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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 1 minute ago, vogie said:

    At least you admit that a crash out is possible, many remainers are still in denial about that.

    It’s possible because the EU could make it happen. I don’t think the UK will. Nor do I believe that the EU will want to trigger no deal ... so this will result in a referendum or more likely a General Election ... with Brexit no longer the Tory gift to give. 

    • Like 2
  2. I've no idea why the OP bothered to post the story but refused to state what the penalty was? It is relevant ... and if it turns out to be 20 Baht or below I'd be surprised if the Thais collecting would get much pleasure from seeing me pull out a 1,000 Baht note and ask if they had change?

  3. 3 hours ago, BestB said:

    Oh I see, so first world countries do not have poor people.  Got ya????????

    First world countries provide an education to citizens and offer a far wider selection of opportunities for them to take advantage of. So it’s much easier for someone from a poorer background to move forward in their life. 


    Instead of dealing with the point made, you decide to make something up ... I never made any comment about wealthy countries not having poor people? 

  4. 1 hour ago, Lightangel000 said:

    Hi again guys, thanks for kind input!

    None of the houses around have a high "wall" around them. Sorry, being Swedish it is a high metall guilded "fence"  to stop trespassers. You are right - the area is not of a high standard, the very small houses of a low standard (pottery district) but my fathers house was valued by a local  estate agent to a substational value.

    I would never bother otherwise. It is the value of a standard house in London.,

    where I grew up.


    My twin brother - forging signatures - transferral of chanote/title deed at Land office:

    I will need to go to the house with a phone GPS thing, but there are no road signs at all close by. I will then check when the ev transferral was done, and how - via a forged will (my brother does this).  

    Yes - a court fight in Thailand - but if I know it was transferred at land office via  forged will, or when dad had Alzheimers - this is not valid.

    I am so thankful for everyone helping - and trying to find the location.

    I mailed the estate agent (kind of local) and I gave her the address and asked if Land office can find it via the address and I found out no.


    Is it possible to enlarge the air born foto you gave me from above , as the front garden has like a small pool with dolfin statues in like bronze. The around lying houses are very small and of poor standard. This house is 2 stories, and like 7-8 rooms. It stands out!


    Thanks guys -  your help means alot - I do not have the funding to take the next flight over but plan to...




    As far as location is concerned, have you tried to find it on Google Earth? Worth a try.

  5. 1 hour ago, BestB said:

    Maids, construction site, factories, restaurants, shops and list goes on


    thailand does not have minimum wage? Really? Is that new sob story of the “rural”?


    Rural is the only place in Thailand ? Rural can not move their ass to the cities? 


    Let me guess , jobs should go to them. Not them moving to where jobs are?


    what weekend schools ? Well

    that would depend on what they wanted to study, would it not ?


    but I keep forgetting , not only food needs to be cut for them but also chewed and spoon fed 


    love it how you make it out as if rural Thailand was a jail and they just can not get out 


    You're the type of person who fails to appreciate that you were born in a first world country with a decent education system and numerous opportunities to advance in life. You think that it was all down to you? And you are dead wrong, you just won a life lottery. And now you are on here telling people without your privileges that their life would change if they just worked hard like you, and stopped being lazy. In Dickensian England they sent illiterate kids up chimneys, they lived in impoverished conditions and had a lower life expectancy and quality than their contemporaries who lived in large townhouses with servants and tutors. 


    It's a pity you weren't around in this days to advise those lazy little sods to heed your wise words?






    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

    If you can't get a job where you are , you move to where you can get one.

    That’s what people are doing in Central America ... moving from home and family to obtain a better life for themselves ... there’s a recent photograph of a man and his young daughter, face down in the water dead having tried to cross the Rio Grande river and get into the US.


    That man was “getting off his lazy butt” .... but the strange thing is that the very people who urge everyone to do that are the same people who want to “build a wall” to prevent them. 


    It’s shameful for privileged people to criticise impoverished people for not being like them, whilst taking every step to protect their own privileges. Life’s a lot easier when you are raised in a country where there are lots of opportunities for advancement.






    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


    The UK also contributed to Galileo and the EU have said that after Brexit the UK can't have any advantage from it. So they need to reimburse or provide the UK its share of the assets. And that needs to apply to all EU assets.


    The 39 billion hasn't had the calculations explained in detail, nor have the assets to be provided to the UK been details AFAIK. 


    May, Davies and the negotiating team did a crap job which is why their "best deal" has been rejected  three times and ridiculed.


    It's time both sides got real. 

    I don’t know the detail, or what trade offs were involved, but it would be false for anyone to claim that there are no legitimate obligations ... a claim that many routinely make.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, BestB said:

    Minimum wage paid job, after working for a while you can either get promoted. Or yearly wage rise or change to better paying job having some skill and experience or put yourself through weekend school


    maids can earn 15000-20000 per month almost double the minimum wage, food provided by the company.


    many also offer free rooms for staff

    Does Thailand have a “minimum wage”? But what type of job if you live in a rural Issan village? Put yourself through weekend school? What weekend school would that be, bearing in mind you are living in a rural Issan village? In a rural Issan village who is looking for a “maid” and is willing to pay 20,000 Baht per month plus food?


    I’m guessing of course, but would you be American by any chance? Because your comments about “lazy” and “getting off your butt” sound very familiar. But when pressed on what a rural Thai with a low level of education could practically do your default answer is what you’d say in the US ... get a minumum wage job, put yourself through school, etc. Doable in a wealthy first world country, but not in a rural Issan village. These opportunities are not easily at hand to the son or daughter of a rural Thai farmer, no matter how hard they work.




    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Thais who don't go to school, start working as a kid work for peanuts. Thai's who make the effort to get a good education earn good money. 

    Make the effort to get a good education? Implies that all Thais of low education have themselves to blame for not “making the effort”?


    Where you where born and who you’re parents were has a huge influence on where you’ll end up in life. If Warren Buffett and Bill Gates had been born into poor Issan rural rice farming stock, instead of the families they were born into and the country they were born in, they would be feeding water buffalo right now.

    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, BestB said:

    Can not be bothered reading through all the hogwash justifying laziness.


    Have i tried? why should i try? Did anyone force them? They could always get off their butt, go to city, get a job and work for 40 years with 1 day off per week, instead of whining and complaining and getting silly farangs to support them, but then i guess you would feel less important.


    And yes, rice can be harvested only once per year due to drought, sometimes twice,possibly 3, so big wopti doo, 2-3 months a year of work and the rest 9-10 months of drinking and swinging in the hammock.


    The never ending sob stories from silly farangs living in the jungles of Isaan justifying the laziness is what makes me angry.

    Answer the question? If you are an uneducated rice farmer in an Issan village, you “get off your butt” and get a job ... what job would that be? 

  11. 2 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    That might be true in BKK, but what about upcountry in Isaan?  Will that buffalo ahead move out of the way in time when you're doing 90 km per hour? 


    I once saw the aftermath of an encounter between a water buffalo and a pickup truck, up by the Mekong river in Loei.  It was a draw.  They were both dead.

    The issue is always speed. I reckon anyone who habitually drives slowly cuts down their crash risk by 80% ... Thais drive as if unexpected stuff doesn’t happen to them.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, blackcab said:


    Foreigners can almost never own land. If you inherit land you have one year to sell the land. Once the land is sold the money from the sale becomes yours.


    During this period the executor's name can be placed on the title deed showing that the property is awaiting sale or distribution.

    Correct. I think it’s been established that the house has been built on land owned by the father’s Thai girlfriend. 

    • Thanks 1
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