraq and Syria and they will probably say please USA just leave our countries alone

    It was great until you guys came along

    CCP speaks.

    Yes CCP does speak and Chinese does have opinions or is that wrong now on a public forum ?

    Does USA still believe in free speech or is that just democracy hypocrites and rubbish ?

    The flip flopping shows so far for foreign affairs in the Middle East , you guys are clueless

    America does not seek stability anywhere in the World which is why they interefere and destabilise. Syria has Gas and Oil. The USA wants control . It does not want democracy there just control so US Capitalists can make their money. But like Rome on which it is based on the USA is passed its time.

  16. One response here is trite (MisterTee), the next one is glib (Kiwiken) and the other is fantasy (Lawrence Chee).

    Putin intervened in Syria because of the great 16-month successful campaign of US supported forces against Assad's regular and his special murderous operations forces. US supported rebels were outside the Assad stronghold of Aleppo while other rebel forces were bombarding the palace grounds in Damascus from its close-in suburbs. The Syrian army had been in an ongoing rout.

    Putin could not risk seeing the US succeed against Assad and Russia had its naval base of long standing on the Med. Now however that Putin is literally spent in Syria and downscaling his military operations substantially and significantly, he's got FM Lavrov complaining to SecState Kerry. Kerry says he'd like to help out but golly whiz matters seem beyond his control and that he certainly has no hand in the recent Putin setbacks.

    Putin's voluntary involvement in Syria is effectively ended with Assad still in need of foreign support and propping up. Putin's self-vaunted super hightech air defense system has not stopped or slowed down US air assaults against Assad's tired and dispirited forces, as just last week US naval air forces struck from the carrier Harry S. Truman in the Med.

    The fortunes of the Assad regime ebb and flow and are once again hard pressed as the US has demonstrated it is in this contest of wills for the long and grinding haul. The sustainability of the US in the conflict derives from the fact none of its large unit or maneuver ground forces are involved (as they had been in Iraq) while it relies on proxy fighters guided by a limited number of US quality special operations forces on the ground supported tactically by US air-sea power.

    The US budget can sustain this, Putin's budget cannot while Putin's military machine in Syria continues to suffer its greatest and constant vulnerability, i.e., wear and tear.

    Meanwhile the lessons of Lybia and Iraq have been learned in Washington, i.e., in the end rebel groups can be disappeared as quickly as they magically appeared. If not even faster.

    I object my statement being called Glib fluent but insincere and shallow. They are not insincere and certainly not shallow.

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