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Everything posted by Moti24

  1. I don't know any! Leo for Breakfast, Leo for lunch, Leo for dinner, and Leo to top-up before bedtime.
  2. No changes there, then! In my years teaching English in Thailand, it was quite common to see Thai teachers teaching English by writing the Thai sentence on the whiteboard, then copy the English sentence from a book underneath. Yet, most of those Thai teachers had trouble stringing a sentence together. My general opinion is that most Thai students are extremely lazy learners. Once they realise that they're not going to be doctors, lawyers, pilots, rocket scientists, etc, they just switch-off. The "Every Student Will Pass" rule doesn't help; every exam period, I had constant arguments with the administration office about students' scores. Example: Student (A) scores 44%, but is attentive in class, completes homework and is keen to learn. Student (B) scores 12%, is always disruptive in class, doesn't do homework and is a general pain in the backside. Well, if I have to give student (A) and extra 6 marks, I can live with that. To give student (B) an extra 38 marks; not before Hell freezes over! The administration office always changed the scores because I refused. Yes, English proficiency is poor in Thailand, has been for a long time. Nothing will change until the current education system is replaced with a system that encourages students to learn with teachers that want to teach.
  3. If I see the words "Crack Down" anymore, I'm going to CRACK UP! Perhaps someone in authority could spare the time to look-up the meaning of Crack Down, and implement a plan that will avoid the need for further crack downs.
  4. Are you afraid of Death? I don't know, I've not died before.
  5. I binned Windows 14 years ago in favour of Linux; best thing I've ever done. I tried several distros before settling for Linux Mint, and am still using that now. As a Windows user, you won't get lost with Mint. You won't have to learn any coding, unless you want to. Download the latest Mint ISO, and try it on your computer without installing. Excellent system, really.
  6. Pure laziness! I've lost count of how many Indian tourists have reported losses. The insurance companies must be getting really p....ed-off.
  7. Attractive or not, handy if you need somewhere to park you bike.
  8. Cracking reporting, again! From 4pm to 11am is 19 hours.
  9. Hard to increase something that's not there in the first place.
  10. Well, Thanate might struggle to find friends now, if that's how he treats them.
  11. Seems like the faulty brakes excuse is almost a daily occurrence, now. If they didn't drive with the pedal to the metal all the time, the brakes would last longer; I don't suppose that would make a difference to the service schedules, though.
  12. That's a lot for goldfish food!
  13. Another brake failure! I'll edit that: Brake failure, as in, the foot wasn't on it. There, that's better!
  14. It is my understanding that 4 Thais must be employed for every foreigner. If that is not the case, who issued the work permits!
  15. Standard practice here, to leave the engine running; I have 1 neighbour in particular that leaves the engine running for 2-3 hours at a time. About 2 years ago, I went to the local Homepro Store, and walked past a car with the engine running. Inside the car, was a kid of about 4-5 years old, climbing all over the seats. It was evident at the time that he was alone in the car; the parents, or whoever the irresponsible half-wit was, had obviously left the air-con on for the kid whilst shopping. "Land of Stupidity"! Nothing surprises me here anymore.
  16. Well, they all must have an MBA is filling pockets.
  17. You're missing the point. I won't explain because you probably wouldn't understand.
  18. I shouldn't have read this post; it's started me off again! If I hear the words, "American English" again, I swear I'm going to burst a blood vessel. There's only, "English".
  19. If I could turn-back the clock, I'd be off to the 70s, without a doubt.
  20. Good idea! Then they can charge him for working without a workpermit.
  21. At last, somebody with some common sense.
  22. Probably only 24 students tomorrow; and if they've got any sense, they won't get on the bus!
  23. It seems that every man-child in Thailand carries either a gun or knife; even the school kids are playing along. WTF is wrong with this place!
  24. Yes, I was also thinking that. And I'd put money on it that besides smashing the accelerator, she had her left foot on the brake.
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