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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. Many women collude in the activities of monsters like Weinstein, for their own benefit, and to the detriment of other females who they call to arrange “meetings” in his hotel room. And some who attend such meetings do so complicitly, a quid pro quo, so to speak. There are genuine victims of course, but some of his victims were complicit. A harsh statement to make, but no less true for that.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Yme said:

    Except there is absolutely no evidence at all that immunity is acquired following exposure. The "herd immunity" theory is a load of <deleted> when it comes to coronaviruses. There is increasing evidence though that reemergence can occur. Open up and within a year the whole workforce will be dead and the medical system collapsed. The state needs to directly give cash to people and organise for food kitchens everywhere until it reorganises its economy. That realisation will increasingly occur. But open the economy? Only when *you* are going to go and stand on the assembly line or process line with the rest of the workers.



    And the "wait until there is a vaccine" theory is pretty dumb, given that we do not have a vaccine for any coronavirus that has ever transmitted to humans. The fact that people have had the virus before will strengthen defences against any re-infection.


    The 1918 pandemic affected younger adults between 18-35 years the most. The theory was that the first flu that a person experiences in their life provides a strengthened immunity to a re-infection ... the 1918 flu was similar (but not exact) to a flu that circulated around when older people were young, so when the pandemic hit in 1918 their bodies were more capable of dealing with it. The younger people below 18 had weaker, less developed immune responses that prevented a cytokine storm (where the immune system attacks the body). So the main victims were 18-35 year olds. 


    My point is that even if people are re-infected they are likely more able to deal with it.


  3. 2 hours ago, renz said:

    if it is true from WHO person infected does not have immunity from coronavirus so it is better to have restrictions than whole country infected as there is so much we don't know about this disease



    During the 1918 pandemic there where three waves, the second one being the most deadliest. But interestingly what they found is that those who had it before either didn't get it again or dealt with it much better ... so even if you don't have full immunity you are more likely to get over it without too much trouble.


    The problem is that we do not have vaccines for any of the existing known coronaviruses, so I think its foolish to expect that we'll find one soon for SARS-COV-2. The "isolate until a vaccine is ready" approach may fail badly and leave the world in economic poverty.



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