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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    We havent left the EU though , had we left the EU things may be better now .

    You mention Brexiteers logic , but you are doing exactly the same as them , as you have no idea how things would be , had we left three years ago 

    Same old Max .... there’s always an excuse ... keep spinning that Brexit fantasy. The whole thing has been a mess and looks likely to get messier. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Jajazazajaja said:

    You read some rubbish on here, dont you?


    I guess Carney doesn’t “believe” enough, right?

    Just about sums up Brexiteer logic ... we’re not hitting those sunny uplands we were promised because “remoaners” are dragging us down. Never seems to occur to them that they are reaping what they have sowed?

  3. 42 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Going back to the original post, which I was replying to and that you conveniently ignore, you don't end up trying to scam people at an airport. Statements need to be in context, not taken out of it. 

    Your statement was clear, and not taken out of context ... and much wider than just a guy with a sob story at an airport. 

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  4. 57 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    A nonsensical  and insulting comparison.  You compare the worst horrors of the holocaust with a scammer at an airport.  Shame.  


    "If we make a choice, any choice, we have to live with the consequences" ... that statement is way beyond a scammer at an airport.


    Your words, not mine. Any misfortune that befalls someone is due to their choices? You seem to believe that anyone who falls on hard times only have themselves to blame ... doesn't ever cross your mind that you can end up in a bad way through no fault of your own ... or that you could also end up in a situation where you rely on the kindness of others? 



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  5. I had a guy stop me last year getting off at Stansted Airport near London ... I cut him off before his sob story got into full swing ... and moved swiftly on. Sounds like a similar con. Perhaps people are more gullible when travelling?

  6. It all depends on individual circumstances. Someone looking for flexibility and the opportunity to exit Thailand quickly should always rent. Those with family commitments may want to buy and secure an asset for their children, one that they can use in the meantime. With the current exchange rate condos are overpriced and may prove hard to sell in later years. I’d rent.

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