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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    That sucks, like you i am not an OAP and been here 15 years came here in my 30ies. I am lucky my business is good might even get better. 


    I find your comments about blaming others for the lockdown because they are old not really nice. Its not as if they asked for a lockdown. Its just the sensible thing to do don't want people dying as flies. Still something has to be done to open up stuff in future. But so far all the times they opened up stuff it got worse again. 


    I do wonder about the logic of worldwide shutdowns that no economy can sustain for more than a few months? When we open up the virus will still be circulating in populations without herd immunity. You inflict enormous economic damage only to open up and start the whole routine once again. 


    I think it would have been more sensible to focus on prevention by isolating key risk groups but essentially allowing life and commerce to go on. After a while the virus will have less impact and over time we’ll  have medical solutions that limit it’s impact. 


    The world’s approach simply destroys economic life whilst increasing the death numbers, which are spread over a longer time stretch and worsened by the devastating economic impact. 

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  2. I’m on an island in the eastern Mediterranean, in lockdown like everyone else. I’m spending much less than usual and I budget twelve months in advance, with contingency, so I’m okay to ride this out. I feel bad for people who own businesses and those that have jobs that are vulnerable ... we are heading for a very difficult year or two. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

    I have not often aired this childhood confession. A boy, Christopher Smith, a grade or so above me, lived on my street growing up. He got some sort of cancer, his leg was amputated so he had a prosthesis. We went down a stream, deep inside some woods, and he couldn't keep up with me.


    I left him behind to find his own way home. I regret it to this day, some 60 years later. He died when we were in high school. Miss you, Chris.

    Yeah, the found him dead at a stream, you heartless bar steward!

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