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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. I’d buy an Apple Airbook ... very light and powerful. But given what you use it for you might be able to get by very well with an iPad. You can get a Word package on it for typing documents and a keypad stand to give you that laptop feel. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Reminds me a of a story... my Son (4 years old at the time)... was asked (at school) to select (stickers of) different food types and place them in the 'every day' box or the 'sometimes' box... the idea was to teach them healthy eating with the idea that vegetables go in the 'every-day' box and things like sweets, chocolate etc go in the 'sometimes' box...   the kids were also asked to name some 'every-day' foods and 'sometimes' foods....

    .... His teacher, while quite amused, told me that when he was asked to give an 'everyday' food, he answered "Beer" !!!


    That's the thing ... lol ... little kids just say the first thing that enters their heads.



  3. He only learned ten minutes before launch because he had a doctor’s appointment ... those bone spurs playing up again.


    A war with Iran is hardly a great idea going into an election year. The military could crush the Revolutionary Guard initially but would get bogged down in a Vietnam scenario ... and experience serious terrorism at home ... but I suspect Trump is now surrounded by the sort of people who will bounce him into conflict.

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  4. 1 hour ago, HuskerDo said:

    "people are basically broke,only loans are keeping it all from falling apart"...


    That's true in the US as well. Don't be fooled. The incredible economy is allowing more to get jobs thus access to credit that will be defaulted on whenever the day comes for a downturn in the economy. Trump is doing things no other President has done in the US as he understands business unlike the career politicians. This economy can grow for many years BUT one day if/when it ends there will be many who will be caught in the debt trap. 

    I’m always amazed when I meet someone who buys all that Trump rhetoric (I should really say lies). Trump understands bankruptcy like no other, he’s done it so many times. So he’s effectively juicing the system with tax cuts using the USA credit card, piling up a deficit that Republicans are supposed to be worried about (did someone close the Tea Party?). In the meantime he’s boosting the world economy with a trade war ... not. 


    We’re in an era when people who should never be handed power, populists, are ... Boris Johnson next up. It will all end in tears ... hopefully not mine.

  5. 1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

    Over 1 million scottish voters voted FOR Brexit..enough of your waffle. Ie..extreme English nationalism.

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    We have plenty of bigots and racists in Scotland, who bend their knee to the English Queen. We always have had. 


    But the point stands ... Brexit is simply little England in the voting booth ... insular and narrow minded. And the areas that rejected it ... Manchester, Liverpool, Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, Bristol, London, are a good deal more outward looking.

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  6. 4 hours ago, nkg said:


    It's always nice to prove our fellow chatters wrong in a political discussion. Thank you for the opportunity AlexRich ????


    Since December 1st 2018:


    GBP fell 6.73% against THB
    USD fell 5.28% against THB
    EUR fell 6.32% against THB


    Even the mightiest currencies in the world have been crushed by the terror of Brexit ????





    The EUR and GBP are both casualties of Brexit ... a no deal hits both of them, but hits GBP much harder. Add to that Trump’s trade war with China ... with the EU next in line. The US dollar is impacted by Fed policy ... and the Fed are no longer signalling interest rate hikes for 2019 ... so no surprise here. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, nkg said:


    How do you know what the GBP would have been doing? Are you a fortune-teller?


    I came up with some numbers to illustrate my argument, you've just come up with some mumbo-jumbo.



    Your numbers don’t prove the point your making ... and I don’t need to be a fortune teller to understand what’s is obvious. 


    GBP was already lower than it should have been against the Baht (and others) as a consequence of the uncertainty about the UK economy after the Brexit vote ... it should have improved once the UK and EU agreed terms ... but it has simply got worse as the uncertainty has grown. And it would plunge much further in the event of a no deal Brexit, against every currency. 


    Are you suggesting that GBP would be at 39 to the Baht if the UK were now in a transition period with the EU? There’s no currency specialist in the world that would agree with you.



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