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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    So why are you all so against taking the decision out of the hands of a Parliament who can't or wont decide and giving it to the people to decide?


    If you are so confident that you'll win, what have you to fear?


    (Sorry if that's too long for you to read, but I don't see how I could have made it shorter!)

    It’s because they know that Brexit is over if a second referendum is called. There is no point whatsoever in being out of the EU, as many people are now realising.


    Brexiteers write with great confidence about outcomes. The referendum was a battle that they won, but they’ve lost every other battle since then ... nothing about Brexit has gone as smoothly as they predicted. All the fanciful predictions about the EU collapse, German manufacturers have not pressured the government, not a peep from Prosecco sellers in Italy, we’re locked into a £39bn payment, we’re spending more each week on preparation than we’d save from not contributing to the EU, we haven’t rolled over many trade deals, Northern Ireland has turned out to be very important ... etc, etc, ... the whole thing as been a catastrophe. 

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  2. 10 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    So we are constantly told brexit is killing the economy and housing prices. So what happened to house prices drooping by a third?

    Whilst the headline is misleading it still states that house prices are rising. I suspect the remainers will say that the banks and mortgage providers are talking rubbish as it doesn't fit into their doomsday prophecy.



    So the UK economy, whilst still in the EU, has been chugging along, despite a significant fall in investment compared to the predictions prior to referendum? You state the case for Remain well.


    Until you can show a successful economy outside of the EU your claims are nonsense.



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  3. 9 hours ago, rwing93 said:

    Thanks for the advice. I thought about getting my SETV in Mexico but I'm hoping that I don't have a problem getting it in another country. I have heard where some countries make it difficult for foreigners to get visas to other countries. Does this mean I will have to go to Mexico City to get my Thai Visa. I think thats the only consulate or embassy in Mexico.

    I’ve been to the Thai Consulates in Laos, Vietnam, UK, Malaysia, Bali, Cambodia ... no problems obtaining a tourist visa.


    if you are worried then obtain visa in the US and spend two days less in Mexico and fly to Thailand.

  4. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    I don't know if you read post 714 or not. I don't know if you understood the anger we felt towards the people who caused our misfortune and I don't for one minute think that you care. But that's no problem.


    We were all manual workers, none of us went to university and we all left school at 15 or 16. None of worked in offices, had much in the way of academic qualifications nor did our employment at the time in question depend on a fluency in the English language.


    Nor are we the sort of people who appear on Queston Time, other similar TV political discussion programs and on radio phone in stations. But we're still here even though the media has little or no interest in what we've got to say.


    In other words we were typical of millions of other working people in the UK, 17.4 million of whom voted to leave the EU. Never mind these petition signers. And bear in mind the working class represent by for the largest percentage of the British population and are the very sort of people whose jobs these EU scabs are taking.


    Having seen or heard what had happened to thousands of workers like us whether or not you pay it any heed how do you think our sons, daughters, colleagues, friends and relatives voted in 2016 and how do you think they'll do so in future if they have to.

    It’s all slipping away, the Brexit dream is turning into a nightmare.


    Your issues would have been dealt with had the little corporals of the ERG and the no surrender monkey DUP voted for May’s deal. It wasn’t perfect but it covered most of the issues raised by voters. 


    A clear example of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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  5. 11 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    Debunked? You believe a documentary that conforms to your point of view. Yeah right.

    We live in a world were “opinions” are considered superior to “facts”. It must be disappointing for you to learn that the McCann’s were not involved in their daughters disappearance, given all the trash and misinformation out there on the internet that your “opinion” is based on? Everything can easily be explained by “conspiracy”. But as has already been pointed out they’ve spent an enormous amount of time, money and effort on investigations ... many other parents would have given up, and guilty parents would have done so years ago.


    It was interesting to read that Alex Jones has retracted his claims concerning the murder of children at Sandy Hook, another “conspiracy” that has been debunked. In a legal deposition he appears to be arguing in mitigation that he was in a confused state. His claims were fake, but in this world we are living in untruths are lapped up by the gullible.

