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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 2 hours ago, bendejo said:


    Thanks for this post.

    In the US the claim by DT was that tariffs will help the US metals industries.

    The stock exchange prices of the two largest in this industry, Alcoa (symbol AA) and US Steel Corp (symbol X) were around $53 and $43 respectively early last year when the tariffs were enacted; they are now $23 and $13.  These two guys seem to be hell-bent on destroying their own countries, all the while loudly proclaiming their own patriotism.  Someone may even get the impression they are being advised by the same guy...


    And let's not forget the lies and tactics ol' Nigel used in the initial referendum.  Eg once it was over an interviewer asked him about that claim that the EU was costing the UK billions of pounds per day, announced on the side of that infamous bus, and he replied, stoically, "that was not true."  For me, the everything he says should be followed by "that is not true."


    To top it off, the US is now allowing Rusal, a Russian company, to build a steel plant in Kentucky, the home state of the guy who runs the US Senate like his own private puppet show.  The louder the exclamation of patriotism, the bigger the scoundrel.



    Soviet patriotism.

  2. 8 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Then be quick...

    A 6-8 weeks for e new prime minister, and then organise a 2nd referendum.. all MUST be passed before 31 Oct, as for sure, many EU heads of government are NOT willing to give an extention again. And… the majority of British companies interested already are setting up their "pied a terre" in continental EU = British jobs gone.

    They would extend for a GE or a second referendum ... even Macron. But they won't bend on the withdrawal agreement or engage in "managed no deal" talks. The EU will not want to be seen as the bad guys.  



    • Haha 1
  3. The best approach to Thailand, in my view, is to enter and exit as a tourist and move around SE Asia in the gaps. You can only do this if you are single with no ties, but it means you are not having to jump through too many hoops and can exit easily should the merde hit the fan. If you are tied to Thailand due to family then it’s important to have a contingency plan to exit if the rules change to your disadvantage. I would never go “all in” in Thailand, or any other country that doesn’t give me the same rights as a citizen.

  4. 2 hours ago, nauseus said:

    Established fact? Rubbish. You are consumed by your own conspiracy theories. 

    And you and the likes of Teddy are in denial. Teddy seems to think that if he can find a few young Brexiteers that the facts are somehow disproved? 


    It is a fact that a huge majority of young people, especially under 30, support remaining in the EU. The opposite applies to those in their late 50's and above, the older the more likely to support Brexit. 


    It's also true that the educational attainment of Brexit voters is lower than those that support remain. If you find a Cambridge professor that loves Brexit that does not disprove the point.


    Face the facts, stop being in denial about them.


  5. 10 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    He's back at it.

    It's an established fact that most (although not all) Brexit supporters were in the low levels of attainment, education wise. The smart one's were just using them as their "useful idiots". Hedge fund owners like Rees Mogg who want to avoid EU clampdowns on tax havens, and more sinister types like Banks who met regularly with former Russian FSB agents, to discuss "business deals" in Russia? 



  6. 44 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    If you want the truth, it is that a lot of OAPs believe that future generations will be better off owning and belonging to an independent Britain, which will eventually be much better of out of the EU. The OAPs are obviously older but it is rarely acknowledged that they are likely to be wiser too. A majority of the oldies on here and in the UK think the consequences of staying in the EU will be far worse than leaving and are well aware that these consequences will not affect them as much as the kids that they care more about than themselves. 


    "I'm doing it for my grandchildren" ... one of the biggest of the Brexit lies. 


    Most of the honest one's when interviewed in the street explained very clearly that they were doing it because of immigration ... one old bloke saying he's voting to "get rid of them immigrants" ... and he was one of many. For most of them that's the real truth. Another truth is that they don't believe that they'll suffer much in any fall out, with pensions and no jobs to lose should it all go wrong. The older and smarter myth is another piece of nonsense ... if you have a simpleton view of the world, old age doesn't improve the situation. 


    Doing it for the kids? Give me a break.





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  7. 3 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    Having listened to a lot of today's discussions, I'm now able to clarify something that has confused a lot of people, myself included. The questions:


    1. If a Brexiteer PM is installed (presumably Boris), how can they talk about a no deal exit when there is not the parliamentary arithmetic to support no deal?

    2. Can Parliament stop the PM from sitting on his/her hands and running down the clock to 31st Oct?


    As I now understand it, Theresa May chose to have that series of votes in Parliament about blocking no deal, 2nd ref etc. She didn't need to do that. 

    Also when Parliament then voted for the UK to apply for an extension, apparently that was not a binding vote so May was not obliged to take that to the EU. 


    So in other words it seems if a true Brexiteer becomes PM and says that our default position is no deal, we will leave with no deal on 31st Oct unless something better is negotiated. 


