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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. The problem with this issue is that if we don’t isolate the virus will spread faster, more people will go to hospital, hospitals will be overwhelmed and many people who could have survived with assistance will die. Who’s to blame - the Government.


    Alternatively. Lock down the populace, reduce the spread, hospitals cope, fewer people dies, numbers much lower than thought. But people lose jobs and businesses. Who’s to blame - the Government.





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  2. 1 hour ago, Throatwobbler said:

    That is all some members can do on here. Bash the Thais at every opportunity. Is what make TV unreadable most of the time and the reason that the vast majority of expats avoid it like the plague.

    The only thing being bashed by TV aficionados in lockdown is the Bishop!

  3. 1 hour ago, Winders67 said:

    Yes the lawyer said she could try do a divorce over here but she cant get legal aid and it would cost much more money than she as in her purse and the lawyer told me if i tell immigration we are not together her visa is void and she as to leave the UK and she cant take the our daughter with out me agreeing.


    I want to no what she can try get from me in Thailand 

    If you don’t have assets in Thailand then the answer is nothing. Her only option is to go for UK assets, and as you have said she neither has the means or the knowledge to do that. 

    Do you have assets in Thailand?

  4. A better way would be to quarantine people deemed vulnerable and organising a support group to make sure they get food, medicines and provisions, together with a period when they can get out and take some exercise, like a curfew period that “the rest” observe.


    Business and retail can go on as usual and the intensive care units will be able to deal with the younger people unlucky enough to have a bad experience. After a few months we should have established herd immunity and some kind of therapeutic treatments ... and a little later we get the vaccine. 

    it would take a bit of organising but it’s doable.

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