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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. I dare say all the Republicans who want to stop all aid to everywhere outside of America will have no problem stopping aid to isreal? After all what does it matter what happens outside of the USA?
  2. 148 billion omg ???? that is going to buy a lot of decorative lamp posts
  3. I assume you're icon is the father from steptoe and son forget his name but apparently he liked to dress up handbag the works so I say go for it also
  4. Forgive me I have not read 43 pages of our esteemed members so I may be repeating someone's post. I think if thai government wants to collect tax every single person in any government job civil service police army ect fill in form with assets and 5 years or 20 years down the line when this person has plenty oh yes you paid tax on all your accumulated wealth so nothing dodgy here unless a good friend lent you some watches then died surely even inheritance should be taxed
  5. Perhaps people should watch Joe rogans interview with Bill Marr neither a fan of Joe Biden but as Bill Marr laid out the deficiency of trump you could at least in my eyes see Joe rogan take it in and see the Donald for what he is . Let's be honest 99% of voters ( trump supporters) will tell you the great things he did in fox news hannity words . Economy great ( much better under Biden) tax cuts ( to who?) Going to scrap Obama care with no plan to replace with what? He was so jealous of Obama. Let's be honest very very flawed system with corruption on both sides but I can not for the life of me figure out how the poorer Republican voters can vote for people who block minimum wage at $15 whilst government has to subsidise giant companies earning billions by food stamps to employees.
  6. I'm very happy with the swiss franc been at 39 to
  7. You sure? It's a clever man that knows his own children
  8. I do not understand all the scepticism thinking they are going to be overpriced worthless s"it I have it on good authority its going to be procured by same source they used for under car bomb detectors bought a few years ago
  9. Yes but is it half full or half empty ????
  10. He will force these companies to stay in America just like he did with GM and harley Davidson
  11. Doctor reveals concerning issues regarding symptoms It appears if I don't find symptoms that get him off the hook my envelope gathering days are over
  12. This happens even in "the developed west" years ago business man Ernest saunders developed alzheimer's after being jailed for insider trading ???? so released from jail on compassionate grounds only to recover seems if price is right even top judges can get it " wrong "
  13. Trump has played the judicial system his whole life blocking normal people from justice whether it be contractors he stiffed or others he wronged. Now he is claiming he is being silenced by being brought to court I thought you was able to stand up in court and state the truth oh yes sorry he is right
  14. You are quite right I did not know he had anyone in opposition. Nevertheless all the Republican challengers will not openly criticise trump on virtually anything ???? so if they think he did a perfect job how can they do it better it's time they grew a pair of using your words you know what
  15. Sorry I don't know who at a guess I assume Biden?. If it is as far as I know no challengers so they are taking that advice
  16. Apart from Christie if they asked the rest of the Republican nominees " do you agree is Trump a cowardly no good self serving criminal " you would see more squirming than a worm on a hook. If they can not stand up and say what's needed to be said step aside and let your hero go unchallenged
  17. This Red Mustang owner must be so happy now his distinctive car is gathering so much attention ????. Luckily for him since his face is pixilated no one that knows him will figure out its him that like so many others are living beyond there means ????
  18. 12 million baht for personal expenses ???? must have some very expensive habits ? If I had to guess gambling would be my pick
  19. I don't know what you mean now I have enough for a deposit for my million baht truck
  20. You of course are quite right I exaggerated with the % ( not something your hero would ever do ?) Of course being a stickler for facts you must agree a disproportionate amount of ex "only the best people" did not give trump glowing appraisal and any fair minded person would agree ???? ????
  21. It always amazed me how many people memories return as soon as they are no longer in trumps cabinet I would say 95% that leave all a sudden remember he is a liar. Only one who called him a moron was rex tillerson. ????
  22. Well 'you can quote me lying ted" also said he has got to remain relevant he just forgot to mention no matter what I do
  23. No I do not agree should be kept here as a guest of Thailand for couple of years @ the Bangkok hilton
  24. As I said I was not a supporter of his policy but speaking to a vast majority of people who on a daily basis were faced with resulting crime loved him and willingly voted for him. I'm not for the death penalty except for exceptional circumstances but I believe if you're in a country with these laws obey them coz nothing you or I can do
  25. Well duerte in the Philippines more or less implemented a death penalty for both users and dealers I might not agree but vast majority of the population did. As did Thaksin with his fight against yaba I'm sure Singapore does not have same problem with layabouts killing there mother or grandmother over a few hundred baht as was said on here more eloquently than I can if you can't pay the fine don't do the crime
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