    Unless I'm wrong that's very bad news for remainers! 



    Corbyn can call for a no confidence vote in the government, and there are many Tory MP's that will vote against their own government rather than allow a "no deal" Brexit to happen. That means a "snap" General Election and no more Tory government. It's not as straightforward as you think. I think we are looking at a referendum ... remain or no deal. It's the only way of avoiding a GE.



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  8. 18 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    It does seem that Boris is a shoe in for the job. But i have a question. If Boris is the self-serving, unprincipled man that he appears to be, why would he put himself up for the job now; given the stalemate there is in Parliament and with the EU not budging? Would a man with his ego let himself in for faffing around for 6 months, following a similar course to May, in all likelihood that nothing changes and he gets booted out as another failure PM? 


    I suspect he (or more likely his advisers) have a dramatic change of plan in mind, otherwise I don't think he'd go for the top job right now. 




    Come off it! Boris Johnson thinks he's the reincarnated Churchill, with a God given right to lead the nation ... he'd sell his sister into prostitution to get his hands on that job. 


    The problem is that he has no plan, no idea what to do once he gets the job. He's a guy who has been "winging it" all his life ... and he's too old to change.




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  9. 7 hours ago, watcharacters said:


    Any wanting to learn about India or Russia could gain a lot of information from this British fellow who's posted  scores of his travel videos on YouTube.


    He calls his channel Bald and bankrupt.      He speaks Russian fluently and converses well in Hindi.


    Very entertaining.




    Unfortunately he keeps bad company ... the Nazi loving Harald seen behind him.

  10. 26 minutes ago, nkg said:


    "Morality" and "what's best for the people of the UK" are one and the same. Remainers see themselves as being the "good guys", caring about human rights and asylum seekers, wanting what's best.


    When some of the "good guys" are foul-mouthed and aggressive, nobody seriously believes that they are the "good guys" any more.


    You make some interesting points about the funding of Brexit. However, the Remain camp has skeletons in its cupboard too. The truth encompasses both sides of the argument.




    No, it isn't. There are plenty remainers who would prefer to set their own rules on who comes into the country ... but accept freedom of movement ... because being in the EU gives greater benefits. Being in the EU is a trade-off ... if you are for it you believe the things you get are worth more than the things you give up. If you are against it's the opposite. It's not good or bad, it is not a moral argument. 


    What hasn't dawned on Brexiteers is that a trade deal with the US will involve similar trade offs, as indeed does operating on WTO rules. If you set your tariffs at zero, you do so for every country.




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  11. 26 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Not you - so which Remainer is it?
    Do you hate Farage and Tommy Robinsion as much, or more, than the old people you prefer dead so they couldn't vote Leave again? I thinks that's nastier - don't you?

    I hate Farage and Tommy Islam ... it’s hard to hate people who are essentially gullible ... that Brexiteers are disproportionally in the older age range and are a dying breed is merely a statement of fact. It’s more pity, than hate.

  12. 5 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    Short memory time??
    A certain alex salmond was your hero until quite recently..now he's soon being tried for 2 attempted rapes. 7 attempted sexual asssults etc etc.
    Does stones/glasshouses ring a bell??

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Funny that, because I’ve never voted SNP in my life, nor did I vote for Scottish independence.


    But don’t let those facts get in the way of a good post Teddy, just keep making things up ... you’re good at that.




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  13. 3 minutes ago, nkg said:


    You are framing this as some sort of childish contest between Remain and Leave supporters. Is the language used by Leave supporters an excuse in your eyes for Remain supporters to be as aggressive and insulting as they like?



    There are moderators on here who monitor the comments, and anyone deemed "out of order" gets deleted, and sometimes censured. As it should be. The fact you don't like the cut and thrust of this debate is fine by me (your opinion), but don't try to "frame it" like people who support remain are not entitled to respond in kind, if they wish. That is our right. 


    However, you cannot claim to be a neutral observer and only observe Remain supporters comments ... that's hardly neutral. It's a bit like witnessing a man being attacked by two others and successfully defending himself. When the Police arrive you tell them that this guy beat the hell out of these two gentlemen ... but fail to mention that their behaviour led to it.




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  14. 17 hours ago, nkg said:


    I don't support either "team", but it is interesting to see the kind of language being used by Remain supporters on these threads. Insults, wild accusations and conspiracies. Basically the intellectual equivalent of people snarling and spitting at anybody who disagrees with their opinion.


    The Remain team are supposed to be made up of the people who are morally right. People who welcome immigrants and free trade, people who celebrate multi-culturalism.




    Here it is ... you didn't say "some" remain supporters ... you implied all. And no reference to the opposite side who are a great deal worse.



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