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Everything posted by Moti24

  1. Nothing to do with the Thailand Tobacco Authority complaining that their profits are down, then.
  2. Alcohol is usually a contributor to disagreements. Disagreements usually lead to losing face. Losing face is the main killer in Thailand; apart from road deaths, of course.
  3. Knowing that if something seems too good to be true, don't go anywhere near it.
  4. Yes, an agent will do it for me. I've always done my own extensions except when I had a work permit. This will be my 10th year at Jomtien, and like the past 9 years, nothing is what it's supposed to be. I'm just tired of playing their games. Again, thanks for your help.
  5. My apologies. I suppose my post was a bit misleading. I must point out that this will be a new application because my previous visa extension expired while I was in The UK. I have 800K in the bank, but won't be seasoned for 2 months until June. So, if Jomtien insist the funds are seasoned for 2 months, even though the rules say that the money only has to be in the bank on the day of application, I'm screwed. I don't particularly want to apply for an extension to visit my wife because it will only be a 60 day extension, leaving only a few days to complete the annual extension. The other thing that bothers me is that the bank letter has to be dated the day on application, but before, it was accepted dated the day before. I visited a Bangkok bank a couple of days ago, and had to wait over 2 hours for my ticket number to come up. Then, another 20 minutes to do a 5 minute job. Thanks for the info. I'll probably have to get an agent on the job; expensive, but a lot easier.
  6. I would like the retirement route, but if immigration want the funds seasoned for 2 months, then it will have to be the 60 day. But that will mean the funds are seasoned only a few days before the extention ends, which is cutting it fine when it's always a gamble at Jomtien. Thanks for the taking the time to answer; much appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the info Dr Jack. I'll still have 15 days remaining by the end of next week, so no problem there. If I apply for a 60 day extension to visit my wife, the funds will need to be in the bank for 2 months before I can get an annual visa. I'd prefer not to go down that route because after having done 7 annual spousal extensions, I'd had enough of jumping through hoops for 1 immigration officer in particular. However, if I have to do that, please can you tell me what documents I'll need for the 60 day extension. If you think that is the best option, I'll do that. Thanks Best regards Moti
  8. Hi all, I had to make an urgent visit to The UK in February, and had no time to renew my annual visa; after 20 years, P***** *** doesn't even come close. I,ve entered on Visa Exempt and will need to change to a NON-O by the end of next week. If anybody has recently done that at Jomtien, I'd appreciate knowing exactly what documents will be required when I apply. As far as I can ascertain, I've compiled the following: TM47. Passport copy, photo page and entry stamp. Bankbook with 800K. Wife's housebook. My yellow book. Marriage certificate. Wife's ID. House location map. Kor Ror 2. Map to house. Some of the above may be over the top, but better safe that sorry. I can't think of anything else they might require, but well, it is Jomtien! Also, can the bankbook update be done the day before, and will I need a letter from the bank? Thanks in advance for any help.
  9. I tried a few days ago to do the TM30 on the web app - TM30.io. Very frustrating. I managed to get my wife registered as the landlord, and eventually a message from TM30.io that I had been registered with immigration, and could get a hard copy when I visited the immigration office or using the button below. Button below didn't work, and I haven't yet been to the immigration office. File attached below. I can imagine the problem when I next visit the immigration office, especially as it's Jomtien. Anybody with some useful ideas, feel free to share them. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the info; my blood pressure is back to normal now.
  11. Hi all, I've slipped up here. My driving licence is due for renewal in April. I'm currently in The UK, and not back in Thailand until July. Will I be able to renew the licence in July, or will I have to start again. Thanks in advance for any information.
  12. No chance of that! I know several Thais that use their car to go to the shops, not more that 150mts away.
  13. Does noise annoy you ? Only when the wife opens her mouth. And it really p*sses me off when she's on the phone!
  14. I'm British. But, I've no time for Pedophiles! Assuming he's guilty, hang the oxygen thieving pervert!
  15. I knew a guy who lived in Looe, Cornwall, about 1970 ish; he used the word "Thunk" all the time. His name wasn't Mark; that would be too much of a coincidence.
  16. I would have thought anybody running an illegal business should be targeted! Bet then, foreigners taking jobs reserved for Thais is a big no-no.
  17. Why was she wearing a 32k Baht chain, at 10pm, walking along Walking Street! I thought a Thai would already have been educated on such a stupid idea.
  18. Wasn't there a ban on advertising alcohol a few years ago! I seem to remember people being jailed for such offence. Have I missed another u-turn?
  19. What are they going to do? Beat a confession out of the big bike!
  20. Don't forget the drivers who had a spare envelope in the glovebox.
  21. 6) Heavy fines and car crushing for any drivers without a licence or insurance; the roads will be half empty.
  22. It wasn't worth the ladyboys turning-up; they've already nicked all the chains.
  23. Use Libre Office (Draw).
  24. The same happened to me a few years ago. My collection date was a Friday, and I was told to go back on the Monday. I explained that if I was pulled-up in a vehicle check-point during the weekend, I'd probably be locked-up until my visa status could be confirmed on the Monday. After considering this, the IO told me to go back at 4pm; I did, visa stamped into passport.
  25. Indian tourists do seem to have the knack of being robbed. I'm surprised that they can even get an insurance policy to cover Thailand, Now.
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