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  6. On 3/27/2019 at 2:21 PM, Rally123 said:

    The same lawyer(s) that told her to not answer 48 questions? If my daughter went missing I'd assist the police as much as they wanted. The McCanns didn't. Totally the opposite. 



    Quite simple, she understood that what the Portuguese Police were trying to do was implicate her in her daughters disappearance, like they had done in previous cases of missing children ... they were corrupt. 


    I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the documentary goes through all the tin foil hat theories, and debunks them. 


    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, david555 said:


    Juncker rejects May appeal for a further short Brexit delay

    European commission president says 12 April ‘ultimate deadline’ for MPs to pass deal

    Theresa May’s appeal for a short Brexit extension has been rejected by Jean-Claude Juncker, who said that unless the withdrawal deal was passed within nine days the UK would crash out of the EU or have to sign up to a long delay.

    Less than 24 hours after May had spelled out her new strategy from Downing Street, the European commission president dismissed her request for an extension of article 50 to 22 May.

    Speaking to the European parliament, Juncker instead set an “ultimate deadline” of 12 April for the Commons to approve the withdrawal agreement.

    “If it has not done so by then, no further short extension will be possible,” he said. “After 12 April, we risk jeopardising the European parliament elections, and so threaten the functioning of the European Union.”

    Juncker said that at that point the UK would face a no-deal Brexit but that the EU would not “kick out” a member state, in a reference to the certain offer of a lengthy extension of article 50.

    Juncker said: “Yet I believe that a no deal at midnight on 12 April is now a very likely scenario,. It is not the outcome I want. But it is an outcome for which I have made sure the European Union is ready.

    It's called political rhetoric ... a bit of pressure to get May over the line.

  8. Better to get a tourist visa to Thailand whilst in Mexico, it only takes a day or two. You get 60 days and you can extend a further 30 days whilst in Thailand. If you get it half way through your Mexico trip then you'll be fine. You don't need to get the visa on the day you arrive in Mexico.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Maybe these experts know more than you and the rest of the remainers.

    They are taking the view that a “no deal” Brexit has been avoided, and we are heading for a soft Brexit with a transition. 


    That would be positive for domestic stocks in particular, the strengthening GBP is not so good for dollar earners in the FTSE 100, but that might be balanced by the avoidance of no deal. 


    You will see a more brutal market reaction if a general election is called. One of McDonnell’s ideas is to take 10% of shareholding’s and give them to employees (with the government siphoning off a large share of the income). Effectively stealing from people’s pension funds and share portfolios. Also watch water, gas and electricity utilities ... being lined up for nationalisation at a price determined by the government.


    A Corbyn government would be worse than a no deal outcome. The worst scenario would be no deal followed by Corbyn. Imagine the damage of that?


  10. During the referendum campaign several people highlighted how difficult and damaging it would be to extricate ourselves from the EU, one of the reasons Cameron didn’t stick around to see it through. That view was described as part of “project fear”, but it can now be seen as a pretty reasonable prediction. Failing to attain a majority after the election was another nail in the coffin. The Gina Miller case made it even more difficult for the government to impose a Brexit solution. After that it really didn’t matter who was in charge as we were heading for a softer Brexit. Where we now are was inevitable.


    You won’t be getting your hard Brexit, and the soft Brexit you will end up with makes the whole project a complete waste of time and taxpayers money. For those that taunt Remainers with “you lost”, is it finally dawning on you that we all lost?



    • Thanks 2
  11. 2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    And there are also many videos of the 'typical' young voter coming out with absolute rubbish.....


    Which is why most of us ignore these types of stupid efforts to support our arguments.....

    I could post more ... the problem for you is that these people are telling the truth about why they voted Brexit ... immigration, some of which has nothing to do with being in the EU. 